Fifty-sixth Legislature

Second Regular Session

House: NREW DPA 6-4-0-0

HB 2019: groundwater model; public inspection; challenge

Sponsor: Representative Griffin, LD 19

Caucus & COW


Requires the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to provide public access to information related to groundwater modeling used to evaluate assured water supply designations. 


The Groundwater Code’s Assured and Adequate Water Supply Program requires a developer to provide information on a proposed subdivision’s water supplies to ADWR before the property can be marketed. Specific requirements apply, depending on whether the subdivision is inside or outside an AMA (A.R.S. § 45-576).

A hydrologic study may include: 1) information on depth-to-static water levels over time; 2) physical availability of water; 3) natural recharge and discharge rates; 4) water level decline rates and trends; 5) projected water demand associated with the project; 6) the proposed source of supply; 6) and an evaluation of existing uses (ADWR Hydrologic Guidelines). 

An applicant for a determination of assured water supply is required to submit a hydrologic study, using a method of analysis approved by the Director of ADWR (A.C.C. R12-15-716(B)).


1.   Requires modeling used by ADWR to determine projected groundwater levels for the purpose of evaluating an application for a certificate or designation of an assured water supply to be made available at no cost to the public. 

2.   States that the information available to the public includes findings, conclusions, methods and assumptions.

3.   ☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRequires the Director of ADWR to establish a process for a party to challenge a model that is made available to the public.


Committee on Natural Resources, Energy & Water

1.   Eliminates the requirement for the Director of ADWR to establish a process for a party to challenge a model that is made available to the public.

2.   Requires ADWR to:

a)   post on its website, and invite public comment on, any assumptions anticipated to be included in a new groundwater model at least 90 days before the model will be used;

b)   at the close of the comment period, hold a public meeting to receive additional comments;

c) post all comments received and ADWR responses on their website; and

d)   include a statement with each comment indicating if the comment resulted in an addition, modification, revision or deletion of the assumption.

3.   Makes a technical change.



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