ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: HHS DPA 9-0-0-0 | 3rd Read 48-12-0-0
HB 2313: child placement; relative search; notice.
Sponsor: Representative Jones, LD 17
Senate Engrossed
Expands the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) procedures when conducting a due diligence search to identify and notify adult relatives or persons with a significant relationship with a child (kinship caregivers) taken into temporary custody.
The primary purpose of DCS is to protect children. To achieve this, DCS will do and focus equally on: 1) investigating reports of abuse and neglect; 2) assessing, promoting and supporting the safety of a child in a safe and stable family or other appropriate placement in response to allegations of abuse and neglect; 3) cooperating with law enforcement regarding reports that include allegations of criminal conduct; and 4) coordinating services to achieve and maintain permanency for the child, strengthen the family and provide prevention, intervention and treatment services without compromising the child's safety (A.R.S. § 8-451).
If a child is taken into temporary custody, as part of the ongoing search, DCS must use due diligence in its initial search to identify and notify kinship caregivers within 30 days after the child is taken into temporary custody. Additionally, DCS must file with the court its attempts to identify and notify kinship caregivers (A.R.S. § 8-514.07).
A child can be taken into temporary custody for only one of the following: 1) upon order of the superior court; 2) by a peace officer, child welfare investigator or child safety worker if necessary to protect the child; or 3) by the consent of the child's parent or guardian. The court must hold a preliminary protective hearing to review the taking of a child into temporary custody not fewer than five days nor more than seven days after the child is taken into custody, excluding Saturdays Sundays and holidays (A.R.S. §§ 8-821 and 8-824).
DCS's Due Diligence Search Procedures
1. Asserts that if a child is taken into temporary custody the court must order DCS to initiate a due diligence search. (Sec. 2)
Requires DCS's search when identifying kinship
caregivers to include:
a) an interview with the child's parent;
b) an interview with the child;
c) interviews with identified adult relatives;
d) interviews with other persons likely to have information regarding the location of kinship caregivers;
e) a comprehensive search of available records that are likely to help identify and locate a person being sought;
f) thorough inquiries by the court of the parties during case hearings; and
g) any other means that DCS deems likely to identify kinship caregivers. (Sec. 1)
3. Directs DCS to file with the court documentation regarding attempts made to identify and notify kinship caregivers within 30 days after the child is taken into temporary custody and at each subsequent hearing. (Sec. 1)
4. Requires the document filed with the court to include a detailed narrative explaining DCS's efforts to consider potential placements and the specific outcomes. (Sec. 1)
5. Requires DCS to provide notice to kinship caregivers who are identified through DCS's search. (Sec. 1)
6. Outlines the responses that must be provided in the notice. (Sec. 1)
8. Requires DCS to resume search efforts if ordered by the court, a change in the child's placement occurs or a party shows that continuing the search is in the best interests of the child. (Sec. 1)
9. Specifies that DCS must file with the court documentation of both of the following:
a) the completed due diligence search efforts containing specified information; and
b) all documented efforts for placement of the child through an interstate compact agreement, including specified information. (Sec. 1)
10. Specifies that if an out-of-state placement option exists and DCS has failed to file a request with the receiving state pursuant to the interstate compact agreement, the court must enter a finding that DCS has not made a due diligence search and must order them to file a request with the receiving state. (Sec. 1)
11. Directs DCS to submit a written report to the court disclosing their efforts to identify, notify and assess kinship caregivers no later than the day before the preliminary protective hearing. (Sec. 4)
12. Requires the court to:
a) determine at the initial dependency hearing, rather than order, if the parent or guardian is providing the court and DCS with all available information necessary to locate kinship caregivers; and
b) determine that DCS is conducting a due diligence search. (Sec. 5)
13. Removes the requirement that if there is not sufficient information available to locate kinship caregivers, the parent or guardian must inform the court of this fact. (Sec. 5)
14. Removes the requirement that the court must order the parent or guardian to inform DCS immediately if the parent or guardian becomes aware of information related to the existence or location of kinship caregivers (Sec. 5)
15. Makes technical and conforming. (1-3, 5)
Senate Amendments
1. Directs DCS to continue to conduct a search for kinship caregivers if the child is placed with a kinship caregiver who is unable or unwilling to provide permanent placement for the child.
2. Removes the specification that a notice to potential kinship caregivers must include any options that may be lost by not responding to the notice.
3. Makes technical changes.
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7. HB 2313
8. Initials AG Page 0 Senate Engrossed
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