ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session |
Senate: HHS DP 6-0-1-0 Ɩ 3rd Read 28-0-2-0 |
SB1014: eyeglasses; prescriptions
Sponsor: Senator Kavanagh, LD 3
Committee on Health & Human Services
Deems ophthalmic lens prescriptions, other than contact lenses, valid for two years unless the prescribing physician or optometrist indicates otherwise due to the patient's age, medical or ocular condition.
Currently, for an optometric prescription for ophthalmic lenses other than contact lenses, the licensee must include the: 1) name of the patient; 2) refractive power of the lenses; 3) printed name, office address, telephone number and signature of the licensee; and 4) date of the examination and expiration of the prescription (A.A.C. R4-21-306 (b)).
1. Specifies that ophthalmic lens prescriptions, other than contact lenses, are valid for two years unless otherwise specified by the prescribing optometrist, medical or osteopathic physician due to the patient's age, medical or ocular condition. (Sec. 1-3)
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5. SB 1014
6. Initials AG/KM Page 0 Health & Human Services
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