Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session


HB2252: inmates; documentation; workforce reentry

Sponsor: Representative Wilmeth, LD 2

Committee on Commerce


Prescribes requirements for the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) to assist an inmate in workforce reentry.


ADC was established by statute with the objective of encompassing the various institutions, facilities and programs which are now or may become a part of the correctional program of the state, and to provide the supervisory staff and administrative functions of all matters relating to the institutionalization, rehabilitation and community supervision functions of all adult offenders (A.R.S. § 41-1602).

On receipt of an application from a person who does not have a valid driver license issued by this state or whose driving privilege is suspended, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) must issue a nonoperating identification license containing: 1) a distinguishing number assigned to the licensee; 2) the full legal name; 3) the date of birth; 4) the residence address; 5) a brief description of the licensee; and 6) either a facsimile of the signature of the licensee or a space on which the licensee is required to write the licensee's usual signature with pen and ink. A nonoperating identification license issued to a person whose driving privilege is suspended must not be valid for more than 180 days from the date of issuance (A.R.S. § 28-3165).

☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteProvisions

1.   Requires ADC to provide an inmate who is discharged from imprisonment for a felony offense and who intends to reside in this state with relevant documentation to assist the inmate in obtaining postrelease employment. (Sec. 1)

2.   Directs ADC, in coordination with ADOT, to replace the inmate's current nonoperating identification license or driver license (License) or to provide the inmate with a nonoperating identification license if the inmate does not possess a current License. (Sec. 1)

3.   Requires ADC, in coordination with ADOT, to determine whether the inmate possesses a current and valid license nine months before the inmate's release. (Sec. 1)

4.   Mandates ADC to begin gathering the documentation required for obtaining a nonoperating identification license if the inmate does not possess a current and valid License. (Sec. 1)

5.   Instructs ADC, in coordination with ADOT, to provide a nonoperating identification license to each eligible inmate on release from custody who does not possess a current or valid License. (Sec. 1)

6.   Stipulates a License that is issued to an inmate to be issued, replaced, canceled and denied in the same manner as a statutorily prescribed License. (Sec. 1)

7.   Requires ADOT to allow copies of birth certificates along with an ADC issued record card to serve as a valid form of photo identification to obtain a License. (Sec. 1)

8.   Specifies a nonoperating identification license issued to an inmate is valid for four years from the month of issuance and is nonrenewable and nontransferable. (Sec. 1)

9.   Specifies the fee for an eligible inmate's nonoperating identification license is determined by ADOT. (Sec. 1)

10.  Requires ADC to provide any inmate who has served in the US military with the contact information of the Department of Veteran's Services and its benefits guide. (Sec. 1)

11.  Allows ADC to use any monies available, including inmate trust fund monies, existing ADC fund monies and donations, to cover costs associated with implementing and administering licensing requirements for released inmates and to pay associated license fees. (Sec. 1)

12.  Requires ADC to notify an inmate, if eligible, to apply for a license or certificate from a state agency that oversees occupational licenses or certifications. (Sec. 1)

13.  Outlines specified documentation that ADC must provide to an inmate in assistance in obtaining postrelease employment. (Sec. 1)

14.  Excludes the following inmates from receiving specified documentation provided by ADC:

a)   65 years of age or older;

b)   released for medical reasons or who are discharged from a prison infirmary;

c)   released to the custody of another jurisdiction on a warrant or detainer; or 

d)   determined by ADC to be physically or mentally unable to return to the workforce on release from incarceration. (Sec. 1)

15.  Allows ADC, the Arizona Department of Health and ADOT to adopt rules to implement the regulations for inmate workforce and reentry. (Sec. 1)    



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