Fifty-sixth Legislature                                                 Judiciary

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1413




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 6, strike "immediately remove the encampment,"

Strike lines 7 and 8, insert "notify the owner to remove the owner's tent, structure or other personal property from the area in which the encampment is located. If removal does not occur within twenty-four hours after the order to remove the property, the city or town shall claim the property and retain the property for a period of fourteen days, during which the owner may claim the owner's property.  Unclaimed property may be disposed of pursuant to title 44, chapter 3.  THe city or town shall clean the area in which the encampment was located."

Line 9, strike "the encampment shall be charged with" insert "an encampment that is located on private property are guilty of"

Lines 10 and 11, strike "if the encampment is located on private property"

Line 12, strike "shall be charged with" insert "are guilty of"

Strike lines 16 and 17, insert "other structures where one or more persons are knowingly, intelligently and regularly using the area as an indefinite place of domicile or residence."

Line 22, strike "immediately remove the encampment, discard any"

Strike lines 23 and 24, insert "notify the owner to remove the owner's tent, structure or other personal property from the area in which the encampment is located. If removal does not occur within twenty-four hours after the order to remove the property, the county shall claim the property and retain the property for a period of fourteen days, during which the owner may claim the owner's property.  Unclaimed property may be disposed of pursuant to title 44, chapter 3.  THe county shall clean the area in which the encampment was located."

Page 1, line 25, strike "the encampment shall be charged with" insert "an encampment that is located on private property are guilty of"

Lines 26 and 27, strike "if the encampment is located on private property"

Line 28, strike "shall be charged with" insert "are guilty of"

Strike lines 32 and 33, insert "other structures where one or more persons are knowingly, intelligently and regularly using the area as an indefinite place of domicile or residence."

Amend title to conform







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