Assigned to APPROP                                                                                          AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session



FACT SHEET FOR s.b. 1712


criminal victim notification fund; appropriation


Establishes the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund and the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund and appropriates $5,100,000 from the state General Fund (state GF) in FY 2023 between the funds to fund a crime victim notification system.


The State Treasurer must: 1) authenticate writings and documents; 2) receive and keep in secure custody all monies that belong to the state that are not required to be kept by some other person; 3) file and keep documentation delivered when monies are deposited into the treasury;
4) deliver a confirmation to each person depositing monies into the treasury; 5) pay warrants drawn by the Arizona Department of Administration; and 6) keep separate accounts of the different funds and appropriation monies (A.R.S. § 41-172).

S.B. 1712 appropriates $3,600,000 to the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund and $1,500,000 to the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund from the state GF in FY 2023.


1.   Establishes the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund, administered by the State Treasurer, consisting of and subject to legislative appropriations.

2.   Appropriates $3,600,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund.

3.   Requires monies in the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund to be used by public safety to fund software that:

a)   enables the county-based deployment of an automated crime victim notification system to a user base consisting of law enforcement and prosecuting agencies; and

b)   provides a criminal justice information service compliant automated victim notification platform.

4.   Requires the automated crime victim notification system to:

a)   automatically notify the victim by email or text of outlined information relating to the victim's case;

b)   interface with the law enforcement and prosecuting agency's system of record;

c)   provide the configurable triggers to send messages to crime victims;

d)   provide the ability to attach informational brochures or other electronic attachments to the messages;

e)   provide the ability for victims to find their case status on the agency's website;

f) be configurable to the requirements of each county in the state;

g)   include county branding, county email addresses and web domains for all communications;

h)   provide the ability to send messages in multiple languages;

i) provide a short code or long code telephone number with a local area code; and

j) monitor the number of messages sent and types of messages sent and visualize data.

5.   Requires the criminal justice information service complaint automated victim notification of platform to ensure:

a)   automatic notification the crime victims by text and email on any updates of their case;

b)   law enforcement determine notifications;

c)   crime victims are able to proactively locate their case status online; and

d)   no additional staff is required.

6.   Requires a vendor of the software to have previously deployed a solution for a city police department, sheriff's office and prosecutor's office.

7.   Establishes the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund, administered by the Attorney General, consisting of legislative appropriations and monies available from any other lawful source.

8.   Appropriates $1,500,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund.

9.   Requires the Attorney General to distribute monies in the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund to qualifying organizations and entities.

10.  Allows the Attorney General to use five percent or less of monies in the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund for administrative costs.

11.  Allows monies in the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund be used by prosecuting agencies to fund software that enables the development of an automated crime victim notification system to the user base consisting of prosecuting agencies.

12.  Requires the automated crime victim notification system enhance the user's notification system that:

a. notifies the victim of all current statutory notifications relating to crime victims;

b.   interfaces with the prosecuting agencies record management system;

c. provides configurable triggers to send messages to crime victims;

d.   provides the ability to attach informational brochures or other electronic attachments to the messages;

e. provides the ability for victims to find their case status on the agencies website;

f.   includes the agencies' branding, emails and web domains for all communications;

g.   provides the ability to send messages in multiple languages;

h.   provides a short code or a long code telephone number with a local area code; and

i.   monitors the number of messages sent and the types of messages sent and visualize the data.

13.  Stipulates participation by a prosecuting agency in an automated crime victim notification system is voluntary and participation by an agency in the county does not obligate any other agency to participate or provide data to the system.

14.  Exempts the appropriations from lapsing.

15.  Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee

1.   Renames the Crime Victim Notification Fund to the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund.

2.   Establishes the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund, administered by the Attorney General, consisting of legislative appropriations.

3.   Allows monies in the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund be used by prosecuting agencies to fund software to develop an automated crime victim notification system and outlines requirements for that system.

4.   Appropriates $3,600,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to the Law Enforcement Crime Victim Notification Fund and $1,500,000 from the state GF in FY 2023 to the Prosecutor Crime Victim Notification Fund.

5.   Makes technical and conforming changes.

Senate Action

APPROP         2/22/22      DPA       9-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

March 3, 2022
