ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-fifth Legislature Second Regular Session |
Senate: TAT DP/SE 9-0-0-0 | 3rd Read 27-0-3-0House: TRANS DP 10-0-0-2 | 3rd Read 41-11-8-0 |
SB 1596: off-highway vehicles
Sponsor: Senator Kerr, LD 13
Transmitted to the Governor
Establishes the Arizona Off-Highway-Vehicle Study Committee (Committee).
An off-highway-vehicle (OHV) is defined in statute as a motorized vehicle that is operated primarily off of highways and that is designed, modified or purpose-built primarily for recreational nonhighway all-terrain travel and includes a tracked or wheeled vehicle, utility vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, motorcycle, four-wheel drive vehicle, dune buggy, sand rail, amphibious vehicle, ground effects or air cushion vehicle and any other means of land transportation deriving motive power from a source other than muscle or wind. The off-highway-vehicle definition does not include vehicles that are primarily used on water (A.R.S. § 28-1171).
1. Establishes the Committee, consisting of the following members:
a) two members of the Senate who are appointed by the President of the Senate and who are members of different political parties with one member being designated as a Co-chairperson;
b) two members of the House of Representatives (House) who are appointed by the Speaker of the House and who are members of different political parties with one member being designated as a Co-chairperson;
c) the Director of the Arizona Game and Fish Department or the Director's designee;
d) the Director of ADOT or the Director's designee;
e) the Director of the Arizona State Parks Board or the Director's designee;
f) the Commissioner of the State Land Department or the Commissioner's designee;
g) one law enforcement officer who enforces OHV laws and who is appointed by the Governor;
h) one representative of an organization representing hunting, fishing or a similar outdoor sports activity in Arizona who is appointed by the Governor;
i) two members who represent an OHV organization or recreational group in Arizona, one of whom is appointed by the President of the Senate, and one of whom is appointed by the Speaker of the House;
j) one representative of an OHV rental company in Arizona who is appointed by the President of the Senate;
k) one representative of an OHV manufacturer or retailer in Arizona who is appointed by the Speaker of the House;
l) one representative of the farming and agriculture industry in Arizona who is appointed by the Governor; and
m) two members of the public who are appointed by the President of the Senate and who are knowledgeable about outdoor recreation issues in Arizona and about trails used by OHV operators, one of whom represents holders of federal grazing permits or other land use permits. (Sec 1)
2. Asserts appointed members serve at the pleasure of the person who made the appointment. (Sec. 1)
Asserts committee members may not be
paid but appointees appointed by the Governor may be eligible to be reimbursed
for certain expenses. (Sec. 1)
4. Requires the Committee to meet to collect and study information from the public and stakeholders regarding OHV issues in this state. (Sec. 1)
5. Asserts the Committee must, on or before January 1 of each year, submit a report regarding the Committee's activities and recommendations for administrative or legislative action to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and provide a copy of this report to the Secretary of State. (Sec. 1)
6. Repeals the Committee on May 31, 2024. (Sec. 1)
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