REFERENCE TITLE: driver license documentation; in-person submission





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2717


Introduced by

Representative Fillmore





amending section 28-3153, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to driver licensing provisions.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 28-3153, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-3153. Driver license issuance; prohibitions

A. The department shall not issue the following:

1. A driver license to a person who is under eighteen years of age, except that the department may issue:

(a) A restricted instruction permit for a class D or G license to a person who is at least fifteen years of age.

(b) An instruction permit for a class D, G or M license as provided by this chapter to a person who is at least fifteen years and six months of age.

(c) A class G or M license as provided by this chapter to a person who is at least sixteen years of age.

2. A class D, G or M license or instruction permit to a person who is under eighteen years of age and who has been tried in adult court and convicted of a second or subsequent violation of criminal damage to property pursuant to section 13-1602, subsection A, paragraph 1 or convicted of a felony offense in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used, including theft of a motor vehicle pursuant to section 13-1802, unlawful use of means of transportation pursuant to section 13-1803 or theft of means of transportation pursuant to section 13-1814, or who has been adjudicated delinquent for a second or subsequent act that would constitute criminal damage to property pursuant to section 13-1602, subsection A, paragraph 1 or adjudicated delinquent for an act that would constitute a felony offense in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used, including theft of a motor vehicle pursuant to section 13-1802, unlawful use of means of transportation pursuant to section 13-1803 or theft of means of transportation pursuant to section 13-1814, if committed by an adult.

3. A class A, B or C license to a person who is under twenty-one years of age, except that the department may issue a class A, B or C license that is restricted to only intrastate driving to a person who is at least eighteen years of age.

4. A license to a person whose license or driving privilege has been suspended, during the suspension period.

5. Except as provided in section 28-3315, a license to a person whose license or driving privilege has been revoked.

6. A class A, B or C license to a person who has been disqualified from obtaining a commercial driver license.

7. A license to a person who on application notifies the department that the person is an alcoholic as defined in section 36-2021 or a drug dependent person as defined in section 36-2501, unless the person submits a medical examination report that includes a current evaluation from a substance abuse counselor indicating that, in the opinion of the counselor, the condition does not affect or impair the person's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

8. A license to a person who has been adjudged to be incapacitated pursuant to section 14-5304 and who at the time of application has not obtained either a court order that allows the person to drive or a termination of incapacity as provided by law.

9. A license to a person who is required by this chapter to take an examination unless the person successfully passes the examination.

10. A license to a person who is required under the motor vehicle financial responsibility laws of this state to deposit proof of financial responsibility and who has not deposited the proof.

11. A license to a person if the department has good cause to believe that the operation of a motor vehicle on the highways by the person would threaten the public safety or welfare.

12. A license to a person whose driver license has been ordered to be suspended for failure to pay child support, except that a noncommercial restricted license may be issued pursuant to section 25-518.

13. A class A, B or C license to a person whose license or driving privilege has been canceled until the cause for the cancellation has been removed.

14. A class A, B or C license or instruction permit to a person whose state of domicile is not this state.

15. A class A, B or C license to a person who fails to demonstrate proficiency in the English language as determined by the department.

B. The department shall not issue a driver license to or renew the driver license of the following persons:

1. A person about whom the court notifies the department that the person violated the person's written promise to appear in court when charged with a violation of the motor vehicle laws of this state until the department receives notification in a manner approved by the department that the person appeared either voluntarily or involuntarily or that the case has been adjudicated, that the case is being appealed or that the case has otherwise been disposed of as provided by law.

2. If notified pursuant to section 28-1601, a person who fails to pay a civil penalty as provided in section 28-1601, except for a parking violation, until the department receives notification in a manner approved by the department that the person paid the civil penalty, that the case is being appealed or that the case has otherwise been disposed of as provided by law.

C. The magistrate or the clerk of the court shall provide the notification to the department prescribed by subsection B of this section.

D. Notwithstanding any other law, the department shall not issue to or renew a driver license or nonoperating identification license for a person who does not submit proof satisfactory to the department that the applicant's presence in the United States is authorized under federal law as prescribed by subsection E of this section.  For an application for a driver license or a nonoperating identification license, the department shall not accept as a primary source of identification a driver license issued by a state if the state does not require that a driver licensed in that state be lawfully present in the United States under federal law.  The director shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection.  The rules shall include procedures for:

1. Verification that the applicant's presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

2. Issuance of a temporary driver permit pursuant to section 28-3157 pending verification of the applicant's status in the United States.

E. An applicant shall submit all of the following in person for an initial or renewal driver license or nonoperating identification license application:

1. Proof of identity by presenting an original or certified copy of a United States passport or birth certificate.

2. Proof of a social security number by presenting an original or copy of a social security card or W-2 form.

3. Proof of residency in this state in two forms, such as a utility bill or bank statement. END_STATUTE