Assigned to ELEC                                                                                                         AS PASSED BY HOUSE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session





cast vote record; public records


States that a cast vote record for an election is a public record and defines cast vote record.


The officer in charge of elections must ensure that electronic or digital ballot images are protected from physical or electronic access, including unauthorized copying or transferring, and that all security measures are at least as protective as those for paper ballots (A.R.S. § 16-625).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.


1.   States, for every election held in Arizona and after completion of the official canvass, that the cast vote record for the election is public record.

2.   Defines cast vote record as the electronic records available within an election management system that show how the votes were cast on each anonymous ballot for each race and that allow for verification of the accumulated vote totals for each candidate or issue together with a summary report for each batch for counties whose election management system does not tie images of electronically adjudicated ballots to underlying original ballot images.

3.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole

· Defines cast vote record as an electronic record of the voter's selections as captured by a tabulation device from a ballot or ballot image that cannot be linked to a specific voter.

Amendments Adopted by the House of Representatives

· Redefines cast vote record.

Senate Action                                                           House Action

ELEC              2/13/23      DP          5-3-0               MOE               3/29/23      DPA    6-4-0-0

3rd Read           3/1/23                       16-12-23          3rd Read          5/15/23                  31-27-1-0-1

Prepared by Senate Research

May 16, 2023
