REFERENCE TITLE: prisoners; monthly supervision fees





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SB 1502


Introduced by

Senators Quezada: Terán; Representatives Andrade, Hernandez M





amending sections 31-411 and 31-418, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to prisoners.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 31-411, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE31-411. Parole or discharge; conditions of parole; release under supervision of state department of corrections; notice of hearing; exceptions; drug testing costs

A. Any prisoner who has been certified as eligible for parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment pursuant to section 31-412, subsection B or section 41-1604.09 shall be given an opportunity to apply for release on parole or for an absolute discharge from imprisonment. The board of executive clemency shall not entertain any other form of application or petition for the release on parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment of any prisoner.

B. A prisoner who is eligible for parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment shall be given an opportunity to be heard either before a hearing officer designated by the board or the board itself, at the discretion of the board.

C. If the hearing is heard by a hearing officer, the hearing officer shall make a recommendation on application for parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment to the board within thirty days after the hearing date. Within thirty days after the date of the hearing officer's recommendations, the board shall review these recommendations and either approve, with or without conditions, or reject the prisoner's application for parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment. A prisoner who is eligible for parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment shall not be denied parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment without an opportunity to be heard before the board unless another form of release has been granted.

D. If parole is granted, the prisoner shall remain on parole unless the board revokes the parole or grants an absolute discharge from parole or until the prisoner reaches the individual earned release credit date pursuant to section 41-1604.10. If the prisoner violates a condition of parole but has not committed an additional offense, the board may place the prisoner on electronic monitoring and order the defendant to participate in a community accountability pilot program pursuant to section 41-1609.05. If the prisoner is still on parole on reaching the individual earned release credit date pursuant to section 41-1604.10, the prisoner shall be terminated from parole but shall be subject to revocation under section 41-1604.10. When the prisoner reaches the individual earned release credit date the prisoner's parole shall be terminated and the prisoner shall no longer be under the authority of the board.

E. During the period of time that the prisoner remains on supervised parole under subsection D of this section, the board shall require as a condition of parole that the prisoner pay a monthly supervision fee of not less than sixty-five dollars $65 unless, after determining the inability of the prisoner to pay the fee, the board requires payment of a lesser amount. The supervising parole officer shall monitor the collection of the fee. The monthly supervision fee may not begin until sixty days after the prisoner begins supervised parole. The board may also impose any conditions of parole it deems appropriate in order to ensure that the best interests of the prisoner and the citizens of this state are served. These conditions may include:

1. Participation in a rehabilitation program or counseling.

2. Performance of community restitution work.

F. Seventy per cent percent of the monies collected pursuant to subsection E of this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the victim compensation and assistance fund established by section 41-2407 and thirty pec cent percent shall be deposited in the community corrections enhancement fund established by section 31-418.

G. When parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment is denied, the board, within ten days, shall prepare and deliver to the director of the state department of corrections a written statement specifying the individualized reasons for the denial of parole or absolute discharge from imprisonment unless another form of release has been granted. The prisoner may view the written statement prepared by the board. Every prisoner, having served not less than one year, may be temporarily released according to the rules of the department one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the sentence or the earned release credit date, whichever first occurs, if the director finds that the release is in the best interest of the state. The releasee shall remain under the control of the state department of corrections until expiration of the term specified in the sentence. If the releasee violates any condition of release, the releasee may be returned to custody without further process.

H. When a commutation, absolute discharge from imprisonment or parole is to be considered, the board, on request and before holding a hearing on the commutation, absolute discharge from imprisonment or parole, shall notify the attorney general, the presiding judge of the superior court, the county attorney in the county in which the prisoner requesting a commutation, absolute discharge from imprisonment or parole was sentenced, and the victim of the offense for which the prisoner is incarcerated. The notice to the victim shall be mailed to the last known address. The notice shall state the name of the prisoner requesting the commutation, absolute discharge from imprisonment or parole and shall set the month of hearing on the application. The notice to the victim shall also inform the victim of the victim's right to be present and to submit a written report to the board expressing the victim's opinion concerning the release of the prisoner. No hearing concerning commutations, absolute discharge from imprisonment or parole shall be held until fifteen days after the date of giving the notice. On mailing the notice, the board shall file a hard copy of the notice as evidence that notification was sent.

I. The provisions of this section requiring notice to the officials named in subsection H of this section shall not apply:

1. When there is imminent danger of the death of the person convicted or imprisoned.

2. When the term of imprisonment of the applicant is within two hundred ten days of expiration.

J. In addition to any other fees, the board may require as a condition of parole that the prisoner pay the reasonable costs associated with the prisoner's participation in a drug testing program. The prisoner's costs shall not exceed the department's cost for the program. The monies collected pursuant to this subsection by the department may only be used to offset the costs of the drug testing program. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 31-418, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE31-418. Community supervision fee; deposit; community corrections enhancement fund; drug testing costs

A. During the period of time that the prisoner remains on community supervision, the state department of corrections shall require as a condition of community supervision that the prisoner pay a monthly supervision fee of at least sixty-five dollars $65 unless, after determining the inability of the prisoner to pay the fee, the department requires payment of a lesser amount. The supervising community supervision officer shall monitor the collection of the fee. The monthly supervision fee may not begin until sixty days after the prisoner begins community supervision.

B. Seventy per cent percent of the monies collected pursuant to subsection A of this section shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the victim compensation and assistance fund established by section 41-2407 and thirty per cent percent shall be deposited in the community corrections enhancement fund established by this section.

C. The community corrections enhancement fund is established consisting of monies received pursuant to subsection B of this section, sections 31-411, 31-467.06 and 41-1604.08 and section 41-1604.13, subsection D, paragraph 8. The department shall administer the fund and use fund monies to pay for costs related to community corrections.

D. In addition to any other fees, the department may require as a condition of community supervision that the prisoner pay the reasonable costs associated with the prisoner's participation in a drug testing program. The prisoner's costs shall not exceed the department's cost for the program. The monies collected pursuant to this subsection by the department may only be used to offset the costs of the drug testing program. END_STATUTE