(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)
Page 3, line 24, after "the" insert "election officer,"
Page 4, between lines 19 and 20, insert:
"4. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Line 20, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 5, line 28, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Page 7, line 35, after the second "the" insert "election officer,"
Page 8, between lines 15 and 16, insert:
"4. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Line 16, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 9, line 19, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Line 25, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Line 31, after "the" insert "election OFFICER'S,"
Page 10, between lines 3 and 4, insert:
"2. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Page 10, line 15, strike "a" insert "an election officer's,"
Line 30, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Page 12, line 2, after "the" insert "election officer,"
Page 13, between lines 11 and 12, insert:
"4. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Line 12, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 14, line 13, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Page 16, between lines 14 and 15, insert:
"4. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Line 15, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 17, line 13, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Page 18, between lines 13 and 14, insert:
Renumber to conform
Line 14, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 19, line 14, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Between lines 41 and 42, insert:
"4. "election officer" means a state, county or municipal employee who holds an election officer's certificate issued pursuant to section 16-407."
Renumber to conform
Page 19, line 42, strike "a" insert "an election officer,"
Page 20, line 41, strike "or" insert a comma; after "office" insert "or a county, CITY or town office"
Amend title to conform