ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: NREW DP 12-0-0-0 |
HCM2006: FEMA; wildfires; flooding; cost threshold
Sponsor: Representative Cook, LD 8
House Engrossed
Urges the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to include costs resulting from flooding caused by wildfires in the cumulative cost threshold required for states to receive Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) monies.
The Robert T. Safford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act (Safford Act) is a 1988 federal law that provides authority to FEMA for federal disaster response efforts including wildfires. Under the Stafford Act, the President can provide FMAG to any state, local and tribal governments for mitigating, managing and controlling any wildfire that threatens to cause enough damage that it would constitute a major disaster (42 U.S.C. § 5187).
An FMAG provides a 75% federal cost share and the state pays the remaining 25% for costs incurred from the wildfire (44 Code of Federal Regulations § 204.61). Prior to awarding a grant, however, the state is required to demonstrate the wildfire's total costs exceed a cost threshold (44 Code of Federal Regulations § 204.51). Only certain eligible costs can count toward this threshold, such as equipment and supplies, labor and emergency work (44 Code of Federal Regulations § 204.42). Other costs do not count towards this threshold, including costs not directly associated with the incident period and costs related to land rehabilitation activities such as seeding, planting operations and erosion control (44 Code of Federal Regulations § 204.43).
1. Urges FEMA to include costs resulting from flooding caused by wildfires in the cost threshold required for FMAGs.
2. Directs the Arizona Secretary of State to transmit this memorial to the FEMA Administrator.
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6. HCM 2006
7. Initials PAB/JH Page 0 House Engrossed
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