Second Regular Session S.B. 1079
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 22, after "for" insert "either:
1. the failure of a person's electronic means that prevents the person from PARTICIPATING in the auction.
2."; after "means" insert "the department operates that is caused by an act of god or of nature, a superior or OVERPOWERING force or an event or effect that cannot be reasonably ANTICIPATED or CONTROLLED"; after "During" insert "or directly preceding"
Line 31, after "failure" insert "for which the department is not liable as prescribed in SUBSECTION B of this section."
Page 2, strike lines 7 through 10
Line 11, strike "the lands for the highest and best bid may" insert:
"A. A representative of the state land department shall attend at the time and place fixed for the sale and proceed by first announcing information relevant to the sale sufficient, in the representative's judgment, to begin the bidding process, then calling for bids and selling the lands for the highest and best bid.
b. The department shall adopt rules to"
Line 12, after "chapter" insert ", INCLUDING rules for the following:
1. the sale of state lands through electronic means.
2. a requirement that any location where state lands are auctioned online includes internet aCCESS.
3. a method for persons to prove the person has SUFFICIENT monies to bid for a parcel before a public auction.
4. reasonable QUALIFICATIONs and PROCEDURES to ensure a person is legally ELIGIBLE to bid."
Reletter to conform
Page 3, after line 16, insert:
"Sec. 4. Applicability
The state land department may conduct online auctions for the sale or lease of state lands or natural product only after rules are adopted pursuant to this act."
Amend title to conform