Assigned to NREW & APPROP                                                                         AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session





fire incident management fund; appropriation.


Establishes the Fire Incident Management Fund (Fund) administered by the State Treasurer to provide hardware and software that enables the deployment of a secure incident management platform. Appropriates $12,200,000 from the state General Fund (state GF) in FY 2024 to the Fund.


The United States uses the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) to report fires and other incidents and to maintain records of those incidents (DFFM). NFIRS was established by the federal 1974 National Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 and requires states to participate (NFIRS). Arizona utilizes NFIRS for record keeping on incidents to which fire departments respond. The data collected can be used for planning future fire department needs, identifying resource needs and prioritizing training (DFFM).

S.B. 1207 appropriates $12,200,000 from the state GF in FY 2024 to the Fund.


1.   Establishes the Fund, administered by the State Treasurer, and consisting of legislative appropriations.

2.   Appropriates $12,200,000 from the state GF in FY 2024 to the Fund.

3.   Requires the Fund monies to provide hardware and software that:

a)   enables the statewide deployment of a secure incident management platform to fire and law enforcement agencies;

b)   provides a standardized incident command and a management platform based on federal emergency management agency standards that enable diverse incident management and support entities to work together and ensure:

i.   a clearly defined chain of command;

ii.   the use of common terminology;

iii.   the safety of first responders and others;

iv.   the achievement of response objectives; and

v.   the efficient use of resources;

c)   provides a collaboration and communications solution that:

i. identifies the location, status and assignment of assigned resources;

ii. allows status updates, tracking and management of an incident;

iii. allows secure messaging and file sharing to all users involved in an incident;

iv. allows the sharing of collaborative maps, building floor plans and images between public safety agencies;

v. allows collaboration and information sharing between disparate agencies during a mass casualty incident;

vi. defines a federal emergency management agency or national incident management systems based organizational structure for the management of incidents;

vii. provides the ability to print standard integrated computer solutions forms for tracking and cost reimbursement;

viii. provides enhanced telemetry based firefighter safety monitoring;

ix. works in areas without internet access in a disconnected mode;

x. provides a seamless and connected platform for notification, response and rostering;

xi. provides cross platform functionality; and

xii. provides a smartphone based app for notification, accountability, and situational awareness.

4.   Exempts the appropriation from lapsing.

5.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Appropriations Committee

· Adds to the uses of Fund monies.

Senate Action

NREW            2/2/23        DP             6-1-0

APPROP         2/7/23        DPA          9-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

February 8, 2023
