ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
HB2800: concurrent coursework; average daily membership
Sponsor: Representative Diaz, LD 14
Committee on Education
Stipulates a school district or charter school may include students enrolled in concurrent coursework in average daily membership (ADM) if the student receives at least a C grade in the community college or university course. Increases the maximum ADM for a full-time high school student attending concurrent enrollment courses to 1.25.
A school district or charter school may include students enrolled in concurrent coursework when calculating ADM if the school has received approval from the State Board of Education or the charter school's sponsor, respectively, to offer concurrent coursework. In addition, to include these students in ADM, the following must also apply:
1) The student earns at least three semester hours of credit per semester in the community college or university course;
2) The student is awarded academic credit by the school district or charter school for the concurrent coursework;
3) The concurrent coursework is at a higher level than the course taught in the 9th-12th grades at the school district or charter school;
4) A student who is enrolled in concurrent coursework also attends at least one course offered at the school district or charter school per semester;
5) The concurrent coursework is applicable to an established community college degree or certificate program that is transferable to an in-state public university; and
6) The school district or charter school pays the community college or university (or reimburses the student) for the tuition cost of the concurrent coursework.
A student generates 1/8 of an ADM for each community college or university course in which the student earns three credits. The ADM of a full-time high school student who attends concurrent enrollment courses is currently capped at 1.0 (A.R.S. § 15-901.07).
1. Requires a student to receive at least a C grade or higher in a community college or university course for a school district or charter school to include a student enrolled in concurrent coursework in ADM. (Sec. 1)
2. Specifies, for each community college or university course for which three credits are earned with a C grade or higher, 1/8 of an ADM is generated. (Sec. 1)
3. Increases the maximum ADM a full-time high school student who attends concurrent enrollment classes from 1.0 to 1.25. (Sec. 1)
Makes conforming changes. (Sec. 1)
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8. HB 2800
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