REFERENCE TITLE: national guard; life insurance





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session





HB 2722


Introduced by

Representative Grantham









An Act


amending title 26, chapter 1, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 26-158.01; relating to the national guard.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 26, chapter 1, article 3, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 26-158.01, to read:

START_STATUTE26-158.01. National guard; officers; personnel; life insurance

Officers and enlisted personnel of the Arizona national guard shall be covered, at the state's expense, under a group life insurance program as described in 37 united states code section 707 for a life insurance benefit of $10,000 payable by the provider of the program to the officer's or personnel's named beneficiary or, in the absence of a named beneficiary, pursuant to title 14, chapter 2, article 1. The benefit described in this section is in addition to any benefit provided pursuant to section 26-158. END_STATUTE