House Engrossed Senate Bill


Good Samaritan; drug overdose; extension

(now:  identification; traffic violations)





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session








An Act


amending section 28-1595, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to transportation.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 28-1595, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1595. Failure to stop or provide driver license or evidence of identity; violation; classification

A. The operator of a motor vehicle who knowingly fails or refuses to bring the operator's motor vehicle to a stop after being given a visual or audible signal or instruction by a peace officer or duly authorized agent of a traffic enforcement agency is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.

B. After stopping as required by subsection A of this section, the operator of a motor vehicle who fails or refuses to exhibit the operator's driver license as required by section 28-3169 or a driver who is not licensed and who fails or refuses to provide evidence of the driver's identity on request is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. The evidence of identity that is presented shall contain all of the following information:

1. The driver's full name.

2. The driver's date of birth.

3. The driver's residence address.

4. A brief physical description of the driver, including the driver's sex, weight, height and eye and hair color.

5. The driver's signature.

C. A person other than the driver of a motor vehicle who fails or refuses to provide evidence of the person's identity true full name and date of birth, after being advised that the person's refusal to answer is unlawful, to a peace officer or a duly authorized agent of a traffic enforcement agency on request, when such officer or agent has reasonable cause to believe the person has committed a violation of this title, is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor. The person shall not be compelled to answer any other inquiry of a peace officer or duly authorized agent.

D. A peace officer or duly authorized agent of a traffic enforcement agency may give the signal or instruction required by subsection A of this section by hand, emergency light, voice, whistle or siren.

E. A person shall not be convicted of a violation of subsection B of this section if the person provided evidence of identity required by subsection B, paragraphs 1 through 5 of this section and produces to the court a legible driver license or an authorized duplicate of the license that is issued to the person and that was valid at the time the violation of subsection B of this section occurred. END_STATUTE