REFERENCE TITLE: session law; font color





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





HB 2214


Introduced by

Representative Griffin









An Act


amending section 41-1304, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the legislative council.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 41-1304, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-1304. Powers and duties

A. The legislative council shall:

1. Provide bill drafting, research and other services to the legislature deemed necessary or advisable by the council to improve the quality of legislation and to ensure full participation by the legislative branch in determining and reviewing policy and the administration of state affairs.

2. Adopt rules and formulate policies for the administration of this article and for the conduct of the affairs of the council.

3. Appoint clerical, technical and professional assistants deemed necessary or advisable to carry out this article, fix their compensation and prescribe their powers and duties.

4. Maintain a legislative reference library.

5. Procure information at the request of members of the legislature on any legislative subject.

6. Prepare or revise bills and other legislative measures for members or committees of the legislature and, on request of a member of the legislature, for state officers and agencies.

7. Prepare and issue styles and forms for drafting bills, amendments and other legislative measures for the use of the legislature, state officers and persons interested in drafting amendments and bills or measures for introduction in the legislature, except that a font color other than black shall be used when preparing or revising temporary law for bills and amendments. The styles and forms for drafting amendments shall be developed and adopted in consultation and cooperation with the senate and the house of representatives.

8. Prepare and file with the secretary of state, not later than ten days preceding the regular primary election, an analysis of the provisions of each ballot proposal of a measure or proposed amendment.

B. The legislative council may purchase, lease and otherwise acquire land and buildings and make improvements to land and buildings it acquires or uses for the purpose of providing suitable facilities for the use of the legislative department. The council may obtain operational and maintenance assistance for any legislative facilities without charge from the department of administration, may obtain security assistance from the department of public safety, may employ personnel to discharge operational, maintenance and security functions or may contract for outside services payable from council appropriations.

C. The legislative council shall pay legal fees incurred jointly by the house of representatives and the senate on the authorization of the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate. END_STATUTE