Assigned to GOV & APPROP                                                                            AS PASSED BY COMMITTEE






Fifty-Sixth Legislature, First Regular Session





appropriation; simulators; law enforcement; probation


Appropriates $1,368,000 from the Peace Officer Training Equipment Fund (Fund) in FY 2024 to the State Treasurer to purchase training simulators.


The Fund consists of monies from a $4 assessment on fines, penalties or forfeitures collected for traffic violations and $4 from the surcharge on the fees charged for diversion programs for traffic offenses. In FY 2019, the state appropriated $2,300,000 from the Fund to the Department of Public Safety for 10 virtual firing ranges and three virtual training simulators that were allocated to the Tucson Police Department, Pinal County Sheriff and Yuma County Sherriff
(Laws 2018, Ch. 312).

H.B. 2632 appropriates $1,368,000 from the Fund in FY 2024 to the State Treasurer.


1.   Appropriates $1,368,000 from the Fund in FY 2024 to the State Treasurer to purchase training simulators.

2.   Requires the State Treasurer to distribute the monies to the following law enforcement agencies to purchase V-300 LE simulators:

a)   $300,000 to the Flagstaff Police Department;

b)   $300,000 to the Mohave County Probation Department;

c)   $330,000 to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office; and

d)   $300,000 to the Navajo County Sheriff's Department.

3.   Requires the State Treasurer to distribute $138,000 to the Casa Grande Police Department to purchase a V-180 LE simulator.

4.   Contains a statement of legislative intent.

5.   Becomes effective on the general effective date.

Amendments Adopted by the Government Committee

1.   Decreases, from $1,668,000 to $1,368,000, the appropriation from the Fund.

2.   Removes the Gila County Sheriff's Office as a recipient of the appropriation.


House Action                                                           Senate Action

MAPS             2/13/23      DPA          14-0-1-0       GOV               3/22/23      DPA       7-1-0

APPROP         2/20/23      DPA          12-1-2-0       APPROP         3/28/23      DP          5-3-2

3rd Read          3/1/23                          31-27-2

Prepared by Senate Research

March 24, 2023
