House Engrossed


subsequent AMAs; assured water supply





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session










An Act


amending sections 9-463.01, 11-823 and 45-576, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to active management areas.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 9-463.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE9-463.01. Authority

A. Pursuant to this article, the legislative body of every municipality shall regulate the subdivision of all lands within its corporate limits.

B. The legislative body of a municipality shall exercise the authority granted in subsection A of this section by ordinance prescribing:

1. Procedures to be followed in the preparation, submission, review and approval or rejection of all final plats.

2. Standards governing the design of subdivision plats.

3. Minimum requirements and standards for the installation of subdivision streets, sewer and water utilities and improvements as a condition of final plat approval.

C. By ordinance, the legislative body of any municipality shall:

1. Require the preparation, submission and approval of a preliminary plat as a condition precedent to submission of a final plat.

2. Establish the procedures to be followed in the preparation, submission, review and approval of preliminary plats.

3. Make requirements as to the form and content of preliminary plats.

4. Either determine that certain lands may not be subdivided, by reason of adverse topography, periodic inundation, adverse soils, subsidence of the earth's surface, high water table, lack of water or other natural or man-made hazard to life or property, or control the lot size, establish special grading and drainage requirements and impose other regulations deemed reasonable and necessary for the public health, safety or general welfare on any lands to be subdivided affected by such characteristics.

5. Require payment of a proper and reasonable fee by the subdivider based upon on the number of lots or parcels on the surface of the land to defray municipal costs of plat review and site inspection.

6. Require the dedication of public streets, sewer and water utility easements or rights-of-way, within the proposed subdivision.

7. Require the preparation and submission of acceptable engineering plans and specifications for the installation of required street, sewer, electric and water utilities, drainage, flood control, adequacy of water and improvements as a condition precedent to recordation of an approved final plat.

8. Require the posting of performance bonds, assurances or such other security as may be appropriate and necessary to assure the installation of required street, sewer, electric and water utilities, drainage, flood control and improvements meeting established minimum standards of design and construction.

D. The legislative body of any municipality may require by ordinance that land areas within a subdivision be reserved for parks, recreational facilities, school sites and fire stations subject to the following conditions:

1. The requirement may only be made upon on preliminary plats filed at least thirty days after the adoption of a general or specific plan affecting the land area to be reserved.

2. The required reservations are in accordance with definite principles and standards adopted by the legislative body.

3. The land area reserved shall be of such a size and shape as to permit the remainder of the land area of the subdivision within which the reservation is located to develop in an orderly and efficient manner.

4. The land area reserved shall be in such multiples of streets and parcels as to permit an efficient division of the reserved area in the event that it is not acquired within the prescribed period.

E. The public agency for whose benefit an area has been reserved shall have a period of one year after recording the final subdivision plat to enter into an agreement to acquire such reserved land area. The purchase price shall be the fair market value of the reserved land area at the time of the filing of the preliminary subdivision plat plus the taxes against such reserved area from the date of the reservation and any other costs incurred by the subdivider in the maintenance of such reserved area, including the interest cost incurred on any loan covering such reserved area.

F. If the public agency for whose benefit an area has been reserved does not exercise the reservation agreement set forth in subsection E of this section within such one year period or such extended period as may be mutually agreed upon on by such public agency and the subdivider, the reservation of such area shall terminate.

G. The legislative body of every municipality shall comply with this article and applicable state statutes pertaining to the hearing, approval or rejection, and recordation of:

1. Final subdivision plats.

2. Plats filed for the purpose of reverting to acreage of land previously subdivided.

3. Plats filed for the purpose of vacating streets or easements previously dedicated to the public.

4. Plats filed for the purpose of vacating or redescribing lot or parcel boundaries previously recorded.

H. Approval of every preliminary and final plat by a legislative body is conditioned upon on compliance by the subdivider with:

1. Rules as may be established by the department of transportation relating to provisions for the safety of entrance upon on and departure from abutting state primary highways.

2. Rules as may be established by a county flood control district relating to the construction or prevention of construction of streets in land established as being subject to periodic inundation.

3. Rules as may be established by the department of health services or a county health department relating to the provision of domestic water supply and sanitary sewage disposal.

I. If the subdivision is comprised composed of subdivided lands, as defined in section 32-2101, and is within an active management area, as defined in section 45-402, the final plat shall not be approved unless it is accompanied by a certificate of assured water supply issued by the director of water resources, or unless the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-576 or is exempt from the requirement pursuant to section 45-576. The legislative body of the municipality shall note on the face of the final plat that a certificate of assured water supply has been submitted with the plat or that the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the proposed subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply, pursuant to section 45-576, or is exempt from the requirement pursuant to section 45-576.

J. Except as provided in subsections K and P of this section, if the subdivision is composed of subdivided lands as defined in section 32-2101 outside of an active management area and the director of water resources has given written notice to the municipality pursuant to section 45-108, subsection H, the final plat shall not be approved unless one of the following applies:

1. The director of water resources has determined that there is an adequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108 and the subdivider has included the report with the plat.

2. The subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108.

K. The legislative body of a municipality that has received written notice from the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108, subsection H or that has adopted an ordinance pursuant to subsection O of this section may provide by ordinance an exemption from the requirement in subsection J or O of this section for a subdivision that the director of water resources has determined will have an inadequate water supply because the water supply will be transported to the subdivision by motor vehicle or train if all of the following apply:

1. The legislative body determines that there is no feasible alternative water supply for the subdivision and that the transportation of water to the subdivision will not constitute a significant risk to the health and safety of the residents of the subdivision.

2. If the water to be transported to the subdivision will be withdrawn or diverted in the service area of a municipal provider as defined in section 45-561, the municipal provider has consented to the withdrawal or diversion.

3. If the water to be transported is groundwater, the transportation complies with the provisions governing the transportation of groundwater in title 45, chapter 2, article 8.

4. The transportation of water to the subdivision meets any additional conditions imposed by the legislative body.

L. A municipality that adopts the exemption authorized by subsection K of this section shall give written notice of the adoption of the exemption, including a certified copy of the ordinance containing the exemption, to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality and the state real estate commissioner.  If the municipality later rescinds the exemption, the municipality shall give written notice of the rescission to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality and the state real estate commissioner. A municipality that rescinds an exemption adopted pursuant to subsection K of this section shall not readopt the exemption for at least five years after the rescission becomes effective.

M. If the legislative body of a municipality approves a subdivision plat pursuant to subsection J, paragraph 1 or 2 or subsection O of this section, the legislative body shall note on the face of the plat that the director of water resources has reported that the subdivision has an adequate water supply or that the subdivider has obtained a commitment of water service for the proposed subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108.

N. If the legislative body of a municipality approves a subdivision plat pursuant to an exemption authorized by subsection K of this section or granted by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108.02 or 45-108.03:

1. The legislative body shall give written notice of the approval to the director of water resources and the director of environmental quality.

2. The legislative body shall include on the face of the plat a statement that the director of water resources has determined that the water supply for the subdivision is inadequate and a statement describing the exemption under which the plat was approved, including a statement that the legislative body or the director of water resources, whichever applies, has determined that the specific conditions of the exemption were met. If the director subsequently informs the legislative body that the subdivision is being served by a water provider that has been designated by the director as having an adequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108, the legislative body shall record in the county recorder's office a statement disclosing that fact.

O. If a municipality has not been given written notice by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108, subsection H, the legislative body of the municipality, to protect the public health and safety, may provide by ordinance that, except as provided in subsections K and P of this section, the final plat of a subdivision located in the municipality and outside of an active management area will not be approved by the legislative body unless the director of water resources has determined that there is an adequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108 or the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108.  Before holding a public hearing to consider whether to enact an ordinance pursuant to this subsection, a municipality shall provide written notice of the hearing to the board of supervisors of the county in which the municipality is located.  A municipality that enacts an ordinance pursuant to this subsection shall give written notice of the enactment of the ordinance, including a certified copy of the ordinance, to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality, the state real estate commissioner and the board of supervisors of the county in which the municipality is located.  If a municipality enacts an ordinance pursuant to this subsection, water providers may be eligible to receive monies in a water supply development fund, as otherwise provided by law.

P. Subsections J and O of this section do not apply to:

1. A proposed subdivision that the director of water resources has determined will have an inadequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108 if the director grants an exemption for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108.02 and the exemption has not expired or if the director grants an exemption pursuant to section 45-108.03.

2. A proposed subdivision that received final plat approval from the municipality before the requirement for an adequate water supply became effective in the municipality if the plat has not been materially changed since it received the final plat approval.  If changes were made to the plat after the plat received the final plat approval, the director of water resources shall determine whether the changes are material pursuant to the rules adopted by the director to implement section 45-108. If the municipality approves a plat pursuant to this paragraph and the director of water resources has determined that there is an inadequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108, the municipality shall note this on the face of the plat.

3. ANy portion of a proposed SUBDIVISION that is located in a MUNICIPALITY that adopts an adequate water supply ORDiNANCE and that is INCLUDED in a sUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area pursuant to section 45-412 or 45-415. on the EFFECTIVE date of the aCTIVE MANAGEMENT AREA, any ORDiNANCES that were adopted PURSUANT to subsection j or O of this section do not apply to THAT portion of the proposed SUBDIVISION that is LOCATED in the SUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area.

4. ANy portion of a proposed SUBDIVISION that is located in a county that adopts an adequate water supply ORDiNANCE and that is INCLUDED in a sUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area pursuant to section 45-412 or 45-415. on the EFFECTIVE date of the aCTIVE MANAGEMENT AREA, any ORDiNANCES that were adopted PURSUANT to subsection j or O of this section do not apply to that portion of the proposed SUBDIVISION that is LOCATED in the SUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area.

5. Any subdivision that is located in a subsequent active management area pursuant to section 45-412 or 45-415 and that has been issued an adequate water report by the director before the effective date of a subsequent active management area.  Such a SUBDIVISION is exempt from the requirement to obtain a certificate of assured water supply.

Q. If the subdivision is composed of subdivided lands as defined in section 32-2101 outside of an active management area and the municipality has not received written notice pursuant to section 45-108, subsection H and has not adopted an ordinance pursuant to subsection O of this section:

1. If the director of water resources has determined that there is an adequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108 or if the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108, the municipality shall note this on the face of the plat if the plat is approved.

2. If the director of water resources has determined that there is an inadequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108, the municipality shall note this on the face of the plat if the plat is approved.

R. Every municipality is responsible for the recordation of all final plats approved by the legislative body and shall receive from the subdivider and transmit to the county recorder the recordation fee established by the county recorder.

S. Pursuant to provisions of applicable state statutes, the legislative body of any municipality may itself prepare or have prepared a plat for the subdivision of land under municipal ownership.

T. The legislative bodies of cities and towns may regulate by ordinance land splits within their corporate limits. Authority granted under this section refers to the determination of division lines, area and shape of the tracts or parcels and does not include authority to regulate the terms or condition of the sale or lease nor does it include the authority to regulate the sale or lease of tracts or parcels that are not the result of land splits as defined in section 9-463.

U. For any subdivision that consists of ten or fewer lots, tracts or parcels, each of which is of a size as prescribed by the legislative body, the legislative body of each municipality may expedite the processing of or  waive the requirement to prepare, submit and receive approval of a preliminary plat as a condition precedent to submitting a final plat and may waive or reduce infrastructure standards or requirements proportional to the impact of the subdivision. Requirements for dust-controlled access and drainage improvements shall not be waived.END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Section 11-823, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE11-823. Water supply; adequacy; exemptions

A. To protect the public health and safety, the general regulations adopted by the board pursuant to section 11-821, subsection B, if approved by unanimous vote of the board of supervisors, may provide that, except as provided in subsection C and subsection D, paragraph 1 of this section, the board shall not approve a final plat for a subdivision composed of subdivided lands, as defined in section 32-2101, located outside of an active management area, as defined in section 45-402, unless one of the following applies:

1. The director of water resources has determined that there is an adequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108 and the subdivider has included the report with the plat.

2. The subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108.

B. If the board unanimously adopts the provision authorized by subsection A of this section:

1. The board may include in the general regulations an exemption from the provision for a subdivision that the director of water resources has determined will have an inadequate water supply because the water supply will be transported to the subdivision by motor vehicle or train if all of the following apply:

(a) The board determines that there is no feasible alternative water supply for the subdivision and that the transportation of water to the subdivision will not constitute a significant risk to the health and safety of the residents of the subdivision.

(b) If the water to be transported to the subdivision will be withdrawn or diverted in the service area of a municipal provider as defined in section 45-561, the municipal provider has consented to the withdrawal or diversion.

(c) If the water to be transported is groundwater, the transportation complies with the provisions governing the transportation of groundwater in title 45, chapter 2, article 8.

(d) The transportation of water to the subdivision meets any additional conditions imposed by the county.

2. The board shall promptly give written notice of the adoption of the provision to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality and the state real estate commissioner.  The notice shall include a certified copy of the provision and any exemptions adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection.  Water providers may be eligible to receive monies in a water supply development fund, as otherwise provided by law.

3. The board shall not rescind the provision or amend it in a manner that is inconsistent with subsection A of this section.  If the board amends the provision, it shall give written notice of the amendment to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality and the state real estate commissioner.  The board may rescind an exemption adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection.  If the board rescinds the exemption, it shall give written notice of the rescission to the director of water resources, the director of environmental quality and the state real estate commissioner, and the board shall not readopt the exemption for at least five years after the rescission becomes effective.

4. If the board approves a subdivision plat pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 or 2 of this section, the board shall note on the face of the plat that the director of water resources has reported that the subdivision has an adequate water supply or that the subdivider has obtained a commitment of water service for the proposed subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108.

5. If the board approves a subdivision plat pursuant to an exemption authorized by paragraph 1 of this subsection or granted by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108.02 or 45-108.03:

(a) The board shall give written notice of the approval to the director of water resources and the director of environmental quality.

(b) The board shall include on the face of the plat a statement that the director of water resources has determined that the water supply for the subdivision is inadequate and a statement describing the exemption under which the plat was approved, including a statement that the board or the director of water resources, whichever applies, has determined that the specific conditions of the exemption were met.  If the director of water resources subsequently informs the board that the subdivision is being served by a water provider that has been designated by the director as having an adequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108, the board shall record in the county recorder's office a statement disclosing that fact.

C. Subsection A of this section does not apply to:

1. A proposed subdivision that the director of water resources has determined will have an inadequate water supply pursuant to section 45-108 if the director grants an exemption for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108.02 and the exemption has not expired or the director grants an exemption pursuant to section 45-108.03.

2. A proposed subdivision that received final plat approval from the county before the requirement for an adequate water supply became effective in the county if the plat has not been materially changed since it received the final plat approval.  If changes were made to the plat after the plat received the final plat approval, the director of water resources shall determine whether the changes are material pursuant to the rules adopted by the director to implement section 45-108.  If the county approves a plat pursuant to this paragraph and the director of water resources has determined that there is an inadequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108, the county shall note this on the face of the plat.

3. ANy portion of a proposed SUBDIVISION that is located in a county that adopts an adequate water supply ORDiNANCE and thAT is INCLUDED in a sUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area pursuant to section 45-412 or 45-415. on the EFFECTIVE date of the aCTIVE MANAGEMENT AREA, any ORDINANCES THAT WERE adopted PURSUANT to subsection A of this section do not apply to THAT portion of THE proposed SUBDIVISION THAT IS LOCATED in THE SUBSEQUENT active MANAGEMENT area. IN ANY COUNTY THAT HAS ADOPTED AN ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION A OF THIS SECTION THAT BECOMES AN ACTIVE MANAGEMENT AREA, ANY ORDINANCE THAT references AN ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY SHALL BE TREATED AS AN ASSURED WATER SUPPLY AS DEFINED IN SECTION 45-576 and ANY SUBDIVISION for which THE DIRECTOR HAS issued an adequate water report before the effective date of a SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT area is EXEMPT from the REQUIREMENT to obtain a CERTIFICATE of assured water supply.

D. If the subdivision is composed of subdivided lands as defined in section 32-2101 outside of an active management area and the board has not adopted a provision pursuant to subsection A of this section:

1. If the director of water resources has determined that there is an adequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108 or if the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an adequate water supply by the director of water resources pursuant to section 45-108, the board shall note this on the face of the plat if the plat is approved.

2. If the director of water resources has determined that there is an inadequate water supply for the subdivision pursuant to section 45-108, the board shall note this on the face of the plat if the plat is approved.END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 45-576, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE45-576. Certificate of assured water supply; designated cities, towns and private water companies; exemptions; definition

A. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, a person who proposes to offer subdivided lands, as defined in section 32-2101, for sale or lease in an active management area shall apply for and obtain a certificate of assured water supply from the director before presenting the plat for approval to the city, town or county in which the land is located, where such is required, and before filing with the state real estate commissioner a notice of intention to offer such lands for sale or lease, pursuant to section 32-2181, unless the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.

B. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, a city, town or county may approve a subdivision plat only if the subdivider has obtained a certificate of assured water supply from the director or the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.  The city, town or county shall note on the face of the approved plat that a certificate of assured water supply has been submitted with the plat or that the subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the proposed subdivision from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.

C. Except as provided in subsections G and J of this section, the state real estate commissioner may issue a public report authorizing the sale or lease of subdivided lands only on compliance with either of the following:

1. The subdivider, owner or agent has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7 and any replenishment reserve fee required under section 48-3774.01, subsection A, paragraph 2 and has obtained a certificate of assured water supply from the director.

2. The subdivider has obtained a written commitment of water service for the lands from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section and the subdivider, owner or agent has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7.

D. The director shall designate private water companies in active management areas that have an assured water supply. If a city or town acquires a private water company that has contracted for central Arizona project water, the city or town shall assume the private water company's contract for central Arizona project water.

E. The director shall designate cities and towns in active management areas where an assured water supply exists. If a city or town has entered into a contract for central Arizona project water, the city or town is deemed to continue to have an assured water supply until December 31, 1997.  Commencing on January 1, 1998, the determination that the city or town has an assured water supply is subject to review by the director and the director may determine that a city or town does not have an assured water supply.

F. The director shall notify the mayors of all cities and towns in active management areas and the chairmen of the boards of supervisors of counties in which active management areas are located of the cities, towns and private water companies designated as having an assured water supply and any modification of that designation within thirty days of after the designation or modification.  If the service area of the city, town or private water company has qualified as a member service area pursuant to title 48, chapter 22, article 4, the director shall also notify the conservation district of the designation or modification and shall report the projected average annual replenishment obligation for the member service area based on the projected and committed average annual demand for water within the service area during the effective term of the designation or modification subject to any limitation in an agreement between the conservation district and the city, town or private water company.  For each city, town or private water company that qualified as a member service area under title 48, chapter 22 and that was designated as having an assured water supply before January 1, 2004, the director shall report to the conservation district on or before January 1, 2005 the projected average annual replenishment obligation based on the projected and committed average annual demand for water within the service area during the effective term of the designation subject to any limitation in an agreement between the conservation district and the city, town or private water company. Persons proposing to offer subdivided lands served by those designated cities, towns and private water companies for sale or lease are exempt from applying for and obtaining a certificate of assured water supply.

G. This section does not apply in the case of the sale of lands for developments that are subject to a mineral extraction and metallurgical processing permit or an industrial use permit pursuant to sections 45-514 and 45-515.

H. The director shall adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this section. On or before January 1, 2008, The rules shall provide for a reduction in water demand for an application for a designation of assured water supply or a certificate of assured water supply if a gray water reuse system will be installed that meets the requirements of the rules adopted by the department of environmental quality for gray water systems and if the application is for a certificate of assured water supply, the land for which the certificate is sought must qualify as a member land in a conservation district pursuant to title 48, chapter 22, article 4.  For the purposes of this subsection, "gray water" has the same meaning prescribed in section 49-201.

I. If the director designates a municipal provider as having an assured water supply under this section and the designation lapses or otherwise terminates while the municipal provider's service area is a member service area of a conservation district, the municipal provider or its successor shall continue to comply with the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules adopted by the director under subsection H of this section as if the designation was still in effect with respect to the municipal provider's designation uses. When determining compliance by the municipal provider or its successor with the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules, the director shall consider only water delivered by the municipal provider or its successor to the municipal provider's designation uses.  A person is the successor of a municipal provider if the person commences water service to uses that were previously designation uses of the municipal provider.  Any groundwater delivered by the municipal provider or its successor to the municipal provider's designation uses in excess of the amount allowed under the consistency with management goal requirements in the rules shall be considered excess groundwater for purposes of title 48, chapter 22.  For the purposes of this subsection, "designation uses" means all water uses served by a municipal provider on the date the municipal provider's designation of assured water supply lapses or otherwise terminates and all recorded lots within the municipal provider's service area that were not being served by the municipal provider on that date but that received final plat approval from a city, town or county on or before that date.  Designation uses do not include industrial uses served by an irrigation district under section 45-497.

J. Subsections A, B and C of this section do not apply to a person who proposes to offer subdivided land for sale or lease in an active management area if all the following apply:

1. The director issued a certificate of assured water supply for the land to a previous owner of the land and the certificate was classified as a type A certificate under rules adopted by the director pursuant to subsection H of this section.

2. The director has not revoked the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, and proceedings to revoke the certificate are not pending before the department or a court.  The department shall post on its website a list of all certificates of assured water supply that have been revoked or for which proceedings are pending before the department or a court.

3. The plat submitted to the department in the application for the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection has not changed.

4. Water service is currently available to each lot within the subdivided land and the water provider listed on the certificate of assured water supply described in paragraph 1 of this subsection has not changed.

5. The subdivided land qualifies as a member land under title 48, chapter 22 and the subdivider has paid any activation fee required under section 48-3772, subsection A, paragraph 7 and any replenishment reserve fee required under section 48-3774.01, subsection A, paragraph 2.

6. The plat is submitted for approval to a city, town or county that is listed on the department's website as a qualified platting authority.

K. Subsection J of this section does not affect the assignment of a certificate of assured water supply as prescribed by section 45-579.

L. On or before December 31, 2023, the director shall study and submit to the governor, president of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives a report on whether and how a person that seeks a building permit for six or more residences within an active management area, without regard to any proposed lease term for those residences, should apply for and obtain a certificate of assured water supply from the director before presenting the permit application for approval to the county in which the land is located, unless the applicant has obtained a written commitment of water service for the residences from a city, town or private water company designated as having an assured water supply pursuant to this section.

M. Subsections A, B and C of this section do not apply to a person who proposes to offer subdivided lands for sale or lease in a subsequent active management area if the person has received an adequate water report from the director on or before the effective date of the subsequent active management area.

M. n. For the purposes of this section, "assured water supply" means all of the following:

1. Sufficient groundwater, surface water or effluent of adequate quality will be continuously available to satisfy the water needs of the proposed use for at least one hundred years. Beginning January 1 of the calendar year following the year in which a groundwater replenishment district is required to submit its preliminary plan pursuant to section 45-576.02, subsection A, paragraph 1, with respect to an applicant that is a member of the district, "sufficient groundwater" for the purposes of this paragraph means that the proposed groundwater withdrawals that the applicant will cause over a period of one hundred years will be of adequate quality and will not exceed, in combination with other withdrawals from land in the replenishment district, a depth to water of one thousand feet or the depth of the bottom of the aquifer, whichever is less.  In determining depth to water for the purposes of this paragraph, the director shall consider the combination of:

(a) The existing rate of decline.

(b) The proposed withdrawals.

(c) The expected water requirements of all recorded lots that are not yet served water and that are located in the service area of a municipal provider.

2. The projected groundwater use is consistent with the management plan and achievement of the management goal for the active management area.

3. The financial capability has been demonstrated to construct the water facilities necessary to make the supply of water available for the proposed use, including a delivery system and any storage facilities or treatment works. The director may accept evidence of the construction assurances required by section 9-463.01, 11-823 11-822 or 32-2181 to satisfy this requirement. END_STATUTE


Sec. 4. Emergency

This act is an emergency measure that is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety and is operative immediately as provided by law.