BILL #    SB 1018

TITLE:     mental health coverage; collaborative care NOW: collaborative care; appropriation

SPONSOR:    Shope

STATUS:   Senate Engrossed

PREPARED BY:    Maggie Rocker






The bill would establish the Collaborative Care Uptake Fund and appropriate $1.0 million from the General Fund to the Fund in FY 2024. In addition, the bill directs the Department of Health Services (DHS) to award the monies as grants to specified primary care physicians (PCPs) and collaborative care technical assistance centers.


Estimated Impact


The bill would cost $1.0 million from the General Fund.




The bill defines the collaborative care model as an evidence-based, integrated behavioral health service delivery method that includes a formal arrangement between a PCP, a care manager, and a psychiatrist. The funding, administered by DHS, would be distributed to PCPs in medical practices with fewer than 50 employees for establishing and delivering services through the collaborative care model. The bill would also support technical assistance grants to collaborative care technical assistance centers to aid PCPs in providing behavioral health integration services.


Local Government Impact



