Second Regular Session S.B. 1409
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 2, after line 45, insert:
"F. A degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution in this state that receives monies from the spouses of military veterans tuition scholarship fund shall do both of the following:
1. Submit to the Arizona board of regents a full accounting of all arizona resident student tuition and fees that are collected by the institution and how the monies from the spouses of military veterans tuition scholarship fund are allocated to students.
2. Comply with all financial records or information requests that the institution RECEIVES from the Arizona board of regents or from the office of the auditor general.
G. on determining that a degree-granting private postsecondary educational institution is not complying with subsection F of this section, the Arizona board of regents may REFUSE TO DISTRIBUTE ADDITIONAL MONIES TO THE INSTITUTION PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION."
Amend title to conform