Fifty-sixth Legislature                       Natural Resources, Energy and Water

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2445




(Reference to House engrossed bill)


Page 11, after line 8, insert:

"Sec. 2. Section 45-576, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE45-576. Certificate of assured water supply; designated cities, towns and private water companies; exemptions; definition

A. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, a person who proposes to offer subdivided lands, as defined in section 32-2101, for sale or lease in an active management area shall apply for and obtain a certificate of assured water supply from the director prior to before presenting the plat for approval to the city, town or county in which the land is located, where such is required, and prior to before filing with the state real estate commissioner a notice of intention to offer such lands for sale or lease, pursuant to section 32-2181, unless the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.

B. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, a city, town or county may approve a subdivision plat only if the subdivider has obtained a certificate of assured water supply from the director or the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.  The city, town or county shall note on the face of the approved plat that a certificate of assured water supply has been submitted with the plat or that the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the proposed subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.

C. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, the state real estate commissioner may issue a public report authorizing the sale or lease of subdivided lands only on compliance with either of the following:

1. The subdivider, owner or agent has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7 and any replenishment reserve fee required under section 48-3774.01, subsection A, paragraph 2 and has obtained a certificate of assured water supply from the director.

2. The subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the lands from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section and the subdivider, owner or agent has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7.

D. The director shall designate private water companies in active management areas that have an assured water supply. If a city or town acquires a private water company that has contracted for central Arizona project water, the city or town shall assume the private water company's contract for central Arizona project water.

E. The director shall designate cities and towns in active management areas where an assured water supply exists. If a city or town has entered into a contract for central Arizona project water, the city or town is deemed to continue to have an assured water supply until December 31, 1997.  Commencing on January 1, 1998, the determination that the city or town has an assured water supply is subject to review by the director and the director may determine that a city or town does not have an assured water supply.

F. The director shall notify the mayors of all cities and towns in active management areas and the chairmen of the boards of supervisors of counties in which active management areas are located of the cities, towns and private water companies designated as having an assured water supply and any modification of that designation within thirty days of the designation or modification.  If the service area of the city, town or private water company has qualified as a member service area pursuant to title 48, chapter 22, article 4, the director shall also notify the conservation district of the designation or modification and shall report the projected average annual replenishment obligation for the member service area based on the projected and committed average annual demand for water within the service area during the effective term of the designation or modification subject to any limitation in an agreement between the conservation district and the city, town or private water company.  For each city, town or private water company that qualified as a member service area under title 48, chapter 22 and was designated as having an assured water supply before January 1, 2004, the director shall report to the conservation district on or before January 1, 2005 the projected average annual replenishment obligation based on the projected and committed average annual demand for water within the service area during the effective term of the designation subject to any limitation in an agreement between the conservation district and the city, town or private water company. Persons proposing to offer subdivided lands served by those designated cities, towns and private water companies for sale or lease are exempt from applying for and obtaining a certificate of assured water supply.

G. This section does not apply in the case of the sale of lands for developments that are subject to a mineral extraction and processing permit or an industrial use permit pursuant to sections 45-514 and 45-515.

H. The director shall adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this section.  On or before January 1, 2008, the rules shall provide for a reduction in water demand for an application for a designation of assured water supply or a certificate of assured water supply if a gray water reuse system will be installed that meets the requirements of the rules adopted by the department of environmental quality for gray water systems and if the application is for a certificate of assured water supply, the land for which the certificate is sought must qualify as a member land in a conservation district pursuant to title 48, chapter 22, article 4.  For the purposes of this subsection, "gray water" has the same meaning prescribed in section 49-201.

I. If the director designates a municipal provider as having an assured water supply under this section and the designation lapses or otherwise terminates while the municipal provider's service area is a member service area of a conservation district, the municipal provider or its successor shall continue to comply with the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules adopted by the director under subsection H of this section as if the designation was still in effect with respect to the municipal provider's designation uses. When determining compliance by the municipal provider or its successor with the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules, the director shall consider only water delivered by the municipal provider or its successor to the municipal provider's designation uses.  A person is the successor of a municipal provider if the person commences water service to uses that were previously designation uses of the municipal provider.  Any groundwater delivered by the municipal provider or its successor to the municipal provider's designation uses in excess of the amount allowed under the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules shall be considered excess groundwater for purposes of title 48, chapter 22.  For the purposes of this subsection, "designation uses" means all water uses served by a municipal provider on the date the municipal provider's designation of assured water supply lapses or otherwise terminates and all recorded lots within the municipal provider's service area that were not being served by the municipal provider on that date but that received final plat approval from a city, town or county on or before that date. Designation uses do not include industrial uses served by an irrigation district under section 45-497.

J. Subsections A, B and C of this section do not apply to a person who proposes to offer subdivided land for sale or lease in an active management area if all the following apply:

1. The director issued a certificate of assured water supply for the land to a previous owner of the land and the certificate was classified as a type A certificate under rules adopted by the director pursuant to subsection H of this section.

2. The director has not revoked the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, and proceedings to revoke the certificate are not pending before the department or a court.  The department shall post on its website a list of all certificates of assured water supply that have been revoked or for which proceedings are pending before the department or a court.

3. The plat submitted to the department in the application for the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection has not changed.

4. Water service is currently available to each lot within the subdivided land and the water provider listed on the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection has not changed.

5. The subdivided land qualifies as a member land under title 48, chapter 22 and the subdivider has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7 and any replenishment reserve fee required under section 48-3774.01, subsection A, paragraph 2.

6. The plat is submitted for approval to a city, town or county that is listed on the department's website as a qualified platting authority.

K. Subsection J of this section does not affect the assignment of a certificate of assured water supply as prescribed by section 45-579.





L. N. For the purposes of this section, "assured water supply" means all of the following:

1. Sufficient groundwater, surface water or effluent of adequate quality will be continuously available to satisfy the water needs of the proposed use for at least one hundred years. Beginning January 1 of the calendar year following the year in which a groundwater replenishment district is required to submit its preliminary plan pursuant to section 45-576.02, subsection A, paragraph 1, with respect to an applicant that is a member of the district, "sufficient groundwater" for the purposes of this paragraph means that the proposed groundwater withdrawals that the applicant will cause over a period of one hundred years will be of adequate quality and will not exceed, in combination with other withdrawals from land in the replenishment district, a depth to water of one thousand feet or the depth of the bottom of the aquifer, whichever is less. In determining depth to water for the purposes of this paragraph, the director shall consider the combination of:

(a) The existing rate of decline.

(b) The proposed withdrawals.

(c) The expected water requirements of all recorded lots that are not yet served water and that are located in the service area of a municipal provider.

2. The projected groundwater use is consistent with the management plan and achievement of the management goal for the active management area.

3. The financial capability has been demonstrated to construct the water facilities necessary to make the supply of water available for the proposed use, including a delivery system and any storage facilities or treatment works. The director may accept evidence of the construction assurances required by section 9-463.01, 11-823 or 32-2181 to satisfy this requirement. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 48-3772, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE48-3772. Duties and powers of district regarding replenishment

A. The district shall:

1. Establish annually the costs and expenses to replenish groundwater pursuant to this article with respect to all parcels of member lands and all member service areas located in each active management area, including capital expenses, debt service expenses, the operation, maintenance, replacement and administrative costs and expenses of the district, replenishment reserve costs and expenses as provided in subsection E of this section and reasonable reserves. Separate calculations of costs and expenses shall be made for each active management area in which member lands or member service areas are located and for each membership category. Costs and expenses attributed by the district to contract replenishment obligations shall not be included in these calculations.

2. Provide for the payment of all costs and expenses to replenish groundwater pursuant to this chapter and the payment of operation, maintenance, replacement and administrative costs and expenses and debt service expenses of the district.

3. Levy an annual replenishment assessment against each parcel of member land pursuant to section 48-3778 and an annual replenishment tax against each municipal provider that has a member service area pursuant to section 48-3781 to pay the district's costs and expenses as established pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection. 

4. Levy a contract replenishment tax against municipal providers that are parties to contracts authorized under subsection B, paragraph 9 of this section to pay the district's costs and expenses to replenish groundwater based on contract replenishment obligations.

5. Establish and maintain reserve accounts in amounts as may be deemed necessary to perform the district's obligations under this article.

6. Fulfill all obligations under resolutions adopted pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 10 of this section.

7. Levy an activation fee as follows:

(a) For subdivisions within member lands and member service areas that are enrolled before May 6, 2004 and that had not been issued a public report before August 12, 2005, the district shall levy a onetime activation fee against each housing unit to be constructed within the subdivision.

(b) For subdivisions within member lands and member service areas that are enrolled on or after May 6, 2004, the district shall levy a onetime activation fee against each housing unit to be constructed within the subdivision.

(c) The activation fee shall be paid to the district according to either one of the following schedules, whichever the subdivider payor elects:

(i) Paid in full before issuance of a public report for each real estate subdivision identified in subdivision (a) or (b) of this paragraph.

(ii) One-half paid before issuance of a public report for each real estate subdivision identified in subdivision (a) or (b) of this paragraph and the remaining amount paid no later than one year after the issuance of the public report. The total amount of the activation fee must be the amount of the activation fee in effect at the time of the initial payment.  Payment of the initial one-half of the activation fee pursuant to this item constitutes sufficient payment of applicable fees for notice of intent to subdivide as prescribed in section 32-2181, subsection C and for issuance of a public report as prescribed in section 32-2183, subsection G and section 45-576, subsection C, except that on failure to pay the remaining amount, the commissioner shall suspend the public report for that subdivision pursuant to section 32-2183.

(iii) PAID in full PURSUANT to section 45-576, subsection L.

(d) The activation fee shall be established annually by the district. The amount of the activation fee to be paid to the district under subdivision (c) of this paragraph must be the amount of the activation fee in effect at the time of payment. Revenues from the activation fee together with revenues from other sources that are legally available to the district for those uses shall be used by the district to acquire, lease or exchange water or water rights and develop infrastructure necessary for the district to perform its replenishment obligations.

8. For any year, set all of its rates and charges associated with the acquisition, lease or exchange of water or water rights and development of infrastructure necessary for the district to perform its replenishment obligations, other than the annual membership dues established pursuant to section 48-3779, so that the total projected revenues from revenue sources other than the annual membership dues, that are legally available to the district in that year to pay costs associated with the acquisition, lease or exchange of water or water rights and development of infrastructure necessary for the district to perform its replenishment obligations, shall be at least three times the total projected revenues from the annual membership dues in that year. For the purposes of this paragraph, costs associated with the acquisition, lease or exchange of water or water rights do not include the annual costs associated with delivery of water for replenishment purposes.

B. The district may:

1. Acquire, develop, construct, operate, maintain, replace and acquire permits for water storage, storage facilities and recovery wells for replenishment purposes.

2. Acquire, transport, hold, exchange, own, lease, store or replenish water, except groundwater withdrawn from an active management area, subject to the provisions of title 45, for the benefit of member lands and member service areas.

3. Acquire, hold, exchange, own, lease, retire or dispose of water rights for the benefit of member lands and member service areas.

4. Require municipal providers to provide such information, in such form and within the time limits prescribed by the district, as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter.

5. Levy and collect assessments, fees, charges, taxes and other revenues as are provided in this chapter for the financing of replenishment activities.

6. Contract for or perform feasibility studies of water storage, storage facilities and recovery wells for replenishment purposes.

7. Acquire real and personal property for water storage, storage facilities and recovery wells for replenishment purposes by purchase, lease, donation, dedication, exchange or other lawful means.

8. Use any facilities and any excess storage capacity of any state demonstration projects undertaken pursuant to title 45, chapter 3.1 for water storage for replenishment purposes.

9. Subject to subsection G of this section, contract with any municipal provider having a member service area to replenish groundwater on behalf of the municipal provider and with respect to the member service area in an amount in excess of the sum of the service area replenishment obligations applicable to the member service area for all years in which the district has not completed the replenishment of the groundwater replenishment obligation for the member service area.

10. Adopt resolutions granting water availability status to a member service area of a city, town or private water company and committing to replenish a specified average annual volume of water in a location where the city, town or private water company may physically access the water for service to its customers, if all of the following apply:

(a) The district has reviewed its requirements for transportation of central Arizona project water, its contracts, subcontracts, letter agreements, excess water contracts and other contractual obligations and its member service area and member land requirements and has determined that the district can meet those obligations and that capacity remains in the central Arizona project to meet the obligations undertaken through the resolution.

(b) The resolution acknowledges that the commitment to replenish the specified average annual volume of water in the location cited in the resolution shall be a permanent obligation of the district, unless one of the following applies:

(i) A permanent substitute supply of water is found for the city, town or private water company and the substitution is approved by the director of water resources, thus terminating the water availability status of the member service area.

(ii) The requirements of section 45-576.07, subsection A are not met, and thus the director of water resources does not issue an order granting or maintaining the city, town or private water company as having an assured water supply based in whole or in part on section 45-576.07.  If no order is issued within two years of the district adopting the resolution, the resolution may be repealed, and the district shall be relieved of all obligations under the resolution.

(c) The average annual volume of water specified in the resolution, when added to the average annual volume of water specified in all other resolutions adopted pursuant to this paragraph, does not exceed twenty thousand acre-feet.

(d) The district has entered into an agreement with the city, town or private water company under which the city, town or private water company will hold for the district's future use, and provide to the district when needed, sufficient water to meet the obligations undertaken by the district through the resolution.

(e) The district determines that the obligations undertaken by the district through the resolution will not increase annual replenishment assessment rates or costs to central Arizona project contract and subcontract holders and its member service areas and member lands.

(f) The director of water resources has found, pursuant to section 45-576.07, subsection H, that the district has the capability to grant water availability status to member service areas.

11. Provide in resolutions adopted pursuant to paragraph 10 of this subsection that the district may fulfill its obligations under the resolution in any year by directly delivering to the city, town or private water company the water that otherwise would have been replenished pursuant to the resolution, if all of the following apply:

(a) The district has reviewed its requirements for transportation of central Arizona project water, its contracts, subcontracts, letter agreements, excess water contracts and other contractual obligations and its member service area and member land requirements and has determined that the district can meet those obligations and that capacity remains in the central Arizona project to make direct deliveries pursuant to this paragraph.

(b) The district determines that the delivery will not increase annual replenishment assessment rates or costs to central Arizona project contract and subcontract holders, its member service area and member lands.

12. Enter into agreements with a city, town or private water company that will have water made available to it through a resolution adopted pursuant to paragraph 10 of this subsection and under which the city, town or private water company compensates the district for the costs and fair value of the water supply provided by the district.

13. Issue revenue bonds pursuant to article 3 of this chapter to fund the costs and expenses of the district for the acquisition, lease or exchange of water or water rights and the development of infrastructure necessary for the district to perform its replenishment obligations subject to the following:

(a) The principal of, interest and premiums, if any, on revenue bonds issued pursuant to article 3 of this chapter to acquire, lease or exchange water or water rights and develop infrastructure necessary for the district to perform its replenishment obligations are not payable from any revenues of the district other than revenues generated or collected pursuant to this article that are legally available to the district for those purposes and revenues from the investment of the proceeds of the bonds.

(b) The district may not use the proceeds of the bonds to acquire or lease:

(i) Groundwater, as defined in section 45-101, except as expressly authorized in sections 45-547, 45-553 and 45-554.

(ii) Surface water, as defined in section 45-101, that is the subject of a general adjudication pursuant to title 45, chapter 1, article 9.

(c) Nothing in Subdivision (b) of this paragraph prohibits does not prohibit the district from acquiring or leasing central Arizona project water.

14. Except as provided in section 48-3780.01, subsection B, in addition to any other assessments, fees, charges or taxes levied and collected under this chapter, or under any declaration, contract or agreement entered into under this chapter, charge annual dues for membership pursuant to section 48-3779 against each parcel of member land and each municipal provider that has a member service area.

C. The functions of the district under subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section may be performed on behalf of the district by other persons under contract with the district.

D. The capital costs of the facilities of any state demonstration projects used by the district pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 8 of this section shall not be included in the capital costs and expenses established by the district under subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section.

E. The district shall establish and maintain a replenishment reserve as follows:

1. The district shall calculate a reserve target for each of the three active management areas within the district and shall identify the reserve target in the plan of operation prepared pursuant to section 45-576.02. The reserve target for each active management area shall be calculated as follows:

(a) For each active management area, add together the projected replenishment obligation for each of the one hundred years following submission of the plan of operation. For the purposes of this subdivision, each active management area's projected replenishment obligation does not include replenishment obligations under resolutions adopted pursuant to subsection B, paragraph 10 of this section or replenishment obligations for category 2 member lands.

(b) Subtract from the sum of the active management area's projected replenishment obligation over the one hundred-year period the sum of the following volumes of water derived from sources identified in the plan as water that the district plans to use to meet its replenishment obligations for that active management area:

(i) The annual volume of each nondeclining, long-term municipal and industrial subcontract for central Arizona project water multiplied by one hundred.

(ii) The annual volume of water under leases or contracts that can be made physically and legally available to the district consistent with the rules adopted pursuant to section 45-576, subsection H, multiplied by the number of years, not to exceed one hundred, in which the water is to be made available to the district. The water need not be continuously available to be included in this item. A lease or contract shall not be considered under this item if the water to be made available under the lease or contract is for a term of less than twenty years.

(iii) The total volume of groundwater that the district plans to transport to the active management area during the next one hundred years as allowed by title 45, chapter 2, article 8.1.

(iv) The total volume of all sources of water not identified in items (i), (ii) or (iii) of this subdivision that will not be held by the district under a lease or contract. Volumes to be included under this item must be consistent with the rules adopted by the director pursuant to section 45-576, subsection H.

(c) Multiply the result from subdivision (b) of this paragraph by twenty percent. The result is the reserve target for the active management area.

2. The reserve target for an active management area may be adjusted by the district, subject to the approval of the director of water resources, based on changes in either of the following:

(a) The active management area's projected replenishment obligation.

(b) The volumes of water identified in the plan of operation prepared pursuant to section 45-576.02 as water that the district plans to use to meet its replenishment obligations for that active management area.

3. The district shall include a replenishment reserve charge in the annual replenishment assessment levied against all parcels of category 1 member land as provided in section 48-3774.01 and in the annual replenishment tax levied against all municipal providers that have member service areas as provided in section 48-3780.01. The replenishment reserve charge for each active management area is established annually by the district based on the reserve target for that active management area.

4. The district shall levy a replenishment reserve fee against category 1 member lands pursuant to section 48-3774.01 and against member service areas pursuant to section 48-3780.01.  For category 1 member lands the fee is equal to twice the applicable replenishment reserve charge multiplied by the total projected average annual replenishment obligation for the member lands as reported by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-578, subsection F. For member service areas the fee is equal to twice the applicable replenishment reserve charge multiplied by the excess groundwater increment.  With the approval of the district and the director of water resources, long-term storage credits as defined in section 45-802.01 may be assigned to the district's replenishment reserve subaccount in lieu of paying the replenishment reserve fee.

5. The district shall use replenishment reserve charges and replenishment reserve fees collected within each active management area together with all interest earned on the charges and fees to store water in that active management area in advance of groundwater replenishment obligations for the purpose of developing long-term storage credits as defined in section 45-802.01 that shall be credited to the replenishment reserve subaccount for that active management area as provided in section 45-859.01.

6. Beginning on January 1, 2030 or earlier, on approval of the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-859.01, subsection K, the district may transfer credits from a replenishment reserve subaccount to a conservation district account as provided in section 45-859.01 to satisfy its groundwater replenishment obligations.

7. If the district transfers credits from the replenishment reserve subaccount for an active management area pursuant to section 45-859.01, subsection E, the district shall include in the annual replenishment assessment levied against all parcels of category 1 member land in that active management area and, except as provided in section 48-3780.01, subsection B, in the annual replenishment tax levied against all municipal providers that have member service areas in that active management area a reserve replacement component to fund the replacement of the transferred credits. The district shall use all monies from the reserve replacement component collected within an active management area together with all interest earned on the monies to develop long-term storage credits as defined in section 45-802.01 within that active management area to be credited to the replenishment reserve subaccount for that active management area as provided in section 45-859.01.

8. For the purposes of establishing and maintaining the replenishment reserve, the district shall have access to excess central Arizona project water equivalent to but not more than the access the Arizona water banking authority has for the purposes specified in section 45-2401, subsection H, paragraph 2.

F. Groundwater replenished by the district pursuant to a contract to replenish groundwater under subsection B, paragraph 9 of this section shall not be credited to a replenishment reserve subaccount established under section 45-859.01.

G. The district shall not enter into a contract authorized under subsection B, paragraph 9 of this section unless the district has determined that the contract will not adversely affect the district's ability to fulfill its obligations under this chapter. For each contract entered into under subsection B, paragraph 9 of this section, the district shall perform its contract replenishment obligations in the active management area in which the service area of the municipal provider that is the party to the contract is located.

H. If the district replenishes groundwater on behalf of a municipal provider pursuant to a contract to replenish groundwater under subsection B, paragraph 9 of this section, the amount of groundwater so replenished shall be a replenishment credit to the municipal provider that may be applied by the municipal provider on notice to the district to reduce the service area replenishment obligations applicable to the municipal provider.

I. In the Phoenix active management area, the district, to the extent reasonably feasible, shall replenish groundwater in the east portion of the active management area and in the west portion of the active management area in the approximate proportion that the groundwater replenishment obligation attributable in a particular year to member lands and member service areas located in the east portion of the active management area bears to the groundwater replenishment obligation attributable in that year to member lands and member service areas located in the west portion of the active management area.  For the purposes of this subsection, the boundary between the east Salt river valley subbasin and the west Salt river valley subbasin is the boundary between the east and west portions of the active management area.

J. The costs and expenses charged by the district to an active management area water district established under chapter 28 of this title for delivery of surplus central Arizona project water to such active management area water district for replenishment purposes shall not exceed the costs and expenses for delivery of such water that are or would be included by the district in the costs and expenses of replenishment for member lands and member service areas within the active management area in which such active management area water district is situated. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 48-3774.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE48-3774.01. Category 1 member lands; category 2 member lands; fees

A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, all real property that qualifies under section 48-3774 shall be category 1 member land.  The district shall levy annual replenishment reserve charges and one-time onetime replenishment reserve fees for category 1 member lands as provided in section 48-3772, subsection E and as follows:

1. For category 1 member lands that qualified before January 1, 2004, the district shall levy annual replenishment reserve charges for twenty-five years beginning in 2004.

2. For category 1 member land that qualifies on or after January 1, 2004, a replenishment reserve fee shall be paid before issuance of a public report for each final plat within the member land as provided in section 45-576, subsection C or PAID in full PURSUANT to section 45-576, subsection L for each building permit issued and the district shall levy annual replenishment reserve charges against the land included within the final plat for twenty-three years beginning in the year after payment of the corresponding replenishment reserve fee.

B. A parcel of member land shall be a category 2 member land if all of the following apply:

1. The parcel of member land is or will be used as a golf course.

2. The parcel of member land is not served by a water provider that has been designated by the director of water resources as having an assured water supply pursuant to section 45-576.

3. The owner of the parcel notifies the district in writing at the time of qualification that the parcel is to be category 2 member land.  For member land that qualified under section 48-3774 before January 1, 2004, such the notification must be made no not later than January 30, 2004.

C. The district shall not levy replenishment reserve fees, replenishment reserve charges or a reserve replacement component against category 2 member lands.

D. The district shall not use credits from a replenishment reserve subaccount established under section 45-859.01 to satisfy its groundwater replenishment obligations for category 2 member lands.  If as a result the district incurs additional costs and expenses in meeting its replenishment obligations for category 2 member lands, those additional costs and expenses are attributed solely to category 2 member lands for the purposes of section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 1.END_STATUTE"

Amend title to conform







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