Second Regular Session S.B. 1364
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 3, line 14, after "A" insert "written"; after the first "the" insert "supervising"; after the second "to" insert "courtesy"
Line 16, strike "jurisdiction" insert "county"; after "state" insert "with the intent to reside in that county"
Line 17, after the second "housing" insert "that will assist in the probationer's positive behavioral change"
Strike lines 18 through 22, insert "the supervising probation department shall do all of the following:
1. Confirm the details of the probationer's employment, housing or family caregiving plans.
2. Review any victim safety concerns and ensure compliance with the victims' bill of rights.
3. Submit the request for permission to proceed to the receiving county within seven business days after receipt.
m. After verifying the information submitted by the sending probation department pursuant to subsection L of this section, the receiving probation department shall provide the sending probation department with permission for the probationer to proceed to the receiving county within seven business days after receipt unless the receiving probation department finds the basis for the plan is not factual or the transfer will endanger the victim."
Reletter to conform
Line 24, after "is" insert "courtesy"; strike "jurisdiction" insert "county"
Page 3, line 27, strike "jurisdiction" insert "county"
Line 28, strike "transfer" insert "return"
Line 30, strike "jurisdiction" insert "county"
Line 31, after "imposed" insert "except for revocation hearings or an order of the court"
Amend title to conform