REFERENCE TITLE: employee housing; long-term leases; construction





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





SB 1289


Introduced by

Senators Kaiser: Alston, Bennett, Kerr









An Act


amending sections 15-341 and 15-342, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to school district governing boards.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 15-341, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-341. General powers and duties; immunity; delegation

A. The governing board shall:

1. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures to govern the schools that are not inconsistent with the laws or rules prescribed by the state board of education.

2. Exclude from schools all books, publications, papers or audiovisual materials of a sectarian, partisan or denominational character. This paragraph does not prohibit the elective course allowed by section 15-717.01.

3. Manage and control the school property within its district, except that a district may enter into a partnership with an entity, including a charter school, another school district or a military base, to operate a school or offer educational services in a district building, including at a vacant or partially used building, or in any building on the entity's property pursuant to a written agreement between the parties.

4. Acquire school furniture, apparatus, equipment, library books and supplies for the schools to use.

5. Prescribe the curricula and criteria for the promotion and graduation of pupils as provided in sections 15-701 and 15-701.01.

6. Furnish, repair and insure, at full insurable value, the school property of the district.

7. Construct school buildings on approval by a vote of the district electors, except that voter approval is not required for the construction of housing facilities pursuant to section 15-342, PARAGRAPH 6.

8. In the name of the district, convey property belonging to the district and sold by the board.

9. Purchase school sites when authorized by a vote of the district at an election conducted as nearly as practicable in the same manner as the election provided in section 15-481 and held on a date prescribed in section 15-491, subsection E, but such authorization shall not necessarily specify the site to be purchased and such authorization shall not be necessary to:

(a) Exchange unimproved property as provided in section 15-342, paragraph 23.

(b) construct housing facilities pursuant to section 15-342, paragraph 6.

10. Construct, improve and furnish buildings used for school purposes when such buildings or premises are leased from the national park service.

11. Purchase school sites or construct, improve and furnish school buildings from the proceeds of the sale of school property only on approval by a vote of the district electors.

12. Hold pupils to strict account for disorderly conduct on school property.

13. Discipline students for disorderly conduct on the way to and from school.

14. Except as provided in section 15-1224, deposit all monies received by the district as gifts, grants and devises with the county treasurer who shall credit the deposits as designated in the uniform system of financial records.  If not inconsistent with the terms of the gifts, grants and devises given, any balance remaining after expenditures for the intended purpose of the monies have been made shall be used to reduce school district taxes for the budget year, except that in the case of accommodation schools the county treasurer shall carry the balance forward for use by the county school superintendent for accommodation schools for the budget year.

15. Provide that, if a parent or legal guardian chooses not to accept a decision of the teacher as provided in paragraph 42 of this subsection, the parent or legal guardian may request in writing that the governing board review the teacher's decision. This paragraph does not release school districts from any liability relating to a child's promotion or retention.

16. Provide for adequate supervision over pupils in instructional and noninstructional activities by certificated or noncertificated personnel.

17. Use school monies received from the state and county school apportionment exclusively to pay salaries of teachers and other employees and contingent expenses of the district.

18. Annually report to the county school superintendent on or before October 1 in the manner and form and on the blanks prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction or county school superintendent. The board shall also report directly to the county school superintendent or the superintendent of public instruction whenever required.

19. Deposit all monies received by school districts other than student activities monies or monies from auxiliary operations as provided in sections 15-1125 and 15-1126 with the county treasurer to the credit of the school district except as provided in paragraph 20 of this subsection and sections 15-1223 and 15-1224, and the board shall spend the monies as provided by law for other school funds.

20. Establish bank accounts in which the board during a month may deposit miscellaneous monies received directly by the district.  The board shall remit monies deposited in the bank accounts at least monthly to the county treasurer for deposit as provided in paragraph 19 of this subsection and in accordance with the uniform system of financial records.

21. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for disciplinary action against a teacher who engages in conduct that is a violation of the policies of the governing board but that is not cause for dismissal of the teacher or for revocation of the certificate of the teacher. Disciplinary action may include suspension without pay for a period of time not to exceed ten school days.  Disciplinary action shall not include suspension with pay or suspension without pay for a period of time longer than ten school days. The procedures shall include notice, hearing and appeal provisions for violations that are cause for disciplinary action. The governing board may designate a person or persons to act on behalf of the board on these matters.

22. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for disciplinary action against an administrator who engages in conduct that is a violation of the policies of the governing board regarding duties of administrators but that is not cause for dismissal of the administrator or for revocation of the certificate of the administrator.  Disciplinary action may include suspension without pay for a period of time not to exceed ten school days.  Disciplinary action shall not include suspension with pay or suspension without pay for a period of time longer than ten school days. The procedures shall include notice, hearing and appeal provisions for violations that are cause for disciplinary action.  The governing board may designate a person or persons to act on behalf of the board on these matters. For violations that are cause for dismissal, the provisions of notice, hearing and appeal in chapter 5, article 3 of this title apply. The filing of a timely request for a hearing suspends the imposition of a suspension without pay or a dismissal pending completion of the hearing.

23. Notwithstanding sections 13-3108 and 13-3120, prescribe and enforce policies and procedures that prohibit a person from carrying or possessing a weapon on school grounds unless the person is a peace officer or has obtained specific authorization from the school administrator.

24. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures relating to the health and safety of all pupils participating in district-sponsored practice sessions or games or other interscholastic athletic activities, including:

(a) The provision of water.

(b) Guidelines, information and forms, developed in consultation with a statewide private entity that supervises interscholastic activities, to inform and educate coaches, pupils and parents of the dangers of concussions and head injuries and the risks of continued participation in athletic activity after a concussion.  The policies and procedures shall require that, before a pupil participates in an athletic activity, the pupil and the pupil's parent sign an information form at least once each school year that states that the parent is aware of the nature and risk of concussion.  The policies and procedures shall require that a pupil who is suspected of sustaining a concussion in a practice session, game or other interscholastic athletic activity be immediately removed from the athletic activity and that the pupil's parent or guardian be notified.  A coach from the pupil's team or an official or a licensed health care provider may remove a pupil from play.  A team parent may also remove the parent's own child from play.  A pupil may return to play on the same day if a health care provider rules out a suspected concussion at the time the pupil is removed from play.  On a subsequent day, the pupil may return to play if the pupil has been evaluated by and received written clearance to resume participation in athletic activity from a health care provider who has been trained in evaluating and managing concussions and head injuries.  A health care provider who is a volunteer and who provides clearance to participate in athletic activity on the day of the suspected injury or on a subsequent day is immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on good faith implementation of the requirements of this subdivision, except in cases of gross negligence or wanton or wilful neglect. A school district, school district employee, team coach, official or team volunteer or a parent or guardian of a team member is not subject to civil liability for any act, omission or policy undertaken in good faith to comply with the requirements of this subdivision or for a decision made or an action taken by a health care provider. A group or organization that uses property or facilities owned or operated by a school district for athletic activities shall comply with the requirements of this subdivision. A school district and its employees and volunteers are not subject to civil liability for any other person or organization's failure or alleged failure to comply with the requirements of this subdivision.  This subdivision does not apply to teams that are based in another state and that participate in an athletic activity in this state.  For the purposes of this subdivision, athletic activity does not include dance, rhythmic gymnastics, competitions or exhibitions of academic skills or knowledge or other similar forms of physical noncontact activities, civic activities or academic activities, whether engaged in for the purposes of competition or recreation. For the purposes of this subdivision, "health care provider" means a physician who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13, 14 or 17, an athletic trainer who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 41, a nurse practitioner who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15, and a physician assistant who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 25.

(c) Guidelines, information and forms that are developed in consultation with a statewide private entity that supervises interscholastic activities to inform and educate coaches, pupils and parents of the dangers of heat-related illnesses, sudden cardiac death and prescription opioid use. Before a pupil participates in any district-sponsored practice session or game or other interscholastic athletic activity, the pupil and the pupil's parent must be provided with information at least once each school year on the risks of heat-related illnesses, sudden cardiac death and prescription opioid addiction.

25. Establish an assessment, data gathering and reporting system as prescribed in chapter 7, article 3 of this title.

26. Provide special education programs and related services pursuant to section 15-764, subsection A to all children with disabilities as defined in section 15-761.

27. Administer competency tests prescribed by the state board of education for the graduation of pupils from high school.

28. Ensure that insurance coverage is secured for all construction projects for purposes of general liability, property damage and workers' compensation and secure performance and payment bonds for all construction projects.

29. Keep in the personnel file of all current and former employees who provide instruction to pupils at a school information about the employee's educational and teaching background and experience in a particular academic content subject area. A school district shall inform parents and guardians of the availability of the information and shall make the information available for inspection on request of parents and guardians of pupils enrolled at a school. This paragraph does not require any school to release personally identifiable information in relation to any teacher or employee, including the teacher's or employee's address, salary, social security number or telephone number.

30. Report to local law enforcement agencies any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense as defined in section 13-706 or that involves a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or serious physical injury and any conduct that poses a threat of death or serious physical injury to employees, students or anyone on the property of the school.  This paragraph does not limit or preclude the reporting by a school district or an employee of a school district of suspected crimes other than those required to be reported by this paragraph. For the purposes of this paragraph, "dangerous instrument", "deadly weapon" and "serious physical injury" have the same meanings prescribed in section 13-105.

31. In conjunction with local law enforcement agencies and emergency response agencies, develop an emergency response plan for each school in the school district in accordance with minimum standards developed jointly by the department of education and the division of emergency management within the department of emergency and military affairs.

32. Provide written notice to the parents or guardians of all students enrolled in the school district at least ten days before a public meeting to discuss closing a school within the school district. The notice shall include the reasons for the proposed closure and the time and place of the meeting. The governing board shall fix a time for a public meeting on the proposed closure not less than ten days before voting in a public meeting to close the school.  The school district governing board shall give notice of the time and place of the meeting. At the time and place designated in the notice, the school district governing board shall hear reasons for or against closing the school. The school district governing board is exempt from this paragraph if the governing board determines that the school shall be closed because it poses a danger to the health or safety of the pupils or employees of the school. A governing board may consult with the division of school facilities within the department of administration for technical assistance and for information on the impact of closing a school. The information provided from the division of school facilities within the department of administration shall not require the governing board to take or not take any action.

33. Incorporate instruction on Native American history into appropriate existing curricula.

34. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures:

(a) Allowing pupils who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis by a health care provider licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13, 14, 17 or 25 or by a registered nurse practitioner licensed and certified pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 to carry and self-administer emergency medications, including epinephrine auto-injectors, while at school and at school-sponsored activities. The pupil's name on the prescription label on the medication container or on the medication device and annual written documentation from the pupil's parent or guardian to the school that authorizes possession and self-administration is sufficient proof that the pupil is entitled to possess and self-administer the medication.  The policies shall require a pupil who uses an epinephrine auto-injector while at school and at school-sponsored activities to notify the nurse or the designated school staff person of the use of the medication as soon as practicable.  A school district and its employees are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on good faith implementation of the requirements of this subdivision, except in cases of wanton or wilful neglect.

(b) For the emergency administration of epinephrine auto-injectors by a trained employee of a school district pursuant to section 15-157.

35. Allow the possession and self-administration of prescription medication for breathing disorders in handheld inhaler devices by pupils who have been prescribed that medication by a health care professional licensed pursuant to title 32. The pupil's name on the prescription label on the medication container or on the handheld inhaler device and annual written documentation from the pupil's parent or guardian to the school that authorizes possession and self-administration is sufficient proof that the pupil is entitled to possess and self-administer the medication. A school district and its employees are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on a good faith implementation of the requirements of this paragraph.

36. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures to prohibit pupils from harassing, intimidating and bullying other pupils on school grounds, on school property, on school buses, at school bus stops, at school-sponsored events and activities and through the use of electronic technology or electronic communication on school computers, networks, forums and mailing lists that include the following components:

(a) A procedure for pupils, parents and school district employees to confidentially report to school officials incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying. The school shall make available written forms designed to provide a full and detailed description of the incident and any other relevant information about the incident.

(b) A requirement that school district employees report in writing suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying to the appropriate school official and a description of appropriate disciplinary procedures for employees who fail to report suspected incidents that are known to the employee.

(c) A requirement that, at the beginning of each school year, school officials provide all pupils with a written copy of the rights, protections and support services available to a pupil who is an alleged victim of an incident reported pursuant to this paragraph.

(d) If an incident is reported pursuant to this paragraph, a requirement that school officials provide a pupil who is an alleged victim of the incident with a written copy of the rights, protections and support services available to that pupil.

(e) A formal process for documenting reported incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying and providing for the confidentiality, maintenance and disposition of this documentation.  School districts shall maintain documentation of all incidents reported pursuant to this paragraph for at least six years. The school shall not use that documentation to impose disciplinary action unless the appropriate school official has investigated and determined that the reported incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying occurred. If a school provides documentation of reported incidents to persons other than school officials or law enforcement, all individually identifiable information shall be redacted.

(f) A formal process for the appropriate school officials to investigate suspected incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying, including procedures for notifying the alleged victim and the alleged victim's parent or guardian when a school official or employee becomes aware of the suspected incident of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(g) Disciplinary procedures for pupils who have admitted or been found to have committed incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(h) A procedure that sets forth consequences for submitting false reports of incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(i) Procedures designed to protect the health and safety of pupils who are physically harmed as the result of incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying, including, if appropriate, procedures to contact emergency medical services or law enforcement agencies, or both.

(j) Definitions of harassment, intimidation and bullying.

37. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures regarding changing or adopting attendance boundaries that include the following components:

(a) A procedure for holding public meetings to discuss attendance boundary changes or adoptions that allows public comments.

(b) A procedure to notify the parents or guardians of the students affected, including assurance that, if that school remains open as part of the boundary change and capacity is available, students assigned to a new attendance area may stay enrolled in their current school.

(c) A procedure to notify the residents of the households affected by the attendance boundary changes.

(d) A process for placing public meeting notices and proposed maps on the school district's website for public review, if the school district maintains a website.

(e) A formal process for presenting the attendance boundaries of the affected area in public meetings that allows public comments.

(f) A formal process for notifying the residents and parents or guardians of the affected area as to the decision of the governing board on the school district's website, if the school district maintains a website.

(g) A formal process for updating attendance boundaries on the school district's website within ninety days after an adopted boundary change. The school district shall send a direct link to the school district's attendance boundaries website to the department of real estate.

38. If the state board of education determines that the school district has committed an overexpenditure as defined in section 15-107, provide a copy of the fiscal management report submitted pursuant to section 15-107, subsection H on its website and make copies available to the public on request. The school district shall comply with a request within five business days after receipt.

39. Ensure that the contract for the superintendent is structured in a manner in which up to twenty percent of the total annual salary included for the superintendent in the contract is classified as performance pay. This paragraph does not require school districts to increase total compensation for superintendents. Unless the school district governing board votes to implement an alternative procedure at a public meeting called for this purpose, the performance pay portion of the superintendent's total annual compensation shall be determined as follows:

(a) Twenty-five percent of the performance pay shall be determined based on the percentage of academic gain determined by the department of education of pupils who are enrolled in the school district compared to the academic gain achieved by the highest ranking of the fifty largest school districts in this state. For the purposes of this subdivision, the department of education shall determine academic gain by the academic growth achieved by each pupil who has been enrolled at the same school in a school district for at least five consecutive months measured against that pupil's academic results in the 2008-2009 school year. For the purposes of this subdivision, of the fifty largest school districts in this state, the school district with pupils who demonstrate the highest statewide percentage of overall academic gain measured against academic results for the 2008-2009 school year shall be assigned a score of 100 and the school district with pupils who demonstrate the lowest statewide percentage of overall academic gain measured against academic results for the 2008-2009 school year shall be assigned a score of 0.

(b) Twenty-five percent of the performance pay shall be determined by the percentage of parents of pupils who are enrolled at the school district who assign a letter grade of "A" to the school on a survey of parental satisfaction with the school district. The parental satisfaction survey shall be administered and scored by an independent entity that is selected by the governing board and that demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience to accurately measure the results of the survey. The parental satisfaction survey shall use standard random sampling procedures and provide anonymity and confidentiality to each parent who participates in the survey. The letter grade scale used on the parental satisfaction survey shall direct parents to assign one of the following letter grades:

(i) A letter grade of "A" if the school district is excellent.

(ii) A letter grade of "B" if the school district is above average.

(iii) A letter grade of "C" if the school district is average.

(iv) A letter grade of "D" if the school district is below average.

(v) A letter grade of "F" if the school district is a failure.

(c) Twenty-five percent of the performance pay shall be determined by the percentage of teachers who are employed at the school district and who assign a letter grade of "A" to the school on a survey of teacher satisfaction with the school. The teacher satisfaction survey shall be administered and scored by an independent entity that is selected by the governing board and that demonstrates sufficient expertise and experience to accurately measure the results of the survey. The teacher satisfaction survey shall use standard random sampling procedures and provide anonymity and confidentiality to each teacher who participates in the survey. The letter grade scale used on the teacher satisfaction survey shall direct teachers to assign one of the following letter grades:

(i) A letter grade of "A" if the school district is excellent.

(ii) A letter grade of "B" if the school district is above average.

(iii) A letter grade of "C" if the school district is average.

(iv) A letter grade of "D" if the school district is below average.

(v) A letter grade of "F" if the school district is a failure.

(d) Twenty-five percent of the performance pay shall be determined by other criteria selected by the governing board.

40. Maintain and store permanent public records of the school district as required by law. Notwithstanding section 39-101, the standards adopted by the Arizona state library, archives and public records for the maintenance and storage of school district public records shall allow school districts to elect to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph by maintaining and storing these records either on paper or in an electronic format, or a combination of a paper and electronic format.

41. Adopt in a public meeting and implement policies for principal evaluations. Before adopting principal evaluation policies, the school district governing board shall provide opportunities for public discussion on the proposed policies. The governing board shall adopt policies that:

(a) Are designed to improve principal performance and improve student achievement.

(b) Include the use of quantitative data on the academic progress for all students, which shall account for between twenty percent and thirty-three percent of the evaluation outcomes. 

(c) Include four performance classifications, designated as highly effective, effective, developing and ineffective.

(d) Describe both of the following:

(i) The methods used to evaluate the performance of principals, including the data used to measure student performance and job effectiveness.

(ii) The formula used to determine evaluation outcomes.

42. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures that define the duties of principals and teachers. These policies and procedures shall authorize teachers to take and maintain daily classroom attendance, make the decision to promote or retain a pupil in a grade in common school or to pass or fail a pupil in a course in high school, subject to review by the governing board in the manner provided in section 15-342, paragraph 11.

43. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for the emergency administration by an employee of a school district pursuant to section 36-2267 of naloxone hydrochloride or any other opioid antagonist approved by the United States food and drug administration.

44. In addition to the notification requirements prescribed in paragraph 36 of this subsection, prescribe and enforce reasonable and appropriate policies to notify a pupil's parent or guardian if any person engages in harassing, threatening or intimidating conduct against that pupil.  A school district and its officials and employees are immune from civil liability with respect to all decisions made and actions taken that are based on good faith implementation of the requirements of this paragraph, except in cases of gross negligence or wanton or wilful neglect. A person engages in threatening or intimidating if the person threatens or intimidates by word or conduct to cause physical injury to another person or serious damage to the property of another on school grounds.  A person engages in harassment if, with intent to harass or with knowledge that the person is harassing another person, the person anonymously or otherwise contacts, communicates or causes a communication with another person by verbal, electronic, mechanical, telephonic or written means in a manner that harasses on school grounds or substantially disrupts the school environment.

45. Each fiscal year, provide to each school district employee a total compensation statement that is broken down by category of benefit or payment and that includes, for that employee, at least all of the following:

(a) Base salary and any additional pay.

(b) Medical benefits and the value of any employer-paid portions of insurance plan premiums.

(c) Retirement benefit plans, including social security.

(d) Legally required benefits.

(e) Any paid leave.

(f) Any other payment made to or on behalf of the employee.

(g) Any other benefit provided to the employee.

46. Develop and adopt in a public meeting policies to allow for visits, tours and observations of all classrooms by parents of enrolled pupils and parents who wish to enroll their children in the school district unless a visit, tour or observation threatens the health and safety of pupils and staff.  These policies and procedures must be easily accessible from the home page on each school's website.

B. Notwithstanding subsection A, paragraphs 7, 9 and 11 of this section, the county school superintendent may construct, improve and furnish school buildings or purchase or sell school sites in the conduct of an accommodation school.

C. If any school district acquires real or personal property, whether by purchase, exchange, condemnation, gift or otherwise, the governing board shall pay to the county treasurer any taxes on the property that were unpaid as of the date of acquisition, including penalties and interest. The lien for unpaid delinquent taxes, penalties and interest on property acquired by a school district:

1. Is not abated, extinguished, discharged or merged in the title to the property.

2. Is enforceable in the same manner as other delinquent tax liens.

D. The governing board may not locate a school on property that is less than one-fourth mile from agricultural land regulated pursuant to section 3-365, except that the owner of the agricultural land may agree to comply with the buffer zone requirements of section 3-365. If the owner agrees in writing to comply with the buffer zone requirements and records the agreement in the office of the county recorder as a restrictive covenant running with the title to the land, the school district may locate a school within the affected buffer zone. The agreement may include any stipulations regarding the school, including conditions for future expansion of the school and changes in the operational status of the school that will result in a breach of the agreement.

E. A school district, its governing board members, its school council members and its employees are immune from civil liability for the consequences of adopting and implementing policies and procedures pursuant to subsection A of this section and section 15-342.  This waiver does not apply if the school district, its governing board members, its school council members or its employees are guilty of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.

F. A governing board may delegate in writing to a superintendent, principal or head teacher the authority to prescribe procedures that are consistent with the governing board's policies.

G. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a school district governing board shall not take any action that would result in a reduction of pupil square footage unless the governing board notifies the school facilities oversight board established by section 41-5701.02 of the proposed action and receives written approval from the school facilities oversight board to take the action. A reduction includes an increase in administrative space that results in a reduction of pupil square footage or sale of school sites or buildings, or both. A reduction includes a reconfiguration of grades that results in a reduction of pupil square footage of any grade level. This subsection does not apply to temporary reconfiguration of grades to accommodate new school construction if the temporary reconfiguration does not exceed one year. The sale of equipment that results in a reduction that falls below the equipment requirements prescribed in section 41-5711, subsection B is subject to commensurate withholding of school district district additional assistance monies pursuant to the direction of the school facilities oversight board. Except as provided in section 15-342, paragraph 10, proceeds from the sale of school sites, buildings or other equipment shall be deposited in the school plant fund as provided in section 15-1102.

H. Subsections C through G of this section apply to a county board of supervisors and a county school superintendent when operating and administering an accommodation school.

I. A school district governing board may delegate authority in writing to the superintendent of the school district to submit plans for new school facilities to the school facilities oversight board for the purpose of certifying that the plans meet the minimum school facility adequacy guidelines prescribed in section 41-5711.

J. For the purposes of subsection A, paragraph 37 of this section, attendance boundaries may not be used to require students to attend certain schools based on the student's place of residence. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 15-342, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-342. Discretionary powers

The governing board may:

1. Expel pupils for misconduct.

2. Exclude from grades one through eight children under six years of age.

3. Make such separation of groups of pupils as it deems advisable.

4. Maintain such special schools during vacation as deemed necessary for the benefit of the pupils of the school district.

5. Allow a superintendent or principal or representatives of the superintendent or principal to travel for a school purpose, as determined by a majority vote of the board. The board may allow members and members-elect of the board to travel within or without the school district for a school purpose and receive reimbursement. Any expenditure for travel and subsistence pursuant to this paragraph shall be as provided in title 38, chapter 4, article 2. The designated post of duty referred to in section 38-621 shall be construed, for school district governing board members, to be the member's actual place of residence, as opposed to the school district office or the school district boundaries.  Such expenditures shall be a charge against the budgeted school district funds. The governing board of a school district shall prescribe procedures and amounts for reimbursement of lodging and subsistence expenses. Reimbursement amounts shall not exceed the maximum amounts established pursuant to section 38-624, subsection C.

6. Construct or provide in rural districts housing facilities for teachers and other school employees that the board determines are necessary to operate the school.

7. Sell or lease to the state, a county, a city, another school district or a tribal government agency any school property required for a public purpose if the sale or lease of the property will not affect the normal operations of a school within the school district.

8. Annually budget and spend monies for membership in an association of school districts within this state.

9. Enter into leases or lease-purchase agreements for school buildings or grounds, or both, as lessor or as lessee, for periods of less than twenty years subject to voter approval for construction of school buildings as prescribed in section 15-341, subsection A, paragraph 7, except that voter approval is not required for the construction of housing facilities pursuant to PARAGRAPH 6.

10. Subject to title 41, chapter 56, sell school sites or enter into leases or lease-purchase agreements for school buildings and grounds, as lessor or as lessee, for a period of twenty years or more, but not to exceed ninety-nine years, if authorized by a vote of the school district electors in an election called by the governing board as provided in section 15-491, except that authorization by the school district electors in an election is not required if one of the following requirements is met:

(a) The market value of the school property is less than $50,000 or the property is procured through a renewable energy development agreement, an energy performance contract, which among other items includes a renewable energy power service agreement, or a simplified energy performance contract pursuant to section 15-213.01.

(b) The buildings and sites are completely funded with monies distributed by the school facilities division of school facilities within the department of administration or at the direction of the school facilities oversight board, or its predecessor.

(c) The transaction involves the sale of improved or unimproved property pursuant to an agreement with the school facilities oversight board in which the school district agrees to sell the improved or unimproved property and transfer the proceeds of the sale to the school facilities oversight board in exchange for monies from the school facilities oversight board for the acquisition of a more suitable school site. For a sale of property acquired by a school district before July 9, 1998, a school district shall transfer to the school facilities oversight board that portion of the proceeds that equals the cost of the acquisition of a more suitable school site.  If there are any remaining proceeds after the transfer of monies to the school facilities oversight board, a school district shall only use those remaining proceeds for future land purchases approved by the school facilities oversight board, or for capital improvements not funded by the school facilities oversight board for any existing or future facility.

(d) The transaction involves the sale of improved or unimproved property pursuant to a formally adopted plan and the school district uses the proceeds of this sale to purchase other property that will be used for similar purposes as the property that was originally sold if the sale proceeds of the improved or unimproved property are used within two years after the date of the original sale to purchase the replacement property. If the sale proceeds of the improved or unimproved property are not used within two years after the date of the original sale to purchase replacement property, the sale proceeds shall be used toward paying any outstanding bonded indebtedness. If any sale proceeds remain after paying for outstanding bonded indebtedness, or if the district has no outstanding bonded indebtedness, sale proceeds shall be used to reduce the district's primary tax levy. A school district shall not use this subdivision unless all of the following conditions exist:

(i) The school district is the sole owner of the improved or unimproved property that the school district intends to sell.

(ii) The school district did not purchase the improved or unimproved property that the school district intends to sell with monies that were distributed pursuant to title 41, chapter 56.

(iii) The transaction does not violate section 15-341, subsection G.

(e) The lease or lease-purchase agreement is executed for the purpose of constructing or providing housing facilities pursuant to paragraph 6 of this subsection.

11. Review the decision of a teacher to promote a pupil to a grade or retain a pupil in a grade in a common school or to pass or fail a pupil in a course in high school. The pupil has the burden of proof to overturn the decision of a teacher to promote, retain, pass or fail the pupil.  In order to sustain the burden of proof, the pupil shall demonstrate to the governing board that the pupil has mastered the academic standards adopted by the state board of education pursuant to sections 15-701 and 15-701.01.  If the governing board overturns the decision of a teacher pursuant to this paragraph, the governing board shall adopt a written finding that the pupil has mastered the academic standards. Notwithstanding title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1, the governing board shall review the decision of a teacher to promote a pupil to a grade or retain a pupil in a grade in a common school or to pass or fail a pupil in a course in high school in executive session unless a parent or legal guardian of the pupil or the pupil, if emancipated, disagrees that the review should be conducted in executive session and then the review shall be conducted in an open meeting.  If the review is conducted in executive session, the board shall notify the teacher of the date, time and place of the review and shall allow the teacher to be present at the review. If the teacher is not present at the review, the board shall consult with the teacher before making its decision. Any request, including the written request as provided in section 15-341, the written evidence presented at the review and the written record of the review, including the decision of the governing board to accept or reject the teacher's decision, shall be retained by the governing board as part of its permanent records.

12. Provide transportation or site transportation loading and unloading areas for any child or children if deemed for the best interest of the district, whether within or without the district, county or state.

13. Enter into intergovernmental agreements and contracts with school districts or other governing bodies as provided in section 11-952.  Intergovernmental agreements and contracts between school districts or between a school district and other governing bodies as provided in section 11-952 are exempt from competitive bidding under the procurement rules adopted by the state board of education pursuant to section 15-213.

14. Include in the curricula it prescribes for high schools in the school district career and technical education, vocational education and technology education programs and career and technical, vocational and technology program improvement services for the high schools, subject to approval by the state board of education. The governing board may contract for the provision of career and technical, vocational and technology education as provided in section 15-789.

15. Suspend a teacher or administrator from the teacher's or administrator's duties without pay for a period of time of not to exceed ten school days, if the board determines that suspension is warranted pursuant to section 15-341, subsection A, paragraph 21 or 22.

16. Dedicate school property within an incorporated city or town to that city or town or within a county to that county for use as a public right-of-way if both of the following apply:

(a) Pursuant to an ordinance adopted by the city, town or county, there will be conferred on the school district privileges and benefits that may include benefits related to zoning.

(b) The dedication will not affect the normal operation of any school within the district.

17. Enter into option agreements for the purchase of school sites.

18. Donate surplus or outdated learning materials, educational equipment and furnishings to nonprofit community organizations if the governing board determines that the anticipated cost of selling the learning materials, educational equipment or furnishings equals or exceeds the estimated market value of the materials.

19. Prescribe policies to assess reasonable fees for students to use district-provided parking facilities. The fees are to be applied by the district solely against costs incurred in operating or securing the parking facilities.  Any policy adopted by the governing board pursuant to this paragraph shall include a fee waiver provision in appropriate cases of need or economic hardship.

20. Establish alternative education programs that are consistent with the laws of this state to educate pupils, including pupils who have been reassigned pursuant to section 15-841, subsection E or F.

21. Require a period of silence to be observed at the commencement of the first class of the day in the schools. If a governing board chooses to require a period of silence to be observed, the teacher in charge of the room in which the first class is held shall announce that a period of silence not to exceed one minute in duration will be observed for meditation, and during that time no activities shall take place and silence shall be maintained.

22. Require students to wear uniforms.

23. Exchange unimproved property or improved property, including school sites, if the governing board determines that the improved property is unnecessary for the continued operation of the school district without requesting authorization by a vote of the school district electors and if the governing board determines that the exchange is necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of pupils or if the governing board determines that the exchange is based on sound business principles for either:

(a) Unimproved or improved property of equal or greater value.

(b) Unimproved property that the owner contracts to improve if the value of the property ultimately received by the school district is of equal or greater value.

24. For common and high school pupils, assess reasonable fees for optional extracurricular activities and programs conducted when the common or high school is not in session, except that fees shall not be charged for pupils' access to or use of computers or related materials.  For high school pupils, the governing board may assess reasonable fees for fine arts and vocational education courses and for optional services, equipment and materials offered to the pupils beyond those required to successfully complete the basic requirements of any other course, except that fees shall not be charged for pupils' access to or use of computers or related materials. Fees assessed pursuant to this paragraph shall be adopted at a public meeting after notice has been given to all parents of pupils enrolled at schools in the district and shall not exceed the actual costs of the activities, programs, services, equipment or materials. The governing board shall authorize principals to waive the assessment of all or part of a fee assessed pursuant to this paragraph if it creates an economic hardship for a pupil. For the purposes of this paragraph, "extracurricular activity" means any optional, noncredit, educational or recreational activity that supplements the education program of the school, whether offered before, during or after regular school hours.

25. Notwithstanding section 15-341, subsection A, paragraphs 7 and 9, construct school buildings and purchase or lease school sites, without a vote of the school district electors, if the buildings and sites are totally funded from one or more of the following:

(a) Monies in the unrestricted capital outlay fund, except that the estimated cost shall not exceed $250,000 for a district that uses section 15-949.

(b) Monies distributed at the direction of the school facilities oversight board established by section 41-5701.02 or by the school facilities division of school facilities within the department of administration pursuant to title 41, chapter 56.

(c) Monies specifically donated for the purpose of constructing school buildings.

This paragraph does not eliminate the requirement for an election to raise revenues for a capital outlay override pursuant to section 15-481 or a bond election pursuant to section 15-491.

26. Conduct a background investigation that includes a fingerprint check conducted pursuant to section 41-1750, subsection G for certificated personnel and personnel who are not paid employees of the school district, as a condition of employment. A school district may release the results of a background check to another school district for employment purposes.  The school district may charge the costs of fingerprint checks to its fingerprinted employee, except that the school district may not charge the costs of fingerprint checks for personnel who are not paid employees of the school district.

27. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, sell advertising as follows:

(a) Advertisements shall be age appropriate and not promote any substance that is illegal for minors such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs or gambling.  Advertisements shall comply with the state sex education policy of abstinence.

(b) Advertising approved by the governing board for the exterior of school buses may appear only on the sides of the bus in the following areas:

(i) The signs shall be below the seat level rub rail and not extend above the bottom of the side windows.

(ii) The signs shall be at least three inches from any required lettering, lamp, wheel well or reflector behind the service door or stop signal arm.

(iii) The signs shall not extend from the body of the bus so as to allow a handhold or present a danger to pedestrians.

(iv) The signs shall not interfere with the operation of any door or window.

(v) The signs shall not be placed on any emergency doors.

(c) The school district shall establish an advertisement fund that is composed of revenues from the sale of advertising. The monies in an advertisement fund are not subject to reversion.

28. Assess reasonable damage deposits to pupils in grades seven through twelve for using textbooks, musical instruments, band uniforms or other equipment required for academic courses. The governing board shall adopt policies on any damage deposits assessed pursuant to this paragraph at a public meeting called for this purpose after providing notice to all parents of pupils in grades seven through twelve in the school district.  Principals of individual schools within the district may waive the damage deposit requirement for any textbook or other item if the payment of the damage deposit would create an economic hardship for the pupil. The school district shall return the full amount of the damage deposit for any textbook or other item if the pupil returns the textbook or other item in reasonably good condition within the time period prescribed by the governing board. For the purposes of this paragraph, "in reasonably good condition" means the textbook or other item is in the same or a similar condition as it was when the pupil received it, plus ordinary wear and tear.

29. Notwithstanding section 15-1105, expend surplus monies in the civic center school fund for maintenance and operations or unrestricted capital outlay if sufficient monies are available in the fund after meeting the needs of programs established pursuant to section 15-1105.

30. Notwithstanding section 15-1143, spend surplus monies in the community school program fund for maintenance and operations or unrestricted capital outlay if sufficient monies are available in the fund after meeting the needs of programs established pursuant to section 15-1142.

31. Adopt guidelines to standardize the format of the school report cards required by section 15-746 for schools within the district.

32. Adopt policies that require parental notification when a law enforcement officer interviews a pupil on school grounds. Policies adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall not impede a peace officer from performing the peace officer's duties. If the school district governing board adopts a policy that requires parental notification:

(a) The policy may provide reasonable exceptions to the parental notification requirement.

(b) The policy shall set forth whether and under what circumstances a parent may be present when a law enforcement officer interviews the pupil, including reasonable exceptions to the circumstances under which a parent may be present when a law enforcement officer interviews the pupil, and shall specify a reasonable maximum time after a parent is notified that an interview of a pupil by a law enforcement officer may be delayed to allow the parent to be present.

33. Enter into voluntary partnerships with any party to finance with monies other than school district monies and cooperatively design school facilities that comply with the adequacy standards prescribed in section 41-5711 and the square footage per pupil requirements pursuant to section 41-5741, subsection D, paragraph 3, subdivision (b). The design plans and location of any such school facility shall be submitted to the school facilities oversight board for approval pursuant to section 41-5741, subsection 0. If the school facilities oversight board approves the design plans and location of any such school facility, the party in partnership with the school district may cause to be constructed and the district may begin operating the school facility before monies are distributed at the direction of the school facilities oversight board pursuant to section 41-5741. Monies distributed from the new school facilities fund to a school district in a partnership with another party to finance and design the school facility shall be paid to the school district pursuant to section 41-5741. The school district shall reimburse the party in partnership with the school district from the monies paid to the school district pursuant to section 41-5741, in accordance with the voluntary partnership agreement. Before the school facilities oversight board directs the distribution of any monies pursuant to this subsection, the school district shall demonstrate to the school facilities oversight board that the facilities to be funded pursuant to section 41-5741, subsection O meet the minimum adequacy standards prescribed in section 41-5711. If the cost to construct the school facility exceeds the amount that the school district receives from the new school facilities fund, the partnership agreement between the school district and the other party shall specify that, except as otherwise provided by the other party, any such excess costs shall be the responsibility of the school district. The school district governing board shall adopt a resolution in a public meeting that an analysis has been conducted on the prospective effects of the decision to operate a new school with existing monies from the school district's maintenance and operations budget and how this decision may affect other schools in the school district. If a school district acquires land by donation at an appropriate school site approved by the school facilities oversight board and a school facility is financed and built on the land pursuant to this paragraph, the school facilities oversight board shall direct the distribution of an amount equal to twenty percent of the fair market value of the land that can be used for academic purposes. The school district shall place the monies in the unrestricted capital outlay fund and increase the unrestricted capital budget limit by the amount of the monies placed in the fund. Monies distributed under this paragraph shall be distributed from the new school facilities fund pursuant to section 41-5741. If a school district acquires land by donation at an appropriate school site approved by the school facilities oversight board and a school facility is financed and built on the land pursuant to this paragraph, the school district shall not receive monies for the donation of real property pursuant to section 41-5741, subsection F. It is unlawful for:

(a) A county, city or town to require as a condition of any land use approval that a landowner or landowners that entered into a partnership pursuant to this paragraph provide any contribution, donation or gift, other than a site donation, to a school district. This subdivision only applies to the property in the voluntary partnership agreement pursuant to this paragraph.

(b) A county, city or town to require as a condition of any land use approval that the landowner or landowners located within the geographic boundaries of the school subject to the voluntary partnership pursuant to this paragraph provide any donation or gift to the school district except as provided in the voluntary partnership agreement pursuant to this paragraph.

(c) A community facilities district established pursuant to title 48, chapter 4, article 6 to be used for reimbursement of financing the construction of a school pursuant to this paragraph.

(d) A school district to enter into an agreement pursuant to this paragraph with any party other than a master planned community party.  Any land area consisting of at least three hundred twenty acres that is the subject of a development agreement with a county, city or town entered into pursuant to section 9-500.05 or 11-1101 shall be deemed to be a master planned community. For the purposes of this subdivision, "master planned community" means a land area consisting of at least three hundred twenty acres, which may be noncontiguous, that is the subject of a zoning ordinance approved by the governing body of the county, city or town in which the land is located that establishes the use of the land area as a planned area development or district, planned community development or district, planned unit development or district or other land use category or district that is recognized in the local ordinance of such county, city or town and that specifies the use of such land is for a master planned development.

34. Enter into an intergovernmental agreement with a presiding judge of the juvenile court to implement a law-related education program as defined in section 15-154. The presiding judge of the juvenile court may assign juvenile probation officers to participate in a law-related education program in any school district in the county. The cost of juvenile probation officers who participate in the program implemented pursuant to this paragraph shall be funded by the school district.

35. Offer to sell outdated learning materials, educational equipment or furnishings at a posted price commensurate with the value of the items to pupils who are currently enrolled in that school district before those materials are offered for public sale.

36. If the school district is a small school district as defined in section 15-901, and if allowed by federal law, opt out of federal grant opportunities if the governing board determines that the federal requirements impose unduly burdensome reporting requirements.

37. Prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for the emergency administration of inhalers by trained employees of the school district and nurses who are under contract with the school district pursuant to section 15-158.

38. Develop policies and procedures to allow principals to budget for or assist with budgeting federal, state and local monies.

39. Subject to article IX, section 7, constitution of Arizona, the laws pertaining to travel and subsistence, gifts, grants, including federal grants, or devises and policies adopted by the department of education, provide food and beverages at school district events, including official school functions and trainings. END_STATUTE