Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: RA DPA 4-3-0-0

HB 2525: barbering; cosmetology; salons; unlicensed employees

Sponsor: Representative Hendrix, LD 14

Caucus & COW


Establishes a new program and registry administered by the Arizona Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (Board) to allow licensed, participating shops and salons to employ unlicensed individuals.


Laws 2021, Chapter 334 consolidated the barbering and cosmetology boards into the Arizona Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, effective January 1, 2022.  The new nine-member Board is appointed by the Governor to three-year terms and include: 1) a barber; 2) a cosmetologist; 3) two school owners; and 4) five public members. Board powers and duties include adopting pertinent rules for sanitary and safety requirements, administering and enforcing statutes and rules, issuing and maintaining proper licensee records and prescribing school curriculum requirements among others (A.R.S. §§ 32-304, 32-504).


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteShop and Salon Inspection Program (Inspection Program) and

Shop and Salon Registry (Registry) (Sec. 2)

1.   Directs the Board to establish an Inspection Program and Registry to allow participating, licensed shops or salons to employ unlicensed individuals.

2.   Permits licensed shops and salons to participate in the Inspection Program by registering with the Board.   

3.   Authorizes appropriately licensed shops or salons that are registered Inspection Program participants to hire unlicensed persons to provide barbering, aesthetics, cosmetology, hairstyling or nail technology.

4.   Outlines sign requirements for registered Inspection Program participants. 

5.   Requires any registered Inspection Program shop or salon to abide by all facility, equipment, safety, infection control, inspection, management and licensing renewal mandates and all other statutory requirements.

6.   Stipulates that the owner of any registered and participating Inspection Program shop or salon is responsible for:

a)   ensuring the education, training and competence of persons working in the salon or shop;

b)   protecting the health and safety of all customers and workers, including the sanitation of the shop and equipment.

7.   Permits a person to recover reasonable attorney fees and other equitable relief, as determined by the court, for an alleged injury resulting from an action that occurred in a shop or salon.

8.   Directs the Board to conduct regular inspections of participating Inspection Program shops or salons, as it deems necessary.

9.   Empowers the Board to order an Inspection Program shop or salon to cease operations if there is probable cause to believe that human health is endangered and outlines the process and procedures for remedy.


10.  States that a person employed with an Inspection Program shop or salon is not required to be licensed.  (Sec. 1, 3)

11.  Permits a person with a least 200 hours of infection protection and law review instruction to obtain an aesthetician's license if the person submits the application and meets all other statutory requirements. (Sec. 4)

12.  Changes the requirements to receive a cosmetologist license as follows:

a)   decreases, from 1,500 to 1,000, the required training course hours; and

b)   decreases, from 250 to 200, the infection protection and law review instruction hours. (Sec. 5)

13.  Revises the requirements to obtain a nail technician license as follow:

a)   decreases, from 600 to 400, the number of required training hours.

b)   permits a person with at least 150 hours of infection protection and law review instruction to obtain a license if the person submits the application and meets all other statutory requirements.  (Sec. 6)

14.  Modifies the requirements to obtain a hairstyling license as follows:

a)   decreases, from 1,000 to 600, the number of required training hours; and

b)   permits a person with at least 200 hours of infection protection and law review instruction to obtain a license if the person submits the application and meets all other statutory requirements.  (Sec. 7)

15.  Specifies that the infection protection and law review instruction may be completed through an approved federal Department of Labor program or an Arizona Department of Economic Security approved apprenticeship program.  (Sec. 4, 6, 7)

16.  Makes technical and conforming changes.  (Sec. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)


Committee on Regulatory Affairs

1.   Reinstates current law regarding the necessary educational hours for cosmetologists, nail technicians and hair stylists. 



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