Senate Engrossed House Bill


livestock assistance program; infrastructure projects





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session









An Act


amending title 3, chapter 1, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 3-109.03; amending section 41-1005, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the Arizona department of agriculture.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 3, chapter 1, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 3-109.03, to read:

START_STATUTE3-109.03. Livestock operator fire and flood assistance grant program; requirements; fund; exemption; definition

A. The livestock operator fire and flood assistance grant program is established under the department to provide grant monies to landowners and lessees of a livestock operation of more than forty animals under normal operating conditions for infrastructure projects that are required as a result of a wildfire and associated flooding and that are either:

1. Not eligible for funding from another federal or state program.

2. Partially funded by another federal or state program.

B. The department shall:

1. Develop guidelines and criteria to implement the program, including an application process that includes a description of the intended use for the grant monies.

2. Award all grants pursuant to title 41, chapter 24.

3. Not grant more than fifty percent of the monies in the livestock operator fire and flood assistance fund for infrastructure projects on land in one county in any fiscal year.

4. Ensure that grants from the livestock operator fire and flood assistance program do not exceed more than:

(a) Fifty percent of the total costs of any infrastructure project.

(b) An aggregate of $250,000 per livestock operation for infrastructure projects that are required as a result of a single wildfire and that wildfire's associated flooding.

5. Require each grantee to submit to the department, within twelve months after receiving the grant, a written report detailing how the grant monies were used to achieve the infrastructure project described in the application.  If the infrastructure project takes longer than one year to complete, the grantee shall submit a written report to the department annually until the infrastructure project is complete.

6. On or before December 31 of each year, submit a report of the disposition of monies appropriated to the livestock operator fire and flood assistance fund each fiscal year to the governor, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives and shall provide a copy of this report to the secretary of state and to any person who requests a copy.

C. The department is exempt from title 41, chapter 6 with respect to adopting rules for the purposes of this section, except that the department shall provide for public notice and sixty days for public comment on the annual grant guidelines and criteria, including public hearings.

D. The livestock operator fire and flood assistance fund is established consisting of federal monies, legislative appropriations from the state general fund, public and private grants and private donations received for the purpose of providing grant monies to landowners and lessees of a livestock operation for infrastructure projects pursuant to this section. The department shall administer the fund. Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated. On notice from the department, the state treasurer shall invest and divest monies in the fund as provided by section 35-313, and monies earned from investment shall be credited to the fund. Monies in the fund are exempt from the provisions of section 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations.

E. The department may use up to five percent of the monies appropriated to the livestock operator fire and flood assistance fund in any fiscal year for the purposes of administering the program.

F. For the purposes of this section, "infrastructure" includes wells, buildings, fences, pipelines, spring and water developments, corrals and other essential components to a livestock operation. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 41-1005, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1005. Exemptions

A. This chapter does not apply to any:

1. Rule that relates to the use of public works, including streets and highways, under the jurisdiction of an agency if the effect of the order is indicated to the public by means of signs or signals.

2. Order or rule of the Arizona game and fish commission that does the following:

(a) Opens, closes or alters seasons or establishes bag or possession limits for wildlife.

(b) Establishes a fee pursuant to section 5-321, 5-322 or 5-327.

(c) Establishes a license classification, fee or application fee pursuant to title 17, chapter 3, article 2.

3. Rule relating to section 28-641 or to any rule regulating motor vehicle operation that relates to speed, parking, standing, stopping or passing enacted pursuant to title 28, chapter 3.

4. Rule concerning only the internal management of an agency that does not directly and substantially affect the procedural or substantive rights or duties of any segment of the public.

5. Rule that only establishes specific prices to be charged for particular goods or services sold by an agency.

6. Rule concerning only the physical servicing, maintenance or care of agency owned or operated facilities or property.

7. Rule or substantive policy statement concerning inmates or committed youths of a correctional or detention facility in secure custody or patients admitted to a hospital if made by the state department of corrections, the department of juvenile corrections, the board of executive clemency or the department of health services or a facility or hospital under the jurisdiction of the state department of corrections, the department of juvenile corrections or the department of health services.

8. Form whose contents or substantive requirements are prescribed by rule or statute and instructions for the execution or use of the form.

9. Capped fee-for-service schedule adopted by the Arizona health care cost containment system administration pursuant to title 36, chapter 29.

10. Fees prescribed by section 6-125.

11. Order of the director of water resources adopting or modifying a management plan pursuant to title 45, chapter 2, article 9.

12. Fees established under section 3-1086.

13. Fees established under sections 41-4010 and 41-4042.

14.  Rule or other matter relating to agency contracts.

15. Fees established under section 32-2067 or 32-2132.

16. Rules made pursuant to section 5-111, subsection A.

17. Rules made by the Arizona state parks board concerning the operation of the Tonto natural bridge state park, the facilities located in the Tonto natural bridge state park and the entrance fees to the Tonto natural bridge state park.

18. Fees or charges established under section 41-511.05.

19. Emergency medical services protocols except as provided in section 36-2205, subsection B.

20. Fee schedules established pursuant to section 36-3409.

21. Procedures of the state transportation board as prescribed in section 28-7048.

22. Rules made by the state department of corrections.

23. Fees prescribed pursuant to section 32-1527.

24. Rules made by the department of economic security pursuant to section 46-805.

25. Schedule of fees prescribed by section 23-908.

26. Procedure that is established pursuant to title 23, chapter 6, article 6.

27. Rules, administrative policies, procedures and guidelines adopted for any purpose by the Arizona commerce authority pursuant to chapter 10 of this title if the authority provides, as appropriate under the circumstances, for notice of an opportunity for comment on the proposed rules, administrative policies, procedures and guidelines.

28. Rules made by a marketing commission or marketing committee pursuant to section 3-414.

29. Administration of public assistance program monies authorized for liabilities that are incurred for disasters declared pursuant to sections 26-303 and 35-192.

30. User charges, tolls, fares, rents, advertising and sponsorship charges, services charges or similar charges established pursuant to section 28-7705.

31. Administration and implementation of the hospital assessment pursuant to section 36-2901.08, except that the Arizona health care cost containment system administration must provide notice and an opportunity for public comment at least thirty days before establishing or implementing the administration of the assessment.

32. Rules made by the Arizona department of agriculture to adopt and implement the provisions of the federal milk ordinance as prescribed by section 3-605.

33. Rules made by the Arizona department of agriculture to adopt, implement and administer the United States food and drug administration produce safety rule (21 Code of Federal Regulations part 112) and any other federal produce safety regulation, order or guideline or other requirement adopted pursuant to the FDA food safety modernization act (P.L. 111-353; 21 United States Code sections 2201 through 2252) as provided by title 3, chapter 3, article 4.1.

34. Calculations performed by the department of economic security associated with the adjustment of the sliding fee scale and formula for determining child care assistance pursuant to section 46-805.

35. Rules made by the Arizona department of agriculture to implement and administer the livestock operator fire and flood assistance grant program established by section 3-109.03.

B. Notwithstanding subsection A, paragraph 21 of this section, at such time as if the federal highway administration authorizes the privatization of rest areas, the state transportation board shall make rules governing the lease or license by the department of transportation to a private entity for the purposes of privatization of a rest area.

C. Coincident with the making of a final rule pursuant to an exemption from the applicability of this chapter under this section, another statute or session law, the agency shall:

1. Prepare a notice and follow formatting guidelines prescribed by the secretary of state.

2. Prepare the rulemaking exemption notices pursuant to chapter 6.2 of this title.

3. File a copy of the rule with the secretary of state for publication pursuant to section 41-1012 and provide a copy to the council.

D. Unless otherwise required by law, articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter do not apply to the Arizona board of regents and the institutions under its jurisdiction, except that the Arizona board of regents shall make policies or rules for the board and the institutions under its jurisdiction that provide, as appropriate under the circumstances, for notice of and opportunity for comment on the policies or rules proposed.

E. Unless otherwise required by law, articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter do not apply to the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind, except that the board of directors of all the state schools for the deaf and the blind shall adopt policies for the board and the schools under its jurisdiction that provide, as appropriate under the circumstances, for notice of and opportunity for comment on the policies proposed for adoption.

F. Unless otherwise required by law, articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter do not apply to the state board of education, except that the state board of education shall adopt policies or rules for the board and the institutions under its jurisdiction that provide, as appropriate under the circumstances, for notice of and opportunity for comment on the policies or rules proposed for adoption.  In order to implement or change any rule, the state board of education shall provide at least two opportunities for public comment. The state board of education shall consider the fiscal impact of any proposed rule pursuant to this subsection.

G. Unless otherwise required by law, articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter do not apply to the state board for charter schools, except that the board shall adopt policies or rules for the board and the charter schools sponsored by the board that provide, as appropriate under the circumstances, for notice of and opportunity for comment on the policies or rules proposed for adoption. In order to implement or change any policy or rule, the board shall provide at least two opportunities for public comment. The state board for charter schools shall consider the fiscal impact of any proposed rule pursuant to this subsection. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Emergency

This act is an emergency measure that is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety and is operative immediately as provided by law.