ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: GE DPA 7-5-0-1 |
HB 2316: misconduct involving weapons; public places
Sponsor: Representative Kavanagh, LD 23
House Engrossed
Expands public areas and events in which misconduct involving weapons would not apply.
A person commits misconduct involving a weapon by knowingly carrying a deadly weapon except a pocket knife concealed on his person or within his immediate control in or on a means of transportation among other statutorily prescribed situations. Unless specifically authorized by law, misconduct involving a weapon also occurs when entering any public establishment or attending any public event and carrying a deadly weapon after a reasonable request by the operator of the establishment or sponsor of the event to remove the weapon and place it in the custody of the establishment (A.R.S. § 13-3102).
1. Stipulates that misconduct involving weapons does not apply to a person who is in a public establishment or at a public event and who possesses a valid permit issued pursuant to statute. (Sec. 1)
2. Specifies that misconduct involving weapons still applies to:
a) A public establishment or public event that is a secured facility;
b) Licensed premises of any public establishment or public event with a liquor license;
c) A state, county or municipal judicial department, prosecutorial office or facility, correctional facility or law enforcement agency;
d) An area where firearm possession is prohibited by federal law;
e) An educational institution as defined in statute;
f) A community college district or a university under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board of Regents;
g) Facilities operated by a special health care district or the Arizona State Hospital;
h) An entity that operates a federal reclamation project; and
i) A public establishment that is a craft or vehicle. (Sec. 1)
3. States that this does not relieve or limit a sponsor of a public event or an operator of a public establishment from the requirements of statute relating to the storage of deadly weapons. (Sec. 1)
4. Maintains that this does not limit, restrict or prohibit the rights of a private tenant, private property owner, private business entity or private employer. (Sec. 1)
5. Defines secured facility. (Sec.
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9. HB 2316
10. Initials SJ Page 0 House Engrossed
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