REFERENCE TITLE: Medicare for all; supporting





State of Arizona


Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session





SR 1001


Introduced by

Senator Quezada





supporting a national medicare for all system of health care coverage.






Whereas, despite important gains made since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, nearly 30 million Americans lack health insurance coverage; and

Whereas, millions of Americans have insurance coverage that is so inadequate that a major illness would lead to their financial ruin, and medical illness and bills currently contribute to two-thirds of all bankruptcies; and

Whereas, the United States ranks last among industrialized nations in health outcomes, and as many as 30,000 people in the United States die each year due to inadequate health care; and

Whereas, managed care and other market-based reforms have failed to contain skyrocketing health care costs, which threaten the international competitiveness of United States businesses; and

Whereas, the existence of thousands of public and private insurance providers and regulators has resulted in extraordinarily complex health care business procedures that consume almost one-third of our nation's expenditures for health care. In contrast, the single-payer Medicare system has administrative costs of less than five percent; and

Whereas, numerous academic studies have concluded that the administrative savings under a single-payer, Medicare for All system would be enough to cover the currently uninsured and improve coverage for those who now have only partial coverage; and

Whereas, a Medicare for All system would provide national health insurance for every person in the United States for all necessary medical care, including prescription drugs, hospital, surgical and outpatient services, primary and preventive care, emergency services, reproductive care, dental and vision care and long-term care; and

Whereas, the Medicare for All Act would provide coverage without copays, deductibles or other out-of-pocket costs and would slash bureaucracy, protect the doctor-patient relationship and ensure patients a free choice of health care providers; and

Whereas, recent polls show that the majority of Americans support Medicare for All; and

Whereas, a Medicare for All system of care would vastly improve the quality of life for Americans because they could get the ongoing, high quality preventive health care they need instead of waiting until a medical emergency upends their lives.


Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Arizona:

That the Members of the Senate support legislation enacting a Medicare for All system of health care that ensures efficient health care for all Americans.