ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session |
House: MAPS DP 14-0-0-1 |
HB2726: appropriation; DPS; mobile radio system
Sponsor: Representative Marshall, LD 7
Committee on Appropriations
Appropriates $44,100,000 from the state General Fund (GF) to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for land mobile radio system expansion and upgrades in FY 2024.
DPS owns, operates and maintains a statewide microwave and land mobile radio network which provides critical public safety voice and radio communications for multiple State of Arizona agencies and several local, federal and tribal agencies (DPS FY 2024 Budget Request).
This managed network includes: 1) two-way radio communications; 2) microwave backhaul; 3) dispatch console systems; 4) site infrastructure; and 5) cellular voice and data solutions (DPS FY 2024 Budget Request).
1. Appropriates $44,100,000 from the state GF to DPS for land mobile radio system expansion and upgrades in FY 2024. (Sec. 1)
2. Exempts the appropriations from lapsing. (Sec. 1)
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HB 2726
Initials NM/CV Page 0 Appropriations
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