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Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session
naturopathic physicians medical board
Removes the requirement of a naturopathic medical student who wishes to engage in a naturopathic medicine clinical training program to apply for a clinical training program certificate (certificate).
The Naturopathic
Physicians Medical Board (Board) oversees the licensing and practice of
naturopathic medicine in Arizona (A.R.S.
§ 32-1504). The Executive Director of the Board's duties include: 1)
issuing naturopathic medicine licenses and certificates to applicants who meet
outlined requirements; 2) collecting all monies due and payable to the Board;
3) conducting periodic inspection of the dispensing and prescribing practices
of doctors of naturopathic medicine; and
4) reporting dispensing and prescribing restrictions imposed by the Board
against doctors of naturopathic medicine to other state and federal regulatory
agencies (A.R.S.
§ 32-1509).
A naturopathic medical student who wishes to engage in a clinical training program in naturopathic medicine must submit an application for a certificate. A certificated naturopathic medical student must be under the direct supervision of a licensed medical, osteopathic, naturopathic or homeopathic physician when the student is engaged in clinical training. A naturopathic medical student who holds a certificate to engage in a clinical training program must annually renew the certificate. The initial annual renewal date must be one year after the Board approved the certificate application (A.R.S. §§ 32-1509 and 32-1560).
The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) serves as an independent source of impartial information concerning state and local governmental entities and provides specific recommendations to improve the operations of those entities. The OAG conducted an investigation of the Board to determine whether the Board issued licenses and certificates in accordance with statute and rule requirements, resolved complaints in a timely manner and, in accordance with Board policy, provided information to the public as required by statute and provide responses to the statutory sunset factors. The OAG recommended the Board perform statutorily required inspections or work with the Legislature to modify statute related to these statutory requirements and, consistent with its reported plans, work with the Legislature to pursue a statutory change to eliminate medical students’ clinical training certification requirements (OAG Report).
Telehealth is the interactive use of audio, video or other electronic media for the practice of health care, assessment, diagnosis, consultation or treatment and the transfer of medical data and includes the use of an audio-only telephone encounter between the patient or client and health care provider if an audio-visual telehealth encounter is not reasonably available due to the patient's functional status, the patient's lack of technology or telecommunications infrastructure limits. Telehealth does not include the use of a fax machine, instant messages, voice mail or email (A.R.S. § 36-3601).
S.B. 1218 eliminates the application fee for examination without a licensure application by a naturopathic medical student, of which 90 percent is deposited into the Board Fund and 10 percent is deposited into the state General Fund.
1. Removes the requirement of a naturopathic medical student who wishes to engage in a naturopathic medicine clinical training program to apply for a certificate.
2. Eliminates the certificate and requirements for certification and renewal.
3. Removes the requirement of the Executive Director of the Board, or that person's designee, to:
a) conduct periodic inspection of the dispensing practices and the prescribing practices of doctors of naturopathic medicine; and
b) report dispensing and prescribing restrictions imposed by the Board against doctors of naturopathic medicine to other state and federal regulatory agencies.
4. Requires a naturopathic medicine licensure applicant to be active, rather than continuously active, for at least three years immediately preceding application in one or more outlined practice, internship, training or residency criteria.
5. Removes the $100 application fee for examination without a licensure application by a naturopathic medical student.
6. Includes in the definition of an approved school of naturopathic medicine or school of naturopathic medicine a university determined by the Board to have an educational program that meets standards prescribed by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education.
7. Allows a physical examination to be conducted through telehealth, rather than during a real-time telemedicine encounter with audio and video capability.
8. Makes technical and conforming changes.
9. Becomes effective on the general effective date.
Prepared by Senate Research
February 3, 2023