Assigned to GOV                                                                                                          AS PASSED BY HOUSE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session




governor; inauguration expenses; reporting

(NOW: inauguration expenses; promotional fund account)

As passed by the Senate, S.B. 1299 requires the Governor's office to publish information detailing each organization that organized, supported or funded the inauguration ceremony on its website, within 15 days after the inauguration ceremony. The House of Representatives adopted a strike-everything amendment that does the following:


Requires the Governor or Governor-elect to establish a state promotional fund account and to deposit all monies raised or received for the purpose of paying the costs of the Governor's inauguration events in the state promotional fund account and to pay the costs of the inauguration events with monies from the state promotional fund account.


The Governor or either presiding officer of the Legislature may accept and expend public or private gifts, grants, donations or monies for the purpose of promoting the interests of the state or to promote and encourage citizen public service. The monies must be deposited, held and retained in separate state promotional fund accounts according to the specified source and purpose of the fund. The Arizona Department of Administration issues warrants for disbursements from a state promotional fund account on receipt of vouchers establishing the nature of the disbursement including the signature of the person authorized to approve expenditures from the state promotional fund account. The authorized person may approve expenditures only to the extent that the expenditures are consistent with any terms or conditions under which the monies were received and for an authorized purpose (A.R.S. § 41-1105).

Statute outlines requirements that govern campaign contributions and expenses, including campaign finance reporting and expenditures and contribution limits (A.R.S. Title 16, Chapter 6). 

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   Requires the Governor or Governor-elect to establish a state promotional fund account and deposit all monies raised or received for paying the costs of the Governor's inauguration events in the state promotional fund account.

2.   Requires the Governor or Governor-elect to pay the costs of the Governor's inauguration events with monies from the state promotional fund account.

3.   Caps, at $25,000, the aggregate amount of monies, services or other things of value an individual or entity may donate for paying the costs of gubernatorial inauguration events.

4.   Requires any donations of monies, services or other things of value by an entity that is a controlled business to be aggregated with the individual donor's donations for the purposes of aggregating donations.

5.   Specifies that monies, services or other things of value that are lawfully donated for paying the costs of gubernatorial inauguration events are not campaign contributions.

6.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by the House of Representatives

· Adopted the strike-everything amendment.

House Action

GOV               3/29/23      DPA/SE    9-0-0-0

3rd Read          4/26/23                        58-0-1-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

April 26, 2023
