ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
House: GE DP 7-6-0-0 |
HCR2015: initiatives; supermajority vote; requirement
Sponsor: Representative Dunn, LD 13
Caucus & COW
Stipulates that an initiative or referendum may become law if approved by 60% of the qualified electors.
The Arizona Constitution provides for the initiative and referendum power to the people. Any petitions submitted under the power of the initiative are known as initiative petitions and must be filed with the Secretary of State (SOS) no less than four months before the date of the election at which the measures are to be voted upon. Any referendum petitions must be filed with the SOS no more than 90 days after the final adjournment of the session of the Legislature that has passed the measure to which the referendum is applied. In order for the initiative and referendum measures to become effective, the measures must be approved by a majority of the votes cast (AZ Const. Art. IV, Part 1, Section 1).
1. Increases the constitutional approval threshold for the following from a majority to 60%:
a) Effective date of initiative and referendum measures;
b) Veto of initiative or referendum;
c) Legislature's power to repeal or amend an initiative or referendum;
d) Legislature's power to appropriate or divert funds created by an initiative or referendum;
e) Proclamation of the canvass of votes; and
f) Reservation of legislative power.
2. Directs the SOS to submit this proposition to the voters at the next general election.
3. Makes technical and conforming changes.
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7. HCR 2015
8. Initials SJ Page 0 Caucus & COW
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