Senate Engrossed


ambulances; emergency medical services





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session









An Act


amending section 36-2201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2022, chapter 381, section 1; amending section 36-2202, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2022, chapter 381, section 2; relating to emergency medical services.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 36-2201, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2022, chapter 381, section 1, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-2201. Definitions

In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Administrative medical direction" means supervision of emergency medical care technicians by a base hospital medical director, administrative medical director or basic life support medical director.  For the purposes of this paragraph, "administrative medical director" means a physician who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17 and who provides direction within the emergency medical services and trauma system.

2. "Advanced emergency medical technician" means a person who has been trained in an advanced emergency medical technician program certified by the director or in an equivalent training program and who is certified by the director to render services pursuant to section 36-2205.

3. "Advanced life support" means the level of assessment and care identified in the scope of practice approved by the director for the advanced emergency medical technician, emergency medical technician I-99 and paramedic.

4. "Advanced life support base hospital" means a health care institution that offers general medical and surgical services, that is certified by the director as an advanced life support base hospital and that is affiliated by written agreement with a licensed ambulance service, municipal rescue service, fire department, fire district or health services district for medical direction, evaluation and control of emergency medical care technicians.

5. "Ambulance":

(a) Means any publicly or privately owned surface, water or air vehicle, including a helicopter, that contains a stretcher and necessary medical equipment and supplies pursuant to section 36-2202 and that is especially designed and constructed or modified and equipped to be used, maintained or operated primarily to transport individuals who are sick, injured or wounded or who require medical monitoring or aid. 

(b) Does not include a surface vehicle that is owned and operated by a private sole proprietor, partnership, private corporation or municipal corporation for the emergency transportation and in-transit care of its employees or a vehicle that is operated to accommodate an incapacitated person or person with a disability who does not require medical monitoring, care or treatment during transport and that is not advertised as having medical equipment and supplies or ambulance attendants.

6. "Ambulance attendant" means any of the following:

(a) An emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician I-99 or a paramedic whose primary responsibility is the care of patients in an ambulance and who meets the standards and criteria adopted pursuant to section 36-2204.

(b) An emergency medical responder who is employed by an ambulance service operating under section 36-2202 and whose primary responsibility is driving an ambulance.

(c) A physician who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17.

(d) A professional nurse who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 and who meets the state board of nursing criteria to care for patients in the prehospital care system.

(e) A professional nurse who is licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 15 and whose primary responsibility is the care of patients in an ambulance during an interfacility transport.

7. "Ambulance service" means a person who owns and operates one or more ambulances.

8. "Basic life support" means the level of assessment and care identified in the scope of practice approved by the director for the emergency medical responder and emergency medical technician.

9. "Bureau" means the bureau of emergency medical services and trauma system in the department.

10. "Centralized medical direction communications center" means a facility that is housed within a hospital, medical center or trauma center or a freestanding communication center that meets the following criteria:

(a) Has the ability to communicate with ambulance services and emergency medical services providers rendering patient care outside of the hospital setting via radio and telephone.

(b) Is staffed twenty-four hours a day seven days a week by at least a physician licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17.

11. "Certificate of necessity" means a certificate that is issued to an ambulance service by the department and that describes the following:

(a) The service area.

(b) The level of service.

(c) The type of service.

(d) The hours of operation.

(e) The effective date.

(f) The expiration date.

(g) The legal name and address of the ambulance service.

(h) The any limiting or special provisions the director prescribes.

12. "Council" means the emergency medical services council.

13. "Department" means the department of health services.

14. "Director" means the director of the department of health services.

15. "Emergency medical care technician" means an individual who has been certified by the department as an emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician I-99 or a paramedic.

16. "Emergency medical responder" as an ambulance attendant, whose primary responsibility is driving an ambulance, means a person who has successfully completed training in an emergency medical responder program that is certified by the director or is approved by the emergency medical services provider's administrative medical director on file with the department or in an equivalent training program or who is approved by the emergency medical services provider's administrative medical director on file with the department.

17. "Emergency medical responder program" means a program that includes at least the following:

(a) Emergency vehicle driver training.

(b) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification.

(c) Automated external defibrillator training.

(d) Training in the use of noninvasive diagnostic devices, including blood glucose monitors and pulse oximeters.

(e) Training on obtaining a patient's vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate.

18. "Emergency medical services" means those services required following an accident or an emergency medical situation:

(a) For on-site emergency medical care.

(b) To transport the sick or injured by a licensed ground or air ambulance.

(c) In using emergency communications media.

(d) In using emergency receiving facilities.

(e) In administering initial care and preliminary treatment procedures by emergency medical care technicians.

19. "Emergency medical services provider" means any governmental entity, quasi-governmental entity or corporation whether public or private that renders emergency medical services in this state.

20. "Emergency medical technician" means a person who has been trained in an emergency medical technician program certified by the director or in an equivalent training program and who is certified by the director as qualified to render services pursuant to section 36-2205.

21. "Emergency receiving facility" means a licensed health care institution that offers emergency medical services, is staffed twenty-four hours a day and has a physician on call.

22. "Fit and proper" means that the director determines that an applicant for a certificate of necessity or a certificate holder has the expertise, integrity, fiscal competence and resources to provide ambulance service in the service area.

23. "Medical record" means any patient record, including clinical records, prehospital care records, medical reports, laboratory reports and statements, any file, film, record or report or oral statements relating to diagnostic findings, treatment or outcome of patients, whether written, electronic or recorded, and any information from which a patient or the patient's family might be identified.

24. "National certification organization" means a national organization that tests and certifies the ability of an emergency medical care technician and whose tests are based on national education standards.

25. "National education standards" means the emergency medical services education standards of the United States department of transportation or other similar emergency medical services education standards developed by that department or its successor agency.

26. "Paramedic" means a person who has been trained in a paramedic program certified by the director or in an equivalent training program and who is certified by the director to render services pursuant to section 36-2205.

27. "Physician" means any person licensed pursuant to title 32, chapter 13 or 17.

28. "Stretcher van" means a vehicle that contains a stretcher and that is operated to accommodate an incapacitated person or person with a disability who does not require medical monitoring, aid, care or treatment during transport.

29. "Suboperation station" means a physical facility or location at which an ambulance service conducts operations for the dispatch of ambulances and personnel and that may be staffed twenty-four hours a day or less as determined by system use.

30. "Trauma center" means any acute care hospital that provides in-house twenty-four-hour daily dedicated trauma surgical services that is designated pursuant to section 36-2225.

31. "Trauma registry" means data collected by the department on trauma patients and on the incidence, causes, severity, outcomes and operation of a trauma system and its components.

32. "Trauma system" means an integrated and organized arrangement of health care resources having the specific capability to perform triage, transport and provide care.

33. "Validated testing procedure" means a testing procedure that includes practical skills, or attests practical skills proficiency on a form developed by the department by the educational training program, identified pursuant to section 36-2204, paragraph 2, that is certified as valid by an organization capable of determining testing procedure and testing content validity and that is recommended by the medical direction commission and the emergency medical services council before the director's approval.

34. "Wheelchair van" means a vehicle that contains or that is designed and constructed or modified to contain a wheelchair and that is operated to accommodate an incapacitated person or person with a disability who does not require medical monitoring, aid, care or treatment during transport. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 36-2202, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by Laws 2022, chapter 381, section 2, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-2202. Duties of the director; qualifications of medical director

A. The director shall:

1. Appoint a medical director of the emergency medical services and trauma system.

2. Adopt standards and criteria for the denial or granting of certification and recertification of emergency medical care technicians.  These standards shall allow the department to certify qualified emergency medical care technicians who have completed statewide standardized training required under section 36-2204, paragraph 1 and a standardized certification test required under section 36-2204, paragraph 2 or who hold valid certification with a national certification organization. Before the director may consider approving a statewide standardized training or a standardized certification test, or both, each of these must first be recommended by the medical direction commission and the emergency medical services council to ensure that the standardized training content is consistent with national education standards and that the standardized certification test examines comparable material to that examined in the tests of a national certification organization.

3. Adopt standards and criteria that pertain to the quality of emergency care pursuant to section 36-2204.

4. Adopt rules necessary to carry out this chapter.  Each rule shall identify all sections and subsections of this chapter under which the rule was formulated.

5. Adopt reasonable medical equipment, supply, staffing and safety standards, criteria and procedures to issue a certificate of registration to operate an ambulance.

6. Maintain a state system for recertifying emergency medical care technicians, except as otherwise provided by section 36-2202.01, that is independent from any national certification organization recertification process. This system shall allow emergency medical care technicians to choose to be recertified under the state or the national certification organization recertification system subject to subsection H of this section.

B. Emergency medical technicians who choose the state recertification process shall recertify in one of the following ways:

1. Successfully completing an emergency medical technician refresher course approved by the department.

2. Successfully completing an emergency medical technician challenge course approved by the department.

3. For emergency medical care technicians who are currently certified at the emergency medical technician level by the department, attesting on a form provided by the department that the applicant holds a valid and current cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification, has and will maintain documented proof of a minimum of twenty-four hours of continuing medical education within the last two years consistent with department rules and has functioned in the capacity of an emergency medical technician for at least two hundred forty hours during the last two years.

C. After consultation with the emergency medical services council, the director may authorize pilot programs designed to improve the safety and efficiency of ambulance inspections for governmental or quasi-governmental entities that provide emergency medical services in this state.

D. The rules, standards and criteria adopted by the director pursuant to subsection A, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this section shall be adopted in accordance with title 41, chapter 6, except that the director may adopt on an emergency basis pursuant to section 41-1026 rules relating to the regulation of ambulance services in this state necessary to protect the public peace, health and safety in advance of adopting rules, standards and criteria as otherwise provided by this subsection.

E. The director may waive the requirement for compliance with a protocol adopted pursuant to section 36-2205 if the director determines that the techniques, drug formularies or training makes the protocol inconsistent with contemporary medical practices.

F. The director may suspend a protocol adopted pursuant to section 36-2205 if the director does all of the following:

1. Determines that the rule is not in the public's best interest.

2. Initiates procedures pursuant to title 41, chapter 6 to repeal the rule.

3. Notifies all interested parties in writing of the director's action and the reasons for that action. Parties interested in receiving notification shall submit a written request to the director.

G. To be eligible for appointment as the medical director of the emergency medical services and trauma system, the person shall be qualified in emergency medicine and shall be licensed as a physician in one of the states of the United States.

H. Applicants for certification shall apply to the director for certification. Emergency medical care technicians shall apply for recertification to the director every two years. The director may extend the expiration date of an emergency medical care technician's certificate for thirty days. The department shall establish a fee for this extension by rule. Emergency medical care technicians shall pass an examination administered by the department as a condition for recertification only if required to do so by the advanced life support base hospital's medical director or the emergency medical care technician's medical director.

I. The medical director of the emergency medical services and trauma system is exempt from title 41, chapter 4, articles 5 and 6 and is entitled to receive compensation pursuant to section 38-611, subsection A.

J. The standards, criteria and procedures adopted by the director pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section shall require that ambulance services:

1. Providing interfacility transportation or in any certificate of necessity area of this state have at least one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a), (c), (d) or (e) and one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a) or (b) staffing an ambulance while transporting a patient.

2. Serving a rural or wilderness certificate of necessity area with a population of less than ten thousand persons have at least one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a), (c), (d) or (e) and one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a) or (b) staffing an ambulance while transporting a patient. and that ambulance services providing interfacility transportation or

3. serving a population of ten thousand persons or more have at least one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a) and one ambulance attendant as defined in section 36-2201, paragraph 6, subdivision (a), (c), (d) or (e) staffing an ambulance while transporting a patient.

K. If the department determines there is not a qualified administrative medical director, the department shall ensure the provision of administrative medical direction for an emergency medical technician if the emergency medical technician meets all of the following criteria:

1. Is employed by a nonprofit or governmental provider employing less than twelve full-time emergency medical technicians.

2. Stipulates to the inability to secure a physician who is willing to provide administrative medical direction.

3. Stipulates that the provider agency does not provide administrative medical direction for its employees. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Effective date

This act is effective from and after December 31, 2023.