Assigned to HHS                                                                                                                     FOR COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session




pharmacy board; continuation


             Continues the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy (Board) for four years.


            The Board protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Arizona by regulating the practice of pharmacy and the manufacturing, distribution, sale and storage of medications and devices. The Board's duties include: 1) establishing bylaws and adopting rules that are necessary to protect the public regarding the practice of pharmacy; 2) issuing licenses to qualified applicants; 3) conducting compliance inspections of permitted facilities; 4) investigating complaints and adjudicating violations of applicable state and federal laws and rules; 5) fixing standards and requirements to register and reregister pharmacies; and 6) enforcing fingerprint clearance card requirements (A.R.S. § 32-1904).

            The Board consists of six members, all of whom must be pharmacists. Board membership includes: 1) one pharmacist employed by a licensed hospital; 2) one pharmacist engaged in the day-to-day practice of pharmacy in a permitted community pharmacy; 3) one Governor-appointed pharmacy technician; and 4) two public members. No pharmacist may be appointed to the Board unless they have been a pharmacist in Arizona or any other jurisdiction for a period of 10 years and a licensed pharmacist and resident in Arizona for a period of at least five years immediately prior to the date of appointment. The public members must have been Arizona residents for at least a five-year period immediately prior to the date of appointment (A.R.S. § 32-1902).

            The Senate Health and Human Services Committee of Reference (COR) held a public meeting on January 13, 2022, to review and evaluate the Board's response to the sunset review factors and to receive public testimony. The COR recommended that the Legislature continue the Board for four years (COR Final Report). The Board terminates on July 1, 2022, unless continued by the Legislature (A. R. S. § 41-3022.16).

            There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Continues, retroactive to July 1, 2022, the Board until July 1, 2026.

2.   Repeals the Board on January 1, 2027.



3.   Contains a purpose statement.

4.   Becomes effective on the general effective date, with a retroactive provision as noted.

Prepared by Senate Research

February 14, 2022
