REFERENCE TITLE: dental board; investigation committees; delegation





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SB 1369


Introduced by

Senator Pace





Amending sections 32-1206, 32-1207, 32-1263.02 and 32-1263.03, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the state board of dental examiners.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 32-1206, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1206. Compensation of board members; investigation committee members

A. Members of the board are entitled to receive compensation in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars $250 for each day actually spent in performing necessary work authorized by the board and all expenses necessarily and properly incurred while performing this work.

B. Members of an investigation committee established by the board may receive compensation in the amount of $100 for each committee meeting. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 32-1207, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1207. Powers and duties; executive director; immunity; fees; definitions

A. The board shall:

1. Adopt rules that are not inconsistent with this chapter for regulating its own conduct, for holding examinations and for regulating the practice of dentists and supervised personnel and registered business entities, provided that:

(a) Regulation of supervised personnel is based on the degree of education and training of the supervised personnel, the state of scientific technology available and the necessary degree of supervision of the supervised personnel by dentists.

(b) Except as provided pursuant to sections 32-1276.03 and 32-1281, only licensed dentists may perform diagnosis and treatment planning, prescribe medication and perform surgical procedures on hard and soft tissues.

(c) Only a licensed dentist, a dental therapist either under the direct supervision of a dentist or pursuant to a written collaborative practice agreement or a dental hygienist in consultation with a dentist may perform examinations, oral health assessments and treatment sequencing for dental hygiene procedures.

2. Adopt a seal.

3. Maintain a record that is available to the board at all times of its acts and proceedings, including the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses and the disposition of complaints.  The existence of a pending complaint or investigation shall not be disclosed to the public.  Records of complaints shall be available to the public, except only as follows:

(a) If the board dismisses or terminates a complaint, the record of the complaint shall not be available to the public.

(b) If the board has issued a nondisciplinary letter of concern, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the date the board issued the letter of concern.

(c) If the board has required additional nondisciplinary continuing education pursuant to section 32-1263.01 but has not taken further action, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the licensee satisfies this requirement.

(d) If the board has assessed a nondisciplinary civil penalty pursuant to section 32-1208 but has not taken further action, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the licensee satisfies this requirement.

4. Establish a uniform and reasonable standard of minimum educational requirements consistent with the accreditation standards of the American dental association commission on dental accreditation to be observed by dental schools, dental therapy schools and dental hygiene schools in order to be classified as recognized dental schools, dental therapy schools or dental hygiene schools.

5. Establish a uniform and reasonable standard of minimum educational requirements that are consistent with the accreditation standards of the United States department of education or the council on higher education accreditation and that must be observed by denture technology schools in order to be classified as recognized denture technology schools.

6. Determine the reputability and classification of dental schools, dental therapy schools, dental hygiene schools and denture technology schools in accordance with their compliance with the standard set forth in paragraph 4 or 5 of this subsection, whichever is applicable.

7. Issue licenses to persons who the board determines are eligible for licensure pursuant to this chapter.

8. Determine the eligibility of applicants for restricted permits and issue restricted permits to those found eligible.

9. Pursuant to section 32-1263.02, investigate charges of misconduct on the part of licensees and persons to whom restricted permits have been issued.

10. Issue a letter of concern, which is not a disciplinary action but refers to practices that may lead to a violation and to disciplinary action.

11. Issue decrees of censure, fix periods and terms of probation, suspend or revoke licenses, certificates and restricted permits, as the facts may warrant, and reinstate licenses, certificates and restricted permits in proper cases.

12. Collect and disburse monies.

13. Perform all other duties that are necessary to enforce this chapter and that are not specifically or by necessary implication delegated to another person.

14. Establish criteria for the renewal of permits issued pursuant to board rules relating to general anesthesia and sedation.

B. The board may:

1. Sue and be sued.

2. Issue subpoenas, including subpoenas to the custodian of patient records, compel attendance of witnesses, administer oaths and take testimony concerning all matters within the board's jurisdiction.  If a person refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the board, the refusal shall be certified to the superior court and proceedings shall be instituted for contempt of court.

3. Adopt rules:

(a) Prescribing requirements for continuing education for renewal of all licenses issued pursuant to this chapter.

(b) Prescribing educational and experience prerequisites for the administration of administering intravenous or intramuscular drugs for the purpose of sedation or for use of using general anesthetics in conjunction with a dental treatment procedure.

(c) Prescribing requirements for obtaining licenses for retired licensees or licensees who have a disability, including the triennial license renewal fee.

4. Hire consultants to assist the board in the performance of its duties and employ persons to provide investigative, professional and clerical assistance as the board deems necessary.

5. Contract with other state or federal agencies as required to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

6. If determined by the board, order physical, psychological, psychiatric and competency evaluations of licensed dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists, certified denturists and applicants for licensure and certification at the expense of those individuals.

7. Establish an investigation committee consisting of not more than eleven licensees who are in good standing, who are appointed by the board and who serve at the pleasure of the board to investigate any complaint submitted to the board, initiated by the board or delegated by the board to the investigation committee pursuant to this chapter.

C. The executive director or the executive director's designee may:

1. Issue and renew licenses, certificates and permits to applicants who meet the requirements of this chapter.

2. Initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate that a dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, denturist or restricted permit holder may be engaged in unprofessional conduct or may be unable to safely practice dentistry.

3. Initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate that a business entity may be engaged in unethical conduct.

4. Subject to board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a dentist, dental therapist, denturist, dental hygienist or restricted permit holder if there is evidence of unprofessional conduct.

5. Subject to board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a business entity if there is evidence of unethical conduct.

6. Refer cases to the board for a formal interview.

7. If delegated by the board, enter into a stipulation agreement with a person under the board's jurisdiction for the treatment, rehabilitation and monitoring of chemical substance abuse or misuse.

D. Members of the board are personally immune from liability with respect to all acts done and actions taken in good faith and within the scope of their authority.

E. The board by rule shall require that a licensee obtain a permit for the application of applying general anesthesia, semiconscious sedation or conscious sedation, shall establish and collect a fee of not more than three hundred dollars $300 to cover administrative costs connected with issuing the permit and shall conduct inspections to ensure compliance.

F. The board by rule may establish and collect fees for license verification, board meeting agendas and minutes, published lists and mailing labels.

G. This section does not prohibit the board from conducting its authorized duties in a public meeting.

H. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Good standing" means that a person's license has not been suspended or revoked pursuant to this chapter.

2. "Record of complaint" means the document reflecting the final disposition of a complaint or investigation. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 32-1263.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1263.02. Investigation and adjudication of complaints; disciplinary action; civil penalty; immunity; subpoena authority; definitions

A. The board on its own motion, or the executive director investigation committee if delegated established by the board, may investigate any evidence that appears to show the existence of any of the causes or grounds for disciplinary action as provided in section 32-1263.  The board or investigation committee may investigate any complaint that alleges the existence of any of the causes or grounds for disciplinary action as provided in section 32-1263.  The board shall not act on its own motion or on a complaint received by the board if the allegation of unprofessional conduct, unethical conduct or any other violation of this chapter against a professional who holds an Arizona license licensee occurred more than four years before the complaint is received by the board. The four-year time limitation does not apply to:

1. Medical malpractice settlements or judgments, allegations of sexual misconduct or an incident or occurrence that involved a felony, diversion of a controlled substance or impairment while practicing by the licensee.

2. The board's consideration of the specific unprofessional conduct related to the licensee's failure to disclose conduct or a violation as required by law.

B. At the request of the complainant, the board or investigation committee shall not disclose to the respondent the complainant name unless the information is essential to proceedings conducted pursuant to this article.

C. The board or its designees investigation committee shall conduct necessary investigations, including interviews between representatives of the board or investigation committee and the licensee with respect to any information obtained by or filed with the board under subsection A of this section or obtained by the board or investigation committee during the course of an investigation. The results of the investigation conducted by a designee the investigation committee, including any recommendations from the investigation committee for disciplinary action against any licensee, shall be forwarded to the board for its review.

D. The board or investigation committee may designate one or more persons of appropriate competence to assist the board or investigation committee with any aspect of an investigation.

D. E. If, based on the information it the board receives under subsection A or C of this section, the board finds that the public health, safety or welfare imperatively requires emergency action and incorporates a finding to that effect in its order, the board may order a summary suspension of the respondent's a licensee's license pursuant to section 41-1092.11 pending proceedings for revocation or other action.

E. F. If a complaint refers to quality of care, the patient may be referred for a clinical evaluation at the discretion of the board or the investigation committee.

F. G. If, after completing its investigation or review pursuant to this section, the board finds that the information provided pursuant to subsection A or C of this section is insufficient to merit disciplinary action against the a licensee, the board may take any of the following actions:

1. Dismiss the complaint.

2. Issue a nondisciplinary letter of concern to the licensee.

3. Issue a nondisciplinary order requiring the licensee to complete a prescribed number of hours of continuing education in an area or areas prescribed by the board to provide the licensee with the necessary understanding of current developments, skills, procedures or treatment.

4. Assess a nondisciplinary civil penalty in an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars $500 if the complaint involves the licensee's failure to respond to a board subpoena.

G. H. If, after completing its investigation or review pursuant to this section, the board finds that the information provided pursuant to subsection A or C of this section is sufficient to merit disciplinary action against the a licensee, the board may request that the licensee participate in a formal interview before the board. If the licensee refuses or accepts the invitation for a formal interview and the results indicate that grounds may exist for revocation or suspension, the board shall issue a formal complaint and order that a hearing be held pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10. If, after completing a formal interview, the board finds that the protection of the public requires emergency action, it may order a summary suspension of the license pursuant to section 41-1092.11 pending formal revocation proceedings or other action authorized by this section.

H. I. If, after completing a formal interview, the board finds that the information provided under subsection A or C of this section is insufficient to merit suspension or revocation of the license, it may take any of the following actions:

1. Dismiss the complaint.

2. Order disciplinary action pursuant to section 32-1263.01, subsection A.

3. Enter into a consent agreement with the licensee for disciplinary action.

4. Order nondisciplinary continuing education pursuant to section 32-1263.01, subsection B.

5. Issue a nondisciplinary letter of concern to the licensee.

I. J. A copy of the board's order issued pursuant to this section shall be given to the complainant and to the licensee. Pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10, the licensee may petition for rehearing or review.

J. K. Any person who in good faith makes a report or complaint as provided in this section to the board or to any person or committee acting on behalf of the board is not subject to liability for civil damages as a result of the report.

K. L. The board, through its president or the president's designee, may issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and may administer oaths, take testimony and receive exhibits in evidence in connection with an investigation initiated by the board or a complaint filed with the board.  In case of disobedience to a subpoena, the board may invoke the aid of any court of this state in requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence.

L. M. Patient records, including clinical records, medical reports, laboratory statements and reports, files, films, reports or oral statements relating to diagnostic findings or treatment of patients, any information from which a patient or a patient's family may be identified or information received and records kept by the board as a result of the investigation procedures taken pursuant to this chapter, are not available to the public.

M. N. The board may charge the costs of formal hearings conducted pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10 to a licensee it finds to be in violation of this chapter.

N. O. The board may accept the surrender of an active license from a licensee who is subject to a board investigation and who admits in writing to any of the following:

1. Being unable to safely engage in the practice of dentistry.

2. Having committed an act of unprofessional conduct.

3. Having violated this chapter or a board rule.

O. P. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action under this section, the board may consider any previous nondisciplinary and disciplinary actions against a licensee.

P. Q. If a licensee who is currently providing dental services for a registered business entity believes that the registered business entity has engaged in unethical conduct as defined pursuant to section 32-1263, subsection D, paragraph 16, the licensee must do both of the following before filing a complaint with the board:

1. Notify the registered business entity in writing that the licensee believes that the registered business entity has engaged in a policy or practice that interferes with the clinical judgment of the licensee or that compromises the licensee's ability to comply with the requirements of this chapter.  The licensee shall specify in the notice the reasons for this belief.

2. Provide the registered business entity with at least ten calendar days to respond in writing to the assertions made pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection.

Q. R. A licensee who files a complaint pursuant to subsection Q of this section shall provide the board with a copy of the licensee's notification and the registered business entity's response, if any.

R. S. A registered business entity may not take any adverse employment action against a licensee because the licensee complies with the requirements of subsection Q of this section.

S. T. For the purposes of this section:

1. "License" includes a certificate issued pursuant to this chapter.

2. "Licensee" means a dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, denturist, dental consultant, restricted permit holder or business entity regulated pursuant to this chapter. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 32-1263.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1263.03. Investigation committees; complaints; termination; review

A. If delegated established by the board, the executive director, with the concurrence of the board's investigative staff, investigation committee may terminate a complaint if the investigative staff's investigation committee's review indicates that the complaint is without merit and that termination is appropriate.

B. The executive director investigation committee may not terminate a complaint if a court has entered a medical malpractice judgment against a person licensed under this chapter licensee.

C. At each regularly scheduled board meeting, the executive director investigation committee shall provide to the board a list of each complaint the executive director investigation committee terminated pursuant to subsection A of this section since the preceding board meeting.

D. A person who is aggrieved by an action taken by the executive director investigation committee pursuant to subsection A of this section may file a written request that the board review that action.  The request must be filed within thirty days after that person is notified of the executive director's investigation committee's action by personal delivery or, if the notification is mailed to that person's last known residence or place of business, within thirty-five days after the date on the notification.  At the next regular board meeting, the board shall review the executive director's investigation committee's action.  On review, the board shall approve, modify or reject the executive director's investigation committee's action. END_STATUTE