ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESFifty-sixth Legislature First Regular Session |
Senate: GOV DP 5-3-0-0 | 3rd Read DPA 16-13-0-0House: MAPS DP 8-7-0-0 | 3rd Read DP 32-26-0-2 |
SB 1234: prohibition; photo radar
Sponsor: Senator Rogers, LD 7
Forbids the use of photo enforcement systems to enforce traffic law.
A photo enforcement system is a device consisting of a radar sensor linked to a camera that produces recorded images of a vehicle's license plate for the purpose of identifying violators of state traffic laws or speeding laws (A.R.S. § 26-601).
Statute currently regulates photo enforcement systems in various ways, including prohibiting their use on state highways and requiring certain signs and notices of their use to be posted (A.R.S. Title 28, Chapter 3, Article 21).
1. Prohibits local authorities or state agencies from using a photo enforcement system to identify violators of state or local traffic or speeding laws. (Sec. 5)
2. Repeals various existing sections of statute relating to photo enforcement system to conform with the prohibition. (Sec. 4, 6)
3. Redefines photo enforcement system. (Sec. 1, 3)
4. Contains an intent clause. (Sec. 7)
5. Makes conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)
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SB 1234
Initials NM Page 0 Vetoed
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