ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB 2541: deputy sheriff; detention officer; salary
Sponsor: Representative Payne, LD 21
Committee on Military Affairs & Public Safety
Modifies regulations on starting salaries for deputy sheriffs and detention officers.
A deputy sheriff of a state or county has the power to perform the duties prescribed for the office of the Sheriff. Upon appointment by the county sheriff, the County Board of Supervisors must approve and set a fixed salary for the deputy (A.R.S. §§ 11-409, 38-462).
A detention officer is a non-elected official that is employed by a county, city or town and is responsible for the supervision, protection, care, custody or control of inmates in a county municipal correctional institution (A.R.S. § 13-3907).
1. Requires that the starting salary:
a) For a deputy sheriff must not be less than 5% lower than the average starting salary of law enforcement officers of the two highest paying law enforcement agencies within the same county; and
b) For a detention officer must not be less than 10% lower than the average starting salary of detention and corrections officers of the three highest paying county detention facilities in Arizona and the Arizona Department of Corrections. (Sec. 1)
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f) HB 2541
g) Initials FK/KM Page 0 Military Affairs & Public Safety
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