Assigned to MAPS                                                                                                            AS PASSED BY COW






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session





transition program fund; living expenses


Requires the Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation and Reentry (ADCRR) to use monies from the Transition Program Fund to pay for any costs, up to a maximum of $500, for a person that completes the transition program to secure housing.


ADCRR is required to contract with private and nonprofit entities that provide eligible inmates with transition services in the community for up to 90 days. Rules adopted for the implementation of this program must include: 1) eligibility criteria for inmates; 2) a requirement that each contracted entity train mentors or certify the mentors are trained; 3) a requirement that services offered to an inmate include psychoeducational counseling and case management services; and 4) a requirement that an inmate may only be released to the transition program after the victim has been provided notice and an opportunity to be heard. In awarding contracts for transition services, ADCRR must also: 1) conduct annual studies on recidivism rates for inmates who receive transition services; 2) submit a report of its recidivism findings that contains prescribed information; and 3) provide information about transition services to all inmates who may be eligible (A.R.S. § 31-281).

To be considered eligible for transition services, an inmate must: 1) not be convicted of sexual offenses or violent crimes as outlined; 2) not have any felony detainers; 3) agree in writing to provide specific information after the inmate is released to be used for recidivism reports;
4) have made satisfactory progress by complying with all programming on the inmate's individualized corrections plan; 5) be classified as minimum or medium custody; and 6) not have been found in violation of any major violent rule during the inmate's current period of incarceration or in violation of any other major rule within the previous six months (A.R.S. § 31-281).

Each prisoner who is engaged in productive work in any state prison or institution under the jurisdiction of ADCRR, or a private prison under contract with the ADCRR, as a part of the prison industries program must receive compensation for the prisoner's work as determined by the Director of ADCRR. If the prisoner was not convicted of driving under the influence, mandatory deductions of five percent of the prisoner's gross wages must be taken and used exclusively to fund the transition program (A.R.S. § 31-254).

There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the state General Fund associated with this legislation.



1.   Requires ADCRR to use monies from the Transition Program Fund to pay for any costs, up to a maximum of $500, for a person that completes the transition program to secure housing.

2.   Specifies that costs to secure housing for a person that completes the transition program includes the cost to live in a sober living home, the first and the last months' rent, or any other payment or deposit required to secure housing.

3.   Makes technical and conforming changes.

4.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by Committee of the Whole

· Requires a person to complete the transition program, rather than to have received transition services, in order to receive payment of up to $500 in costs to secure housing.

Senate Action

MAPS             2/15/23      DP     7-0-0   

Prepared by Senate Research

March 1, 2023
