Fifty-Fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session
dude ranches; heritage trail program
Establishes the Arizona Dude Ranch Heritage Trail Program (Program) and outlines Program requirements.
The Arizona State Parks Board (ASPB) selects, acquires, preserves, establishes and maintains areas of natural features, scenic beauty, historical and scientific interest, zoos and botanical gardens for the education, pleasure, recreation and health of Arizonans. Among its statutory powers and duties, ASPB may: 1) manage, develop and operate state parks, monuments or trails; 2) enter into agreements with private societies or persons for the development and protection of state parks, monuments and trails; 3) advise, assist and cooperate with federal and state agencies, political subdivisions and other persons in identifying and preserving properties of historic or prehistoric significance; 4) adopt rules regarding classification of historic property; and 5) erect suitable signs and markers at parks and monuments describing the location's historical significance (A.R.S. §§ 41-511.03 and 41-511.05).
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.
1. Establishes the Program in the ASPB to serve as a guide to Arizona working dude ranches.
2. Requires the ASPB to include a dude ranch in the Program if the ranch:
a) owner applies to the ASPB in the prescribed manner;
b) has been in business for at least 25 years;
c) consists of at least 1,000-contiguous-acres that are:
i. private property adjacent to the headquarters;
ii. leased property adjacent to the headquarters; or
iii. public land subject to a riding permit;
d) provides recreational activities that include horseback riding, hiking, biking or a working cattle ranch experience for guests;
e) has an organized and supervised horse program on the property with a horse herd at least equal in number to the total number of guest accommodations;
f) uses at least one permanent structure that has running water, sewage disposal and a kitchen;
g) provides guests with three meals each day as part of the dude ranch's primary package; and
h) includes the word ranch or rancho in its name.
3. Stipulates that, for leased property that meets the 1,000-contiguous-acre land requirement for Program inclusion, the lease:
a) may be for private or public real property; and
b) must be in writing and include riding rights.
4. Requires the ASPB to:
a) decide on the designation of a dude ranch within 30 days of receiving a Program application;
b) develop, with the largest dude ranch or guest ranch association in Arizona, indicia and signage that dude ranches may use to identify and promote the Program designation; and
c) allow additions or modifications to a dude ranch in the Program if the original character of the ranch is preserved.
5. Requires the Program applicant to pay for the cost of designing and creating a Program designation plaque.
6. Requires the Arizona Dude Ranch Heritage Trail to consist of dude ranches that are designated as part of the Program.
7. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Amendments Adopted by Committee
· Removes the requirement for the ASPB to produce marketing and promotional materials to map Arizona dude ranches.
House Action Senate Action
LARA 2/7/22 DPA/SE 11-0-0-0 NREW 3/9/22 DPA 9-0-0
3rd Read 2/17/22 58-0-2
Prepared by Senate Research
March 10, 2022