Second Regular Session H.B. 2865
(Reference to House engrossed bill)
Page 2, line 43, strike "natural"
Line 44, strike "resource conservation"; strike the comma insert "or"
Page 3, line 2, strike "section" insert "chapter"
Page 4, line 11, strike "to" insert "to ""
Line 17, strike ", not"
Strike lines 18 and 19, insert a colon
Strike lines 20 through 24, insert:
"1. Eight members who are from different geographic natural resource areas as defined by a statewide organization that represents all natural resource conservation districts in this state. Two members shall be appointed by the governor, three members shall be appointed by the president of the senate and three members shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The members appointed pursuant to this paragraph shall meet the following criteria:"
Line 25, strike "five" insert "six"
Line 27, strike "no" insert "not"
Line 29, after "(c)" insert "at least"
Line 30, strike "association of" insert "organization that represents all"; after "districts" insert "in this state"
Strike lines 31 through 35, insert:
"2. Three members who are appointed by the governor from any of the following and who serve at the pleasure of the governor:
(a) The state land commissioner or state land commissioner's designee.
(b) The director of the arizona DEPARTMENT of agriculture or the director's designee.
(c) The state forester or the state forester's designee.
(d) The director of the Arizona game and fish department or the director's designee.
B. The board shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The chairperson must be a member who represents a natural resource conservation district or soil and water conservation DISTRICT."
Reletter to conform
Page 4, line 36, after "board" insert "who are appointed pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section"
Page 5, lines 42 and 43, strike "district wide" insert "district-wide"
Page 24, line 39, strike "by the governor"
Amend title to conform