House Engrossed Senate Bill


state hospital; governing board; governance





State of Arizona


Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session











An Act


amending sections 36-533 and 36-539, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the Arizona state hospital.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 36-533, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-533. Petition for treatment

A. The petition for court-ordered treatment shall allege:

1. That the patient is in need of a period of treatment because the patient, as a result of mental disorder, is a danger to self or to others or has a persistent or acute disability or a grave disability.

2. The treatment alternatives that are appropriate or available.

3. That the patient is unwilling to accept or incapable of accepting treatment voluntarily.

B. The petition shall be accompanied by the affidavits of the two physicians who participated in the evaluation and by the affidavit of the applicant for the evaluation, if any. In a county with a population of less than five hundred thousand persons, the petition may be accompanied by the affidavits of one physician and either one physician assistant who is experienced in psychiatric matters or one psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioner who conducted an independent evaluation and by the affidavit of the applicant for the evaluation, if any. The affidavits of the physicians or other health professionals shall describe in detail the behavior that indicates that the person, as a result of mental disorder, is a danger to self or to others or has a persistent or acute disability or a grave disability and shall be based on the physician's or other health professional's observations of the patient and the physician's study of information about the patient.  A summary of the facts that support the allegations of the petition shall be included.  The affidavit shall also include any of the results of the physical examination of the patient if relevant to the patient's psychiatric condition.  

C. The petition shall request the court to issue an order requiring the person to undergo a period of treatment. If a prosecutor filed a petition pursuant to section 13-4517, the petition must be accompanied by any known criminal history of the person and any previous findings of incompetency.

D. The petition shall also include:

1. A statement that in the opinion of the petitioner the person does or does not require guardianship or conservatorship, or both, under title 14 and the reasons on which the statement is based.

2. A request that the court order an independent investigation and report for the court if in the opinion of the petitioner the person does require guardianship or conservatorship, or both.

3. A statement that in the opinion of the petitioner the person does or does not require temporary guardianship or conservatorship, or both, and the reasons on which the statement is based.

4. A request that the court appoint a temporary guardian or conservator, or both, if in the opinion of the petitioner the person does require temporary guardianship or conservatorship, or both.

5. If the person has an existing guardian, a statement identifying the existing guardian and a request that the court consider imposing additional duties on the existing guardian pursuant to section 14-5312.01.

E. If the petition contains a request for court action pursuant to subsection D of this section, a copy of the petition shall be mailed to any person or agency that is nominated as guardian or conservator or the person who is identified as an existing guardian.

F. A copy of all petitions shall be mailed to the superintendent of the Arizona state hospital.

G. On the filing of a petition for court-ordered treatment, if the patient is not detained in an evaluation agency when the petition is filed, the petition shall contain a statement of any facts and circumstances that lead the petitioner to believe that the proposed patient may be safely transported to the evaluation agency pursuant to section 36-535 by an authorized transporter, if available in the jurisdiction, without the assistance of a peace officer.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 36-539, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE36-539. Conduct of hearing; record; transcript

A. The medical director of the evaluation agency shall issue instructions to the physicians or the psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioner of the evaluation agency who is treating the proposed patient to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that at the time of the hearing the proposed patient shall is not be so under the influence of or does not so suffer the effects of drugs, medication or other treatment as to be hampered in preparing for or participating in the hearing. If the proposed patient is being treated as an inpatient by the evaluation agency, the court at the time of the hearing shall be presented a record of all drugs, medication or other treatment that the person has received during the seventy-two hours immediately before the hearing.

B. The patient and the patient's attorney shall be present at all hearings, and the patient's attorney may subpoena and cross-examine witnesses and present evidence. The patient may choose to not attend the hearing or the patient's attorney may waive the patient's presence. The evidence presented by the petitioner or the patient shall include the testimony of two or more witnesses acquainted with the patient at the time of the alleged mental disorder, which may be satisfied by a statement agreed on by the parties, and testimony of the two physicians or other health professionals who participated in the evaluation of the patient pursuant to section 36-533, which may be satisfied by stipulating to the admission of the evaluating physicians' affidavits as required pursuant to section 36-533, subsection B. The evaluating physicians or other health professionals shall testify as to their personal observations of the patient. They shall also testify as to their opinions concerning whether the patient is, as a result of mental disorder, a danger to self or to others or has a persistent or acute disability or a grave disability and as to whether the patient requires treatment. Such testimony shall state specifically the nature and extent of the danger to self or to others, the persistent or acute disability or the grave disability. If the patient has a grave disability, the evaluating physicians or other health professionals shall testify concerning the need for guardianship or conservatorship, or both, and whether or not the need is for immediate appointment. Other persons who have participated in the evaluation of the patient or, if further treatment was requested by a mental health treatment agency, persons of that agency who are directly involved in the care of the patient shall testify at the request of the court or of the patient's attorney. Witnesses shall testify as to placement alternatives appropriate and available for the care and treatment of the patient. The clinical record of the patient for the current admission shall be available and may be presented in full or in part as evidence at the request of the court, the county attorney or the patient's attorney.

C. If the patient, for medical or psychiatric reasons, is unable to be present at the hearing and cannot appear by other reasonably feasible means, the court shall require clear and convincing evidence that the patient is unable to be present at the hearing and on such a finding may proceed with the hearing in the patient's absence.

D. The requirements of subsection B of this section are in addition to all rules of evidence and the Arizona rules of civil procedure, not inconsistent with subsection B of this section.

E. A verbatim record of all proceedings under this section shall be made by stenographic means by a court reporter if a written request for a court reporter is made by any party to the proceedings at least twenty-four hours in advance of such proceedings. If stenographic means are not requested in the manner provided by this subsection, electronic means shall be directed by the presiding judge. The stenographic notes or electronic tape shall be retained as provided by statute.

F. A patient who has been ordered to undergo treatment may request a certified transcript of the hearing. To obtain a copy, the patient shall pay for a transcript or shall file an affidavit that the patient is without means to pay for a transcript. If the affidavit is found true by the court, the expense of the transcript is a charge on the county in which the proceedings were held, or, if an intergovernmental agreement by the counties has required evaluation in a county other than that of the patient's residence, such expense may be charged to the county of the patient's residence or in which the patient was found before evaluation. END_STATUTE