Fifty-fifth Legislature

Second Regular Session


HB 2814: criminal justice; 2023-2024

Sponsor: Representative Livingston, LD 28

Committee on Appropriations


Contains provisions relating to criminal justice needed to implement the FY 2024 budget.


The Arizona Legislature adopts a budget for each fiscal year (FY) that contains general appropriations. Article IV, Section 20, Part 2 of the Constitution of Arizona, requires the General Appropriations Act (feed bill) to contain only appropriations for the different state departments, state institutions, public schools and interest on public debt. Statutory changes necessary to reconcile the appropriations made in the feed bill and other changes are drafted into separate budget bills. These bills are prepared according to subject area.


Attorney General

1.   Amends existing permanent law to make all monies deposited into the Consumer Remediation Subaccount of the Consumer Restitution and Remediation Revolving Fund (Fund) through opioid claims-related litigation or settlements subject to legislative appropriation. (Sec. 2)

2.   Requires the quarterly report of the Fund to separately delineate receipts and disbursements for all opioid claims-related litigation monies. (Sec. 2)

Department of Homeland Security

3.   Creates, in session law, the non-appropriated Antihuman Trafficking Grant Fund administered by the Department of Homeland Security☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal Note (Department) consisting of monies appropriated by the Legislature to be distributed in FY 24 to fund grants to eligible programs to reduce human trafficking in Arizona. (Sec. 5)

4.   Establishes, in session law:

a)   The Arizona State Nonprofit Security Grant Program (Program) administered by the Department to provide funding for safety and security projects to eligible nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack or at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of the nonprofit's ideology, beliefs or mission; and

b)   The non-appropriated Arizona State Nonprofit Security Grant Program Fund (Fund) consisting of grants, gifts, donations and legislative appropriations from which the Department is required to issue grants to applicants who qualify for the Program in FY 2024 through FY 2028. (Sec. 6)

5.   Outlines grant application process and eligibility requirements for the Program and defines relevant terms. (Sec. 6)

6.   For any fiscal year, requires the Department to award up to $1,000,000 in grants from the Fund, prohibits a nonprofit from receiving more than $100,000 and instructs the Department to give priority to nonprofit organizations that are unable to apply for funding from other sources. (Sec. 6)

7.   Includes a delayed repeal date of October 1, 2028, for session law governing the Program and Fund. (Sec. 6)

Supreme Court

8.   Changes existing session law to allow the Supreme Court to spend money on a new appellate case management system in FY 2024 through FY 2026. (Sec. 3)

Department of Juvenile Corrections

9.   Amends existing permanent law to increase the minimum threshold county population needed for the Department of Juvenile Corrections to annually assess a Committed Youth Confinement Cost Sharing Fee from more than 500,000 persons to more than 3,000,000 persons. (Sec. 1)

Department of Public Safety

10.  Establishes, in session law, the non-appropriated Fentanyl Prosecution, Diversion and Testing Fund (Fund) administered by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) consisting of monies appropriated by the Legislature. (Sec. 4)

11.  Requires DPS to allocate monies in the Fund to certain agencies to assist with costs related to fentanyl prosecution and testing. (Sec. 4)

12.  Permits DPS to use monies in the Fund for administrative costs. (Sec. 4)





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                  HB 2814

Initials JL Page 0 Appropriations 


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