REFERENCE TITLE: exempt wells; metering; reporting





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session





SB 1521


Introduced by

Senators Sundareshan: Hernandez, Marsh, Mendez, Terán









An Act


amending sections 45-454 and 45-632, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the groundwater code.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 45-454, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE45-454. Exemption of small non-irrigation wells; definitions

A. Withdrawals of groundwater for non-irrigation uses from wells having a pump with a maximum capacity of not more than thirty-five gallons per minute which that were drilled before April 28, 1983 or which that were drilled after April 28, 1983 pursuant to a notice of intention to drill which that was on file with the department on such date are exempt from this chapter, except that:

1. Wells drilled before June 12, 1980 which that are not abandoned or capped or wells which that were not completed on June 12, 1980 but for which a notice of intention to drill was on file with the Arizona water commission on such date are subject to subsections J, K and L of this section and must be registered pursuant to section 45-593.  If two or more wells in an active management area are exempt under this paragraph and are used to serve the same non-irrigation use at the same location, the aggregate quantity of groundwater withdrawn from the wells shall not exceed fifty-six acre-feet per year.

2. Wells drilled between June 12, 1980 and April 28, 1983, except as provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection, and wells drilled after April 28, 1983 pursuant to a notice of intention to drill which that was on file with the department on April 28, 1983, are subject to subsections G, I, J and K of this section.

3. wells with a maximum capacity of not more than THIRTY-FIVE gallons per minute are no longer exempt from this chapter Beginning January 1, 2028, unless the person who withdraws the groundwater from the well complies with paragraph 4 of this subsection.

4. wells with a maximum capacity of not more than THIRTY-FIVE gallons per minute are no longer exempt from this chapter Beginning January 1, 2033 if the person who withdraws groundwater from the well installs a water measuring device that complies with rules adopted by the director PURSUANT to section 45-604, maintains current accurate records and files annual reports with the DIRECTOR pursuant to section 45-632.  The person who withdraws the GROUNDWATER must install the water measuring device, MAINTAIN the records and file the annual reports beginning not later than January 1, 2025.

B. Withdrawals of groundwater for non-irrigation uses from wells having a pump with a maximum capacity of not more than thirty-five gallons per minute drilled on or after April 28, 1983, except wells drilled after April 28, 1983 pursuant to a notice of intention to drill which that was on file with the department on such date, are exempt from this chapter, except that:

1. Such Those wells are subject to subsections G through K of this section.

2. In an active management area, other than a subsequent active management area designated for a portion of a groundwater basin in the regional aquifer systems of northern Arizona, withdrawals of groundwater from such those wells for non-irrigation uses other than domestic purposes and stock watering shall not exceed ten acre-feet per year.

3. In a subsequent active management area that is designated for a portion of a groundwater basin in the regional aquifer systems of northern Arizona, groundwater withdrawn from such those wells may be used only for domestic purposes and stock watering.

4. wells with a maximum capacity of not more than THIRTY-FIVE gallons per minute are no longer exempt from this chapter Beginning January 1, 2028, unless the person who withdraws the groundwater from the well complies with paragraph 4 of this subsection.

5. wells with a maximum capacity of not more than THIRTY-FIVE gallons per minute are no longer exempt from this chapter Beginning January 1, 2033 if the person who withdraws groundwater from the well installs a water measuring device that complies with rules adopted by the director PURSUANT to section 45-604, maintains current accurate records and files annual reports with the DIRECTOR pursuant to section 45-632.  The person who withdraws the GROUNDWATER must install the water measuring device, MAINTAIN the records and file the annual reports beginning not later than January 1, 2025.

C. On or after January 1, 2006, an exempt well otherwise allowed by this section may not be drilled on land if any part of the land is within one hundred feet of the operating water distribution system of a municipal provider with an assured water supply designation within the boundaries of an active management area established on or before July 1, 1994, as shown on a digitized service area map provided to the director by the municipal provider and updated by the municipal provider as specified by the director.

D. On request from the owner of the land on which an exempt well is prohibited pursuant to subsection C of this section on a form prescribed by the director, the director shall issue an exemption from subsection C of this section if the landowner demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that any of the following applies:

1. The landowner submitted a written request for service to the municipal provider that operates the distribution system and the municipal provider did not provide written verification to the landowner within thirty calendar days after receipt of the request that water service is available to the landowner after payment of any applicable fee to the municipal provider.

2. The total capital cost and fees for connecting to the operating water distribution system exceed the total capital cost and fees for drilling and fully equipping an exempt well.

3. If the applicant must obtain an easement across other land to connect to the water distribution system of the municipal provider, the applicant sent the owner of the land a request for the easement by certified mail, return receipt requested, and either the applicant did not receive a response to the request within thirty calendar days of mailing the request or the request was denied.

4. The landowner does not qualify for an exemption pursuant to paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection and the landowner provides written verification from the municipal provider that the landowner shall not receive or request water service from the municipal provider while the exempt well is operational.  The exemption for that well is revoked if the landowner or any subsequent landowner receives water service from the municipal provider.  In determining whether to approve or reject a permit application filed under section 45-599, the director shall not consider any impacts the proposed well may have on an exempt well drilled pursuant to this paragraph.

E. This section does not prohibit a property owner, after January 1, 2006, from drilling a replacement exempt well for a lawful exempt well if the replacement well does not increase the total number of operable exempt wells on the applicant's land.

F. A remediation well drilled for the purpose of remediating groundwater is exempt from this section if it meets one of the following:

1. The remediation well is for an approved department of environmental quality or United States environmental protection agency remediation program.

2. A registered geologist certifies that the remediation well is for the purpose of remediation.

G. A person shall file a notice of intention to drill with the director pursuant to section 45-596 before drilling an exempt well or causing an exempt well to be drilled.

H. The registered well owner shall file a completion report pursuant to section 45-600, subsection B.

I. In an active management area only one exempt well may be drilled or used to serve the same non-irrigation use at the same location, except that a person may drill or use a second exempt well to serve the same non-irrigation use at the same location if the director determines that all of the following apply:

1. Because of its location, the first exempt well is not capable of consistently producing more than three gallons per minute of groundwater when equipped with a pump with a maximum capacity of thirty-five gallons per minute.

2. The second exempt well is located on the same parcel of land as the first exempt well, the parcel of land is at least one acre in size, all groundwater withdrawn from both exempt wells is used on that parcel of land and there are no other exempt wells on that parcel of land.

3. Combined withdrawals from both wells do not exceed five acre-feet per year.

4. If the second exempt well is drilled after January 1, 2000, the county health authority for the county in which the well is located or any other local health authority that controls the installation of septic tanks or sewer systems in the county has approved the location of the well in writing after physically inspecting the well site.

5. Use of two wells for the same non-irrigation use at the same location is not contrary to the health and welfare of the public.

J. An exempt well is subject to sections 45-594 and 45-595.

K. Groundwater withdrawn from an exempt well may be transported only pursuant to articles 8 and 8.1 of this chapter.

L. A person who owns land from which exempt withdrawals were being made as of the date of the designation of the active management area is not eligible for a certificate of grandfathered right for a type 2 non-irrigation use for such withdrawals.

M. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Domestic purposes" means uses related to the supply, service and activities of households and private residences and includes the application of water to less than two acres of land to produce plants or parts of plants for sale or human consumption, or for use as feed for livestock, range livestock or poultry, as such terms are defined in section 3-1201.

2. "Municipal provider" means a city, town, private water company or irrigation district that supplies water for non-irrigation use.

3. "Stock watering" means the watering of livestock, range livestock or poultry, as such terms are defined in section 3-1201.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 45-632, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE45-632. Records and annual report of groundwater pumping, transportation and use; penalty

A. Each person who is required to file an annual report under this section or who files an annual report under section 45-454 or subsection E of this section shall maintain current accurate records of the person's withdrawals, transportation, deliveries and use of groundwater and, in the Santa Cruz active management area, current accurate records of the person's withdrawals, deliveries and use of all water withdrawn from a well, as prescribed by the director under subsection P of this section.

B. Except as provided in subsections C and D of this section, an annual report shall be filed with the director by each person who:

1. Owns or leases a right under this chapter to withdraw, receive or use groundwater in an active management area, unless a report is filed for that person by an irrigation district under subsection E of this section or by another person in a form acceptable to the director.

2. Uses groundwater which that is transported from an active management area.

3. Is an individual user subject to a municipal conservation requirement for appropriate conservation measures included in a management plan adopted by the director pursuant to article 9 of this chapter.

4. Withdraws groundwater for transportation to an initial active management area pursuant to article 8.1 of this chapter.

5. Withdraws water from a well in the Santa Cruz active management area or who uses water, other than stored water, withdrawn from a non-exempt nonexempt well in the Santa Cruz active management area.

C. Persons who withdraw groundwater from exempt wells and non-irrigation customers of cities, towns, private water companies and irrigation districts, except customers receiving water pursuant to a permit, are exempt from the record keeping recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this section for such water, except:

1. Persons who Withdraw groundwater from a well that is no longer an exempt well as prescribed by section 45-454, subsection A, paragraph 4 or subsection B, paragraph 5.

2. Non-irrigation Customers of cities, towns, private water companies and irrigation districts who RECEIVE water pursuant to a permit.

D. A person who owns or leases an irrigation grandfathered right that is appurtenant to ten or fewer irrigation acres is exempt from the record keeping and reporting requirements of this section for the irrigation grandfathered right unless one of the following applies:

1. The land to which the irrigation grandfathered right is appurtenant is part of an integrated farming operation.

2. Groundwater is withdrawn from the land to which the irrigation grandfathered right is appurtenant and delivered for use pursuant to either a service area right pursuant to article 6 of this chapter or a grandfathered groundwater right other than an irrigation grandfathered right that is appurtenant to irrigation acres that are exempt from irrigation water duties pursuant to section 45-563.02.

3. Groundwater is withdrawn from land that is both owned by the owner of the irrigation grandfathered right and contiguous to the land to which the irrigation grandfathered right is appurtenant and delivered for use pursuant to either a service area right pursuant to article 6 of this chapter or a grandfathered groundwater right other than an irrigation grandfathered right that is appurtenant to irrigation acres that are exempt from irrigation water duties pursuant to section 45-563.02.

E. An irrigation district which that delivers and distributes groundwater in an active management area may file an annual report with the director for each person who holds an irrigation grandfathered right appurtenant to irrigation acres within the service area of the irrigation district, if the irrigation district delivers all the water used on the person's irrigation acres. If an irrigation district files an annual report for such a person, the irrigation district shall report the following information for each such person:

1. The name of the person and the certificate number of the person's irrigation grandfathered right.

2. The quantity of groundwater, if any, delivered during the calendar year.

F. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section and who withdraw groundwater during the calendar year in an active management area and persons who are REQUIRED to report under section 45-454, subsection A, PARAGRAPH 4 or subsection B, PARAGRAPH 5 and who withdraw groundwater during the calendar year in an active management area shall report the following information for each well:

1. The registration number and location of the well.

2. The quantity of groundwater withdrawn from the well during the calendar year. A person who, under section 45-604, subsection B, is not required to use and does not use a water measuring device to measure withdrawals made pursuant to a type 2 non-irrigation grandfathered right or a groundwater withdrawal permit shall estimate the quantity of groundwater withdrawn pursuant to the grandfathered right or withdrawal permit.

3. The quantity of fuel or electricity consumed by the pump during the calendar year.

4. The uses to which the groundwater was applied or the persons to whom the groundwater was delivered during the calendar year.

G. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section and who use groundwater during the calendar year in an active management area, and persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 2 of this section and persons who are required to report under section 45-454, subsection a, paragraph 4 or subsection B, paragraph 5 and who withdraw groundwater during the calendar year in an active management area shall report the following information:

1. The source of the groundwater, including:

(a) The name of the person from whom the groundwater was obtained.

(b) The registration number and location of the well, if known.

2. The quantity of groundwater used during the calendar year.

3. The specific uses to which the groundwater was applied during the calendar year.

H. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 4 of this section and who transport groundwater during the calendar year to an initial active management area under article 8.1 of this chapter shall report the following information:

1. The registration number and location of each well.

2. The quantity of groundwater withdrawn from each well during the calendar year.

3. The quantity of groundwater transported during the calendar year to an initial active management area.

4. The quantity of groundwater that was withdrawn during the calendar year and that was not transported to an initial active management area and the uses to which the groundwater was applied.

5. The quantity of fuel or electricity consumed by each pump during the calendar year.

6. The uses to which the groundwater was applied or the persons to whom the groundwater was delivered during the calendar year.

I. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 1 of this section and who neither withdraw nor use groundwater during the calendar year shall report the following information:

1. The fact that no groundwater was withdrawn or used during the calendar year.

2. The registration number and location of each well, if any.

J. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 5 of this section and who withdraw water from a non-exempt nonexempt well in the Santa Cruz active management area during the calendar year shall report the following information:

1. The registration number and location of the well.

2. The quantity of water, by type, withdrawn from the well during the calendar year.

3. The quantity of fuel or electricity consumed by the pump during the calendar year.

4. The uses to which the water was applied or the persons to whom the water was delivered during the calendar year.

K. Persons who are required to report under subsection B, paragraph 5 of this section and who use water withdrawn from a non-exempt nonexempt well in the Santa Cruz active management area during the calendar year shall report the following information:

1. The source of the water, including:

(a) The name of the person from whom the water was obtained.

(b) The registration number and location of the well, if known.

2. The quantity of the water, by type, used during the calendar year.

3. The specific uses to which the water was applied during the calendar year.

L. If a person both withdraws groundwater in an active management area and uses such water, the person may combine the information required by subsections F and G of this section into one report. If a person both withdraws water, other than stored water, from a non-exempt well in the Santa Cruz active management area and uses such water, the person may combine the information required by subsections J and K of this section into one report.

M. The director may require such other information in the report as may be necessary to accomplish the management goals of the applicable active management area.

N. Each report shall contain either a sworn statement or a certification, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in the report is true and correct according to the best belief and knowledge of the person filing the report.

O. The annual report shall be maintained on a calendar year basis and shall be filed with the director no later than March 31 of each year for the preceding calendar year. If a person who is required under this section to file an annual report for calendar year 1985 or any subsequent calendar year fails to file a report for the calendar year in question on or before March 31 of the following year, the director may assess and collect a penalty of twenty-five dollars $25 for each month or portion of a month that the annual report is delinquent. The total penalty assessed under this subsection shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars $150.  The director shall deposit, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, all penalties collected under this subsection in the state general fund.

P. The records and reports required to be kept and filed under this section shall be in such form as the director prescribes. The director shall prepare blank forms and distribute them on a timely schedule throughout each active management area and furnish them upon request. Failure to receive or obtain the forms does not relieve any person from keeping the required records or making any required report. The director shall cooperate with cities and towns, private water companies and irrigation districts in establishing the form of the records and reports to be kept and filed by them. END_STATUTE