Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: TI DP 10-1-0-0

HB2288: roundabouts; right-of-way; large vehicles

Sponsor: Representative Cook, LD 7

Caucus & COW


Allows the operator of a vehicle or combination of vehicles that are at least 40 feet long or at least 10 feet wide, with due regard for all other traffic, to deviate from their lane when approaching or driving through a roundabout. Outlines right-of-way requirements in a roundabout and directs the local jurisdiction or director of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) to post a sign at all roundabouts stating that trucks have the right of way.


If a roadway is divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic, the following rules apply:

1)   A person shall drive a vehicle as nearly as practicable within a single lane and shall not move the vehicle from that lane until the driver determines they can do so safely. A motorcycle driver is exempt from this requirement while legally lane filtering;

2)   On a roadway that is divided into three lanes, a person shall not drive a vehicle in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle if the road is visible and clear of traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn or where the center lane is reserved for traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give notice of the change; and

3)   Official signs may be erected directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center of the roadway, drivers of vehicles are required to adhere to the directions of every sign (A.R.S. § 28-729).


1.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NotePermits the operator of a vehicle or combination of vehicles with a length of at least 40 feet or a width of at least 10 feet, with due regard for all other traffic, to deviate from their lane to the extent necessary to approach and drive through a roundabout. (Sec.2)

2.   Asserts that the driver of a vehicle, when approaching or in a roundabout, must yield the right-of-way to a person driving a vehicle or combination of vehicles that are at least 40 feet long or at least 10 feet wide feet through a roundabout at the same time or close enough in time to present an immediate hazard. (Sec.2)

3.   Specifies that a person driving through a roundabout is not required to yield to the operator of a vehicle or combination of vehicles that are at least 40 feet long or at least 10 feet wide who are approaching a roundabout. (Sec.2)

4.   States that when two vehicles or combination of vehicles each having a length of at least 40 feet or a width of at least 10 feet approach or drive through a roundabout at the same time or so close in time as to create a hazard, the driver on the right must yield the right-of-way to the driver on the left and must slow down or stop if necessary to yield. (Sec.2)

5.   Directs the local jurisdiction or director of ADOT to post at all roundabouts a minimum of one yield sign before the entrance of the roundabout with an additional sign underneath stating "trucks have right-of-way in roundabout". (Sec. 2)

6.   Outlines requirements for the signage. (Sec.2)

7.   Defines roundabout. (Sec.2)

8.   Makes a conforming change. (Sec. 1)



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