First Regular Session S.B. 1053
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 4, line 4, strike "one year" insert "three years"
Between lines 5 and 6, insert:
"3. The veterinarian provides the client with the veterinarian's name and contact information and secures an alternate means of contacting the client if the electronic means is interrupted.
4. Before conducting an evaluation of the patient through electronic means, the veterinarian advises the client of all of the following:
(a) The veterinarian may ultimately recommend an in-person visit.
(b) Some drugs or medications must be prescribed at an in-person visit.
(c) The appointment through electronic means may be terminated at any time."
Renumber to conform
Line 6, strike "refer" insert "recommend"
Line 9, strike "veterinarians" insert "A veterinarian"
Between lines 15 and 16, insert:
"2. The veterinarian must notify the client that some prescription drugs or medications may be available at a pharmacy and, if requested, the veterinarian will submit a prescription to a pharmacy that the client chooses."
Renumber to conform
Amend title to conform