Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session

House: TI DPA 9-1-0-1

HB2526: railroads; annual safety inspections

Sponsor: Representative Hernandez C, LD 21

House Engrossed


Directs the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to conduct annual safety inspections of all railroads and railroad tracks in this state.


Statute requires the ACC to prescribe standards of safety and safety devices to protect the health and safety of employees of railroads requiring: 1) installation and maintenance by railroads of electric marker warning lights on the rear of all trains with sufficient candle power to be visible at a distance of 3,000 feet under ordinary atmospheric conditions; and 2) installation and maintenance by railroads of adequate electrical lighting within cabooses for clerical work (A.R.S. § 40-841).

Statute requires all persons engaged in the operation of railroads to comply with any regulation or order of the ACC issued for railroad safety and to furnish any information required by the ACC. The ACC or its authorized agent may enter any place of operation engaged in the operation of railroads to determine if standards relating to railroad safety are being complied with (A.R.S. § 40-844).


1.   Requires the ACC to conduct annual safety inspections of all railroads and railroad tracks in this state. (Sec. 1)




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                        HB 2526

Initials JB/LM  Page 0 House Engrossed


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