REFERENCE TITLE: dental anesthesia; requirements





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





SB 1602


Introduced by

Senator Shamp: Representative Smith









An Act


amending section 32-1207, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 32, chapter 11, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 32-1272; amending sections 32-1403, 32-1606 and 32-1803, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the state board of dental examiners.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 32-1207, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1207. Powers and duties; executive director; immunity; fees; definitions

A. The board shall:

1. Adopt rules that are not inconsistent with this chapter for regulating its own conduct, for holding examinations and for regulating the practice of dentists and supervised personnel and registered business entities, provided that:

(a) Regulation of supervised personnel is based on the degree of education and training of the supervised personnel, the state of scientific technology available and the necessary degree of supervision of the supervised personnel by dentists.

(b) Except as provided pursuant to sections 32-1276.03 and 32-1281, only licensed dentists may perform diagnosis and treatment planning, prescribe medication and perform surgical procedures on hard and soft tissues.

(c) Only a licensed dentist, a dental therapist either under the direct supervision of a dentist or pursuant to a written collaborative practice agreement or a dental hygienist in consultation with a dentist may perform examinations, oral health assessments and treatment sequencing for dental hygiene procedures.

2. Adopt a seal.

3. Maintain a record that is available to the board at all times of its acts and proceedings, including the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses and the disposition of complaints.  The existence of a pending complaint or investigation shall not be disclosed to the public.  Records of complaints shall be available to the public, except only as follows:

(a) If the board dismisses or terminates a complaint, the record of the complaint shall not be available to the public.

(b) If the board has issued a nondisciplinary letter of concern, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the date the board issued the letter of concern.

(c) If the board has required additional nondisciplinary continuing education pursuant to section 32-1263.01 but has not taken further action, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the licensee satisfies this requirement.

(d) If the board has assessed a nondisciplinary civil penalty pursuant to section 32-1208 but has not taken further action, the record of the complaint shall be available to the public only for a period of five years after the licensee satisfies this requirement.

4. Establish a uniform and reasonable standard of minimum educational requirements consistent with the accreditation standards of the American dental association commission on dental accreditation to be observed by dental schools, dental therapy schools and dental hygiene schools in order to be classified as recognized dental schools, dental therapy schools or dental hygiene schools.

5. Establish a uniform and reasonable standard of minimum educational requirements that are consistent with the accreditation standards of the United States department of education or the council on higher education accreditation and that must be observed by denture technology schools in order to be classified as recognized denture technology schools.

6. Determine the reputability and classification of dental schools, dental therapy schools, dental hygiene schools and denture technology schools in accordance with their compliance with the standard set forth in paragraph 4 or 5 of this subsection, whichever is applicable.

7. Issue licenses to persons who the board determines are eligible for licensure pursuant to this chapter.

8. Determine the eligibility of applicants for restricted permits and issue restricted permits to those found eligible.

9. Pursuant to section 32-1263.02, investigate charges of misconduct on the part of licensees and persons to whom restricted permits have been issued.

10. Issue a letter of concern, which is not a disciplinary action but refers to practices that may lead to a violation and to disciplinary action.

11. Issue decrees of censure, fix periods and terms of probation, suspend or revoke licenses, certificates and restricted permits, as the facts may warrant, and reinstate licenses, certificates and restricted permits in proper cases.

12. Collect and disburse monies.

13. Perform all other duties that are necessary to enforce this chapter and that are not specifically or by necessary implication delegated to another person.

14. Establish criteria for the renewal of permits issued pursuant to board rules relating to general anesthesia and sedation.

B. The board may:

1. Sue and be sued.

2. Issue subpoenas, including subpoenas to the custodian of patient records, compel attendance of witnesses, administer oaths and take testimony concerning all matters within the board's jurisdiction.  If a person refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the board, the refusal shall be certified to the superior court and proceedings shall be instituted for contempt of court.

3. Adopt rules:

(a) Prescribing requirements for continuing education for renewal of all licenses issued pursuant to this chapter.

(b) Prescribing educational and experience prerequisites for administering intravenous or intramuscular drugs for the purpose of sedation or for using general anesthetics in conjunction with a dental treatment procedure.

(c) Prescribing requirements for obtaining licenses for retired licensees or licensees who have a disability, including the triennial license renewal fee.

4. Hire consultants to assist the board in the performance of its duties and employ persons to provide investigative, professional and clerical assistance as the board deems necessary.

5. Contract with other state or federal agencies as required to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

6. If determined by the board, order physical, psychological, psychiatric and competency evaluations of licensed dentists, dental therapists and dental hygienists, certified denturists and applicants for licensure and certification at the expense of those individuals.

7. Establish an investigation committee consisting of not more than eleven licensees who are in good standing, who are appointed by the board and who serve at the pleasure of the board to investigate any complaint submitted to the board, initiated by the board or delegated by the board to the investigation committee pursuant to this chapter.

C. The executive director or the executive director's designee may:

1. Issue and renew licenses, certificates and permits to applicants who meet the requirements of this chapter.

2. Initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate that a dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, denturist or restricted permit holder may be engaged in unprofessional conduct or may be unable to safely practice dentistry.

3. Initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate that a business entity may be engaged in unethical conduct.

4. Subject to board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a dentist, dental therapist, denturist, dental hygienist or restricted permit holder if there is evidence of unprofessional conduct.

5. Subject to board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a business entity if there is evidence of unethical conduct.

6. Refer cases to the board for a formal interview.

7. If delegated by the board, enter into a stipulation agreement with a person under the board's jurisdiction for the treatment, rehabilitation and monitoring of chemical substance abuse or misuse.

D. Members of the board are personally immune from liability with respect to all acts done and actions taken in good faith and within the scope of their authority.

E. The board by rule shall require that a licensee obtain a permit for applying general anesthesia, semiconscious sedation or conscious sedation, shall establish and collect a fee of not more than $300 to cover administrative costs connected with issuing the permit and shall conduct inspections to ensure compliance.  A licensee who has not obtained a permit pursuant to this subsection may perform dental procedures on a patient who receives an anesthetic administered by a qualified anesthesia provider who is exclusively responsible for the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative anesthetic management of the patient.  For the purposes of this subsection, "qualified anesthesia provider" includes:

1. A physician who has completed residency training in anesthesiology, who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title and who has received a permit from the Arizona medical board or the Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery to administer anesthesia in dental offices and dental clinics.

2. A certified registered nurse anesthetist who has a national board certification in anesthesiology, who is licensed pursuant to chapter 15 of this title and who has received a permit from the Arizona state board of nursing to administer anesthesia in dental offices and dental clinics.

F. The board by rule may establish and collect fees for license verification, board meeting agendas and minutes, published lists and mailing labels.

G. This section does not prohibit the board from conducting its authorized duties in a public meeting.

H. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Good standing" means that a person holds an unrestricted and unencumbered license that has not been suspended or revoked pursuant to this chapter.

2. "Record of complaint" means the document reflecting the final disposition of a complaint or investigation. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Title 32, chapter 11, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 32-1272, to read:

START_STATUTE32-1272. Dental anesthesia; requirements

A. A dental office or dental clinic at which general anesthesia or deep sedation is administered must contain the following properly operating equipment and supplies when administering general anesthesia or deep sedation:

1. Emergency Drugs, including advanced cardiac life support protocol drugs.

2. An electrocardiograph monitor.

3. A pulse oximeter.

4. A cardiac defibrillator or automated external defibrillator.

5. Positive pressure oxygen and supplemental oxygen.

6. Suction equipment, including an endotracheal, tonsillar or pharyngeal and an emergency backup medical suction device.

7. A laryngoscope, multiple blades, backup batteries and backup bulbs.

8. Endotracheal tubes and appropriate connectors.

9. Magill forceps.

10. Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways.

11. Auxiliary lighting.

12. A stethoscope.

13. A blood pressure monitoring device.

14. A capnography monitoring device.

B. The health care personnel at a dental office or dental clinic at which general anesthesia or deep sedation is administered must be capable of handling procedures related to complications and emergency incidents.  The health care personnel involved in administering and monitoring general anesthesia or deep sedation shall hold a current health care provider level course completion confirmation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

C. Within the two years before administering general anesthesia or deep sedation in a dental office or dental clinic, a qualified anesthesia provider must have completed coursework in one or more of the following:

1. Advanced cardiac life support.

2. Pediatric advanced life support, if working in a practice treating pediatric patients.

3. A recognized continuing education course in advanced airways management.

D. A qualified anesthesia provider shall ensure that the dental office or dental clinic at which general anesthesia or deep sedation is administered complies with the requirements of subsections A and B of this section before administering general anesthesia or deep sedation. The qualified anesthesia provider shall submit a completed affidavit verifying compliance with subsections A, B and C of this section to both the state board of dental examiners and the regulatory board that licenses the qualified anesthesia provider.  The state board of dental examiners may conduct an on-site evaluation of any dental office or dental clinic at which general anesthesia or deep sedation is administered to verify compliance.

E. A qualified anesthesia provider who is licensed by the board and who fails to comply with the requirements of this section commits an act that constitutes a danger to the health, welfare or safety of the public pursuant to section 32-1201.01.

F. If a qualified anesthesia provider who is not licensed by the state board of dental examiners fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the state board of dental examiners shall promptly report the qualified anesthesia provider's conduct to the regulatory board that licenses the qualified anesthesia provider. If an adverse anesthesia outcome involves a qualified anesthesia provider who is not licensed by the state board of dental examiners, the state board of dental examiners shall promptly report the adverse anesthesia outcome to the regulatory board that licenses the qualified anesthesia provider.

G. If a qualified anesthesia provider who is licensed by the state board of dental examiners is involved in an adverse anesthesia outcome that results in the death of a patient, the state board of dental examiners shall suspend the qualified anesthesia provider's permit to administer anesthesia until the investigation into the adverse anesthesia outcome is complete. If a qualified anesthesia provider who is not licensed by the state board of dental examiners is involved in an adverse anesthesia outcome that results in the death of a patient, the state board of dental examiners shall promptly report the death to the regulatory board that licenses the qualified anesthesia provider, and the qualified anesthesia provider's regulatory board shall suspend the qualified anesthesia provider's permit to administer anesthesia until the investigation into the adverse anesthesia outcome is complete.

H. For the purposes of this section, "qualified anesthesia provider" means any of the following:

1. A licensee who holds a permit to administer anesthesia and deep sedation from the board pursuant to section 32-1207.

2. A physician who has completed residency training in anesthesiology, who is licensed pursuant to chapter 13 or 17 of this title and who has received a permit from the Arizona medical board or the Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery to administer anesthesia in dental offices and dental clinics pursuant to section 32-1403 or 32-1803.

3. A certified registered nurse anesthetist who has a national board certification in anesthesiology, who is licensed pursuant to chapter 15 of this title and who has received a permit from the Arizona state board of nursing to administer anesthesia in dental offices and dental clinics pursuant to section 32-1606. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 32-1403, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1403. Powers and duties of the board; compensation; immunity; committee on executive director selection and retention

A. The primary duty of the board is to protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified, impaired or unprofessional practitioners of allopathic medicine through licensure, regulation and rehabilitation of the profession in this state. The powers and duties of the board include:

1. Ordering and evaluating physical, psychological, psychiatric and competency testing of licensed physicians and candidates for licensure as may be determined necessary by the board.

2. Initiating investigations and determining on its the board's own motion whether a doctor of medicine has engaged in unprofessional conduct or provided incompetent medical care or is mentally or physically unable to engage in the practice of medicine.

3. Developing and recommending standards governing the profession.

4. Reviewing the credentials and the abilities of applicants whose professional records or physical or mental capabilities may not meet the requirements for licensure or registration as prescribed in article 2 of this chapter in order for the board to make a final determination whether the applicant meets the requirements for licensure pursuant to this chapter.

5. Disciplining and rehabilitating physicians.

6. Engaging in a full exchange of information with the licensing and disciplinary boards and medical associations of other states and jurisdictions of the United States and foreign countries and the Arizona medical association and its components.

7. Directing the preparation and circulation of educational material the board determines is helpful and proper for licensees.

8. Adopting rules regarding the regulation and the qualifications of doctors of medicine.

9. Establishing fees and penalties as provided pursuant to section 32-1436.

10. Delegating to the executive director the board's authority pursuant to section 32-1405 or 32-1451. The board shall adopt substantive policy statements pursuant to section 41-1091 for each specific licensing and regulatory authority the board delegates to the executive director.

11. Determining whether a prospective or current Arizona licensed physician has the training or experience to demonstrate the physician's ability to treat and manage opiate-dependent patients as a qualifying physician pursuant to 21 United States Code section 823(g)(2)(G)(ii).

12. Issuing permits to administer general anesthesia and deep sedation in dental offices and dental clinics pursuant to section 32-1272 to doctors of medicine who have completed residency training in anesthesiology.

B. The board may appoint one of its members to the jurisdiction arbitration panel pursuant to section 32-2907, subsection B.

C. There shall be no monetary liability on the part of and no cause of action shall arise against the executive director or such other permanent or temporary personnel or professional medical investigators for any act done or proceeding undertaken or performed in good faith and in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter.

D. In conducting its investigations pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section, the board may receive and review staff reports relating to complaints and malpractice claims.

E. The board shall establish a program that is reasonable and necessary to educate doctors of medicine regarding the uses and advantages of autologous blood transfusions.

F. The board may make statistical information on doctors of medicine and applicants for licensure under this article available to academic and research organizations.

G. The committee on executive director selection and retention is established consisting of the Arizona medical board and the chairperson and vice chairperson of the Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants. The committee is a public body and is subject to the requirements of title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1. The committee is responsible for appointing the executive director pursuant to section 32-1405. All members of the committee are voting members of the committee.  The committee shall elect a chairperson and a vice chairperson when the committee meets but no not more frequently than once a year. The chairperson shall call meetings of the committee as necessary, and the vice chairperson may call meetings of the committee that are necessary if the chairperson is not available. The presence of eight members of the committee at a meeting constitutes a quorum. The committee meetings may be held using communications equipment that allows all members who are participating in the meeting to hear each other. If any discussions occur in an executive session of the committee, notwithstanding the requirement that discussions made at an executive session be kept confidential as specified in section 38-431.03, the chairperson and vice chairperson of the Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants may discuss this information with the Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants in executive session. This disclosure of executive session information to the Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants does not constitute a waiver of confidentiality or any privilege, including the attorney-client privilege.

H. The officers of the Arizona medical board and the Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants shall meet twice a year to discuss matters of mutual concern and interest.

I. The board may accept and expend grants, gifts, devises and other contributions from any public or private source, including the federal government. Monies received under this subsection do not revert to the state general fund at the end of a fiscal year. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4. Section 32-1606, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1606. Powers and duties of board

A. The board may:

1. Adopt and revise rules necessary to carry into effect this chapter.

2. Publish advisory opinions regarding registered and practical nursing practice and nursing education.

3. Issue limited licenses or certificates if it determines that an applicant or licensee cannot function safely in a specific setting or within the full scope of practice.

4. Refer criminal violations of this chapter to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

5. Establish a confidential program for monitoring licensees who are chemically dependent and who enroll in rehabilitation programs that meet the criteria established by the board. The board may take further action if the licensee refuses to enter into a stipulated agreement or fails to comply with its terms. In order to protect the public health and safety, the confidentiality requirements of this paragraph do not apply if the licensee does not comply with the stipulated agreement.

6. On the applicant's or regulated party's request, establish a payment schedule with the applicant or regulated party.

7. Provide education regarding board functions.

8. Collect or assist in collecting workforce data.

9. Adopt rules to conduct pilot programs consistent with public safety for innovative applications in nursing practice, education and regulation.

10. Grant retirement status on request to retired nurses who are or were licensed under this chapter, who have no open complaint or investigation pending against them and who are not subject to discipline.

11. Accept and spend federal monies and private grants, gifts, contributions and devises to assist in carrying out the purposes of this chapter.  These monies do not revert to the state general fund at the end of the fiscal year.

B. The board shall:

1. Approve regulated training and educational programs that meet the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted by the board.

2. By rule, establish approval and reapproval processes for nursing and nursing assistant training programs that meet the requirements of this chapter and board rules.

3. Prepare and maintain a list of approved nursing programs to prepare registered nurses and practical nurses whose graduates are eligible for licensing under this chapter as registered nurses or as practical nurses if they satisfy the other requirements of this chapter and board rules.

4. Examine qualified registered nurse and practical nurse applicants.

5. License and renew the licenses of qualified registered nurse and practical nurse applicants and licensed nursing assistants who are not qualified to be licensed by the executive director.

6. Adopt a seal, which the executive director shall keep.

7. Keep a record of all proceedings.

8. For proper cause, deny or rescind approval of a regulated training or educational program for failure to comply with this chapter or the rules of the board.

9. Adopt rules to approve credential evaluation services that evaluate the qualifications of applicants who graduated from an international nursing program.

10. Determine and administer appropriate disciplinary action against all regulated parties who are found guilty of violating this chapter or rules adopted by the board.

11. Perform functions necessary to carry out the requirements of the nursing assistant and nurse aide training and competency evaluation program as set forth in the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1987 (P.L. 100-203; 101 Stat. 1330), as amended by the medicare catastrophic coverage act of 1988 (P.L. 100-360; 102 Stat. 683). These functions shall include:

(a) Testing and registering certified nursing assistants.

(b) Testing and licensing licensed nursing assistants.

(c) Maintaining a list of board-approved training programs.

(d) Maintaining a registry of nursing assistants for all certified nursing assistants and licensed nursing assistants.

(e) Assessing fees.

12. Adopt rules establishing those acts that may be performed by a registered nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife, except that the board does not have authority to decide scope of practice relating to abortion as defined in section 36-2151.

13. Adopt rules that prohibit registered nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists or certified nurse midwives from dispensing a schedule II controlled substance that is an opioid, except for an implantable device or an opioid that is for medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders.

14. Adopt rules establishing educational requirements to certify school nurses.

15. Publish copies of board rules and distribute these copies on request.

16. Require each applicant for initial licensure or certification to submit a full set of fingerprints to the board for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check pursuant to section 41-1750 and Public Law 92-544. The department of public safety may exchange this fingerprint data with the federal bureau of investigation.

17. Except for a licensee who has been convicted of a felony that has been designated a misdemeanor pursuant to section 13-604, revoke a license of a person, revoke the multistate licensure privilege of a person pursuant to section 32-1669 or not issue a license or renewal to an applicant who has one or more felony convictions and who has not received an absolute discharge from the sentences for all felony convictions three or more years before the date of filing an application pursuant to this chapter.

18. Establish standards to approve and reapprove registered nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist programs and provide for surveys of registered nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist programs as it the board deems necessary.

19. Provide the licensing authorities of health care institutions, facilities and homes with any information the board receives regarding practices that place a patient's health at risk.

20. Limit the multistate licensure privilege of any person who holds or applies for a license in this state pursuant to section 32-1668.

21. Adopt rules to establish competency standards for obtaining and maintaining a license.

22. Adopt rules to qualify and certify clinical nurse specialists.

23. Adopt rules to approve and reapprove refresher courses for nurses who are not currently practicing.

24. Maintain a list of approved medication assistant training programs.

25. Test and certify medication assistants.

26. Maintain a registry and disciplinary record of medication assistants who are certified pursuant to this chapter.

27. Adopt rules to establish the requirements for a clinical nurse specialist to prescribe and dispense drugs and devices consistent with section 32-1651 and within the clinical nurse specialist's population or disease focus.

28. Issue permits to administer general anesthesia and deep sedation in dental offices and dental clinics pursuant to section 32-1272 to certified registered nurse anesthetists who have national board certification in anesthesiology.

C. The board may conduct an investigation on receipt of information that indicates that a person or regulated party may have violated this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter. Following the investigation, the board may take disciplinary action pursuant to this chapter.

D. The board may limit, revoke or suspend the privilege of a nurse to practice in this state granted pursuant to section 32-1668.

E. Failure to comply with any final order of the board, including an order of censure or probation, is cause for suspension or revocation of a license or a certificate.

F. The president or a member of the board designated by the president may administer oaths in transacting the business of the board.END_STATUTE

Sec. 5. Section 32-1803, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1803. Powers and duties

A. The board shall:

1. Protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified, impaired and unprofessional practitioners of osteopathic medicine.

2. Issue licenses, conduct hearings, place physicians on probation, revoke or suspend licenses, enter into stipulated orders, issue letters of concern or decrees of censure and administer and enforce this chapter.

3. Maintain a record of its acts and proceedings, including the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension or revocation of licenses to practice according to this chapter.  The board shall delete records of complaints only as follows:

(a) If the board dismisses a complaint, the board shall delete the public record of the complaint five years after it the board dismissed the complaint.

(b) If the board has issued a letter of concern but has taken no further action on the complaint, the board shall delete the public record of the complaint five years after it the board issued the letter of concern.

(c) If the board has required additional continuing medical education pursuant to section 32-1855 but has not taken further action, the board shall delete the public record of the complaint five years after the person satisfies this requirement.

4. Maintain a public directory of all osteopathic physicians and surgeons who are or were licensed pursuant to this chapter that includes:

(a) The name of the physician.

(b) The physician's current or last known address of record.

(c) The date and number of the license issued to the physician pursuant to this chapter.

(d) The date the license is scheduled to expire if not renewed or the date the license expired or was revoked, suspended or canceled.

(e) Any disciplinary actions taken against the physician by the board.

(f) Letters of concern, remedial continuing medical education ordered and dismissals of complaints against the physician until deleted from the public record pursuant to paragraph 3 of this subsection.

5. Adopt rules regarding the regulation, qualifications and training of medical assistants. The training requirements for a medical assistant may be satisfied through a training program that meets all of the following:

(a) Is designed and offered by a physician.

(b) Meets or exceeds any of the approved training program requirements specified in rule.

(c) Verifies the entry-level competencies of a medical assistant as prescribed by rule.

(d) Provides written verification to the individual of successful completion of the program.

6. Discipline and rehabilitate osteopathic physicians.

7. Determine whether a prospective or current Arizona licensed physician has the training or experience to demonstrate the physician's ability to treat and manage opiate-dependent patients as a qualifying physician pursuant to 21 United States Code section 823(g)(2)(G)(ii).

8. Issue permits to administer general anesthesia and deep sedation in dental offices and dental clinics pursuant to section 32-1272 to physicians who have completed residency training in anesthesiology.

B. The public records of the board are open to inspection at all times during office hours.

C. The board may:

1. Adopt rules necessary or proper to administer this chapter.

2. Appoint one of its members to the jurisdiction arbitration panel pursuant to section 32-2907, subsection B.

3. Accept and spend federal monies and private grants, gifts, contributions and devises. These monies do not revert to the state general fund at the end of a fiscal year.

4. Develop and publish advisory opinions and standards governing the profession.

D. The board shall adopt and use a seal, the imprint of which, together with the signature of either the president, vice president or executive director, is evidence of its official acts.

E. In conducting investigations pursuant to this chapter, the board may receive and review confidential internal staff reports relating to complaints and malpractice claims.

F. The board may make available to academic and research organizations public records regarding statistical information on doctors of osteopathic medicine and applicants for licensure.END_STATUTE