Assigned to MAPS & APPROP                                                                                        AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session



FACT SHEET FOR s.b. 1454


veteran suicide prevention; pilot program


Appropriates $600,000 and adds one full time equivalent position (FTE) from the state General Fund (state GF) to the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services (ADVS) to establish and oversee the Veteran Suicide Prevention Training Pilot Program (Program).


Duties of ADVS include informing veterans, their families and dependents, military and civilian authorities about federal, state and local laws enacted to benefit veterans and others as outlined, as well as collecting information relating to services and facilities available to veterans and entering into agreements with veterans' organizations in Arizona holding a charter granted by the U.S. Congress for the beneficial interest of veterans. ADVS may also establish a training center to provide training to current or potential employees and the veteran community (A.R.S.
§ 41-603

The Department of Health Services must annually compile a report on veteran suicides in Arizona that includes the number and rate of veterans who died by suicide in Arizona's resident population for the most current complete calendar year, historic trends of veteran suicide rates, the most common mechanism of suicide in Arizona's resident veteran population, and utilization and encounter data for a nonprofit veterans' services organization that provides services related to reducing suicides among Arizona's military and veteran populations (A.R.S. § 36-146).

S.B. 1454 appropriates $600,000 and one FTE from the state GF to ADVS in FY 2024.


1.   Establishes the Program in ADVS to offer claims examiners as well as county and municipal veteran service offices specialized training and certification in preventing veteran suicides.

2.   Appropriates $600,000 and one FTE position from the state GF to ADVS in FY 2024 for purposes of the Program.

3.   Allows ADVS to use up to $100,000 of the appropriated monies to hire one program specialist and to pay for other administrative costs, including marketing, associated with the Program.

4.   Requires ADVS to contract with an organization that has experience in developing and implementing veteran-relevant and evidence-based suicide prevention training to develop the training curriculum for the Program.

5.   Requires ADVS to establish and oversee the process for selecting Program participants and certifying Program participants who successfully complete veteran suicide prevention training.

6.   Requires the Program to train participants to:

a)   identify indicators of elevated suicide risk in veterans; and

b)   provide emergency crisis referrals for veterans expressing or exhibiting symptoms of emotional or psychological distress.

7.   Requires ADVS to submit a report, on or before July 30 each year, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives that includes information concerning the Program and whether any changes should be made to the Program to increase the Program's effectiveness.

8.   Requires ADVS final report to recommend whether the Program should be continued.

9.   Exempts the $600,000 appropriation from lapsing.

10.  Repeals the Program on January 1, 2028.

11.  Makes conforming changes.

12.  Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole

1.   Increases the appropriation from $500,000 to $600,000, and adds one FTE position to ADVS.

2.   Allows ADVS to use up to $100,000 of the appropriated monies to hire one program specialist and to pay for other administrative costs associated with the Program.

Senate Action

APPROP         2/23/23      DP    10-0-0

MAPS             2/15/23      DP    7-0-0

Prepared by Senate Research

March 14, 2023
