(Reference to Senate engrossed bill)
Page 1, between lines 1 and 2, insert:
"Section 1. Section 15-1650, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
15-1650. Annual financial aid report
A. On or before December 1 of each year, the Arizona board of regents shall submit to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the joint legislative budget committee a financial aid report with information from the two prior fiscal years. The report shall provide information for each institution under the jurisdiction of the board and each degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution in this state that has implemented an Arizona promise program pursuant to section 15-1701, a comparison to peer institutions, and summary information for the entire university system.
B. The report shall separately delineate both full-time resident undergraduate and full-time resident graduate students.
C. For each group identified in subsection B of this section, the annual financial aid report shall detail the following:
1. Cost of attendance, delineated by tuition rates, mandatory fees, room and board charges, book purchases and travel and related personal expenses.
2. Expected family contribution.
3. Gift aid, delineated by source type. Source types include federal, state, institutional and private.
4. Loans, delineated by subsidized amounts, unsubsidized amounts and amounts loaned to the parents of students.
5. Employment, delineated by program type. Program types include federal work-study, institutional work-study, graduate assistantships and outside work.
D. The Arizona board of regents and the staff of the joint legislative budget committee shall jointly determine the methodology and format of the report.
Sec. 2. Section 15-1650.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
15-1650.03. Arizona board of regents; resident undergraduate students; cost study; annual cost containment report
A. On or before December 15, 2017 and every five years thereafter, the Arizona board of regents shall conduct and complete a comprehensive cost study to determine the actual cost of educating a full-time resident undergraduate student at each university under the jurisdiction of the board. The board shall submit the cost study to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the joint legislative budget committee and shall provide a copy to the secretary of state. The cost study shall include a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with educating a full-time resident undergraduate student and shall include at least the following:
1. The use of instructional fees at each university, including differentiating between mandatory fees, program fees and course fees.
2. Differentiated costs between programs of study, including differential tuition and program and course fees.
3. The costs of faculty and administration differentiated between the amount of time needed to instruct students and to conduct research.
4. A breakdown of where tuition dollars are allocated, including the amount that is not directly attributable to instructional costs.
5. An analysis of the marginal cost and the average cost of a student depending on the type of program in which the student is enrolled, including online programs.
B. On or before September 1, 2018 and each year thereafter, the Arizona board of regents shall submit a comprehensive university cost containment report for each university under the jurisdiction of the board and for each degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution in this state that has implemented an Arizona promise program pursuant to section 15-1701 to the governor, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the joint legislative budget committee and shall provide a copy to the secretary of state. The report shall demonstrate the actions taken by each university or institution to contain increases in the cost of attendance for full-time resident undergraduate students and shall include at least the following:
1. Historical data on tuition and mandatory fee levels and average on-campus housing and meal plan fees at the largest campus for each university or institution during the previous fiscal year and fiscal years 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014, if applicable.
2. The number of FTES full-time employees and total salaries of university employees differentiated between faculty, classified staff and administrators at each university or institution during the previous fiscal year and fiscal years 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014, if applicable.
3. Actions taken by each university or institution to contain costs at the university or institution and the savings associated with those actions.
4. The allocation of faculty resources at each university or institution based on the time needed to instruct students and to conduct other research activities.
5. The number of credit hours required for a baccalaureate degree for the previous academic year and the 2003-2004 academic year for the ten degree programs that had the largest increase in credit hours required for a baccalaureate degree between the 2003-2004 academic year and the 2017-2018 academic year, and between the previous two academic years.
6. Detailed information on nontraditional or lower-cost degree options that each university or institution currently offers, has recently developed or is pursuing."
Renumber to conform
Page 1, line 10, after the period insert "except as provided in subsection G of this section,"
Page 2, between lines 15 and 16, insert:
"G. A degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution in this state that has implemented an Arizona promise program pursuant to subsection A of this section is eligible to continue participating in the Arizona promise program only if the institution does all of the following:
1. Reports to the Arizona board of regents:
(a) The amount of tuition and fees collected by the institution each fiscal year from students who qualify for in-state student status as prescribed in section 15-1802 each fiscal year.
(b) how the institution spent all monies that it received from the Arizona promise program fund each fiscal year.
2. Provides to the Arizona board of regents any information or financial records in a manner and schedule prescribed by the Arizona board of regents that is necessary for the financial aid report required pursuant to section 15-1650 or the cost containment report required pursuant to section 15-1650.03.
3. Complies with the requirements prescribed by section 41-725.
4. Provides any information, financial records or other data that is requested by the Arizona board of regents or the auditor general for the purposes of this section."
Reletter to conform
Page 3, line 7, after "section" insert "and that is eligible to continue participating in the Arizona promise program pursuant to subsection G of this section"
Page 3, after line 10, insert:
"Sec. 4. Section 41-725, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
41-725. Comprehensive database of receipts and expenditures of state monies; local reporting; definition
A. The department shall establish and maintain an official internet website that is electronically searchable by the public at no cost and that contains a comprehensive database of receipts and expenditures of state monies. The database shall include the information as prescribed in the comprehensive annual financial report of a budget unit that has been made by a certified public accountant who is currently certified by the Arizona state board of accountancy or who has a limited reciprocity privilege pursuant to section 32-725 and who is not an employee of the department. The report shall be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and shall contain financial statements that are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. If the department has a comprehensive annual financial report of a budget unit that has been presented with a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting by the governmental finance officers association, the department may post such a financial report to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
B. The department must present information in the database in a manner that is intuitive to members of the general public, including graphical representations. The database must allow users to:
1. Search and aggregate payments by individual budget units and programs.
2. Search and aggregate payments by individual vendors, including the total amount of state funding awarded by all budget units to individual vendors.
3. Download information yielded by a search of the database.
4. Access electronic versions of contracts that relate to expenditures.
C. The database shall include the following information:
1. Annual receipts of revenues, including:
(a) Receipts or deposits by each state budget unit into funds established in the state treasury.
(b) Taxes.
(c) Earnings by each budget unit, including amounts collected for merchandise sold, services performed and licenses, certifications and permits issued.
(d) Revenue from the use of publicly owned money or property, including leases and licenses.
(e) Gifts, donations and grants received, including amounts received from the federal government.
(f) Any other type of public revenue, however denominated or derived, deposited into the state treasury.
2. Annual expenditures and disbursements of state revenues by each state budget unit from funds established in the state treasury, as applicable, including:
(a) Bond payments, debt service and redemption charges and fees.
(b) Contractual services and cooperative agreements.
(c) Commodities.
(d) Capital outlay.
(e) Revenue sharing and other aid to other levels of government, including tribal governments.
(f) Any other expenditure or disbursement of state revenue from the state treasury, however denominated or structured.
D. Expenditure data shall list:
1. The manner of payment, including check or warrant or credit, debit or other purchase card.
2. The funding source, including categorical codes and the state accounts the expenditure is appropriated from.
3. A standardized descriptive title of the type and purpose of the transaction.
4. The date and amount of each payment.
5. The state agency or budget unit making the payment.
6. The name of the person or entity receiving the payment, including to the extent practicable a parent entity of the recipient if the recipient is owned by another entity.
7. The primary location of performance under the contract, including the county, city or town and legislative district.
E. The database shall not include:
1. Tax payment or refund data that include confidential taxpayer information.
2. Data relating to payments of state assistance to individual recipients.
3. Payees' addresses or telephone numbers, but the department may allow public access in the database to information identifying the county in which the payee is located.
4. Work product in anticipation of litigation or information subject to attorney-client privilege.
5. Any other information that is designated by law as confidential or preapproved as confidential by the department pursuant to rule. The department and any officer or employee of the department:
(a) May rely on a determination made by a budget unit regarding confidentiality of information relating to the budget unit's expenditures.
(b) Are immune from civil liability for posting confidential information under this section if the posting is in reliance on the budget unit's determination relating to confidentiality.
F. Each budget unit shall cooperate with the department as necessary to implement and administer this section. Each budget unit shall provide to the department any additional data in a manner and schedule prescribed by the department that are required to be included in the database. The database shall be updated within thirty days after the end of each fiscal year and may be updated as new data become available. The data shall be retained in the database for at least ten full fiscal years.
G. The governor, secretary of state, state treasurer and legislature shall include a link to the database under this section in their individual official websites. Each budget unit that maintains a generally accessible internet website, or for which a generally accessible website is maintained, shall include a link on that website to the database under this section.
H. Each local government shall establish and maintain an official internet website that is accessible to the public at no cost and that contains a comprehensive reporting of all revenues and expenditures over five thousand dollars of local monies in as nearly as practicable the same manner and consistent with subsections B through E of this section. The database shall include the information as prescribed in the comprehensive annual financial report of a budget unit that has been made by a certified public accountant who is currently certified by the Arizona state board of accountancy or who has a limited reciprocity privilege pursuant to section 32-725 and who is not an employee of the local government. The report shall be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and shall contain financial statements that are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. If a local government has a comprehensive annual financial report of a budget unit that has been presented with a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting by the governmental finance officers association, the local government may post such a financial report to satisfy the requirements of this subsection. A link to this data shall be displayed in a prominent place on the local government's official internet website or on a website of an association of cities and towns for cities and towns that do not have official websites and on the department's official internet website as prescribed in this section. The data shall be updated no less frequently than every three months and may be updated as new data becomes available. The data shall be retained and accessible online for at least three fiscal years.
I. For the purposes of this section, "local government" means:
1. A county, city or town with a population of more than twenty-five hundred persons.
2. Any community college district and school district having a student count of more than six hundred pupils.
3. A state university.
4. Degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution in this state that has implemented an Arizona promise program pursuant to section 15-1701."
Amend title to conform